Citrix Hypervisor 8.2

Code name: "stockholm".

Released in June 2020.


Published class Certificate An X509 certificate used for TLS connections
Published field Certificate.fingerprint Use fingerprint_sha256 instead
Published field The host where the certificate is installed
Published field Certificate.not_after Date before which the certificate is valid
Published field Certificate.not_before Date after which the certificate is valid
Published field Certificate.uuid Unique identifier/object reference
Published field PUSB.speed USB device speed
Published field host.certificates List of certificates installed in the host
Published field host.editions List of all available product editions
Published message host.emergency_reset_server_certificate Delete the current TLS server certificate and replace by a new, self-signed one. This should only be used with extreme care.
Published message host.install_server_certificate Install the TLS server certificate.
Published message task.set_progress Set the task progress
Changed message host.set_power_on_mode Removed iLO script
Changed message host.set_ssl_legacy Legacy SSL no longer supported
Deprecated field host.ssl_legacy Legacy SSL no longer supported
Deprecated message pool.disable_ssl_legacy Legacy SSL no longer supported
Removed message pool.enable_ssl_legacy Legacy SSL no longer supported