XenServer 7.3

Code name: "inverness".

Released in December 2017.


Published class PUSB A physical USB device
Published class USB_group A group of compatible USBs across the resource pool
Published class VUSB Describes the vusb device
Published class vdi_nbd_server_info Details for connecting to a VDI using the Network Block Device protocol
Published field PGPU.compatibility_metadata PGPU metadata to determine whether a VGPU can migrate between two PGPUs
Published field PIF.igmp_snooping_status The IGMP snooping status of the corresponding network bridge
Published field PUSB.USB_group USB group the PUSB is contained in
Published field PUSB.description USB device description
Published field PUSB.host Physical machine that owns the USB device
Published field PUSB.other_config additional configuration
Published field PUSB.passthrough_enabled enabled for passthrough
Published field PUSB.path port path of USB device
Published field PUSB.product_desc product description of the USB device
Published field PUSB.product_id product id of the USB device
Published field PUSB.serial serial of the USB device
Published field PUSB.uuid Unique identifier/object reference
Published field PUSB.vendor_desc vendor description of the USB device
Published field PUSB.vendor_id vendor id of the USB device
Published field PUSB.version USB device version
Published field USB_group.PUSBs List of PUSBs in the group
Published field USB_group.VUSBs List of VUSBs using the group
Published field USB_group.name_description a notes field containing human-readable description
Published field USB_group.name_label a human-readable name
Published field USB_group.other_config Additional configuration
Published field USB_group.uuid Unique identifier/object reference
Published field VDI.cbt_enabled True if changed blocks are tracked for this VDI
Published field VGPU.compatibility_metadata VGPU metadata to determine whether a VGPU can migrate between two PGPUs
Published field VUSB.USB_group USB group used by the VUSB
Published field VUSB.VM VM that owns the VUSB
Published field VUSB.other_config Additional configuration
Published field VUSB.uuid Unique identifier/object reference
Published field host.PUSBs List of physical USBs in the host
Published field network.purpose Set of purposes for which the server will use this network
Published field pool.igmp_snooping_enabled true if IGMP snooping is enabled in the pool, false otherwise.
Published field pool_update.enforce_homogeneity Flag - if true, all hosts in a pool must apply this update
Published field pool_update.other_config additional configuration
Published field vdi_nbd_server_info.address An address on which the server can be reached; this can be IPv4, IPv6, or a DNS name.
Published field vdi_nbd_server_info.cert The TLS certificate of the server
Published field vdi_nbd_server_info.exportname The exportname to request over NBD. This holds details including an authentication token, so it must be protected appropriately. Clients should regard the exportname as an opaque string or token.
Published field vdi_nbd_server_info.port The TCP port
Published field vdi_nbd_server_info.subject For convenience, this redundant field holds a DNS (hostname) subject of the certificate. This can be a wildcard, but only for a certificate that has a wildcard subject and no concrete hostname subjects.
Published message PUSB.scan
Published message PUSB.set_passthrough_enabled
Published message USB_group.create
Published message USB_group.destroy
Published message VDI.data_destroy Delete the data of the snapshot VDI, but keep its changed block tracking metadata. When successful, this call changes the type of the VDI to cbt_metadata. This operation is idempotent: calling it on a VDI of type cbt_metadata results in a no-op, and no error will be thrown.
Published message VDI.disable_cbt Disable changed block tracking for the VDI. This call is only allowed on VDIs that support enabling CBT. It is an idempotent operation - disabling CBT for a VDI for which CBT is not enabled results in a no-op, and no error will be thrown.
Published message VDI.enable_cbt Enable changed block tracking for the VDI. This call is idempotent - enabling CBT for a VDI for which CBT is already enabled results in a no-op, and no error will be thrown.
Published message VDI.get_nbd_info Get details specifying how to access this VDI via a Network Block Device server. For each of a set of NBD server addresses on which the VDI is available, the return value set contains a vdi_nbd_server_info object that contains an exportname to request once the NBD connection is established, and connection details for the address. An empty list is returned if there is no network that has a PIF on a host with access to the relevant SR, or if no such network has been assigned an NBD-related purpose in its purpose field. To access the given VDI, any of the vdi_nbd_server_info objects can be used to make a connection to a server, and then the VDI will be available by requesting the exportname.
Published message VDI.list_changed_blocks Compare two VDIs in 64k block increments and report which blocks differ. This operation is not allowed when vdi_to is attached to a VM.
Published message VM.set_bios_strings Set custom BIOS strings to this VM. VM will be given a default set of BIOS strings, only some of which can be overridden by the supplied values. Allowed keys are: 'bios-vendor', 'bios-version', 'system-manufacturer', 'system-product-name', 'system-version', 'system-serial-number', 'enclosure-asset-tag', 'baseboard-manufacturer', 'baseboard-product-name', 'baseboard-version', 'baseboard-serial-number', 'baseboard-asset-tag', 'baseboard-location-in-chassis', 'enclosure-asset-tag'
Published message VUSB.create Create a new VUSB record in the database only
Published message VUSB.destroy Removes a VUSB record from the database
Published message VUSB.unplug Unplug the vusb device from the vm.
Published message network.add_purpose Give a network a new purpose (if not present already)
Published message network.remove_purpose Remove a purpose from a network (if present)
Published message pool.management_reconfigure Reconfigure the management network interface for all Hosts in the Pool
Published message pool.set_igmp_snooping_enabled Enable or disable IGMP Snooping on the pool.
Changed message host.get_server_certificate Now available to all RBAC roles.
Deprecated class crashdump
Deprecated message VM.get_boot_record Use the current VM record/fields instead
Removed message VDI.resize_online Online VDI resize is not supported by any of the storage backends.