XenServer 5.5

Code name: "george".

Released in June 2009.


Published class auth Management of remote authentication services
Published class subject A user or group that can log in xapi
Published field VIF.MAC_autogenerated true if the MAC was autogenerated; false indicates it was set manually
Published field host.external_auth_configuration configuration specific to external authentication service
Published field host.external_auth_service_name name of external authentication service configured; empty if none configured.
Published field host.external_auth_type type of external authentication service configured; empty if none configured.
Published field pool.wlb_enabled true if workload balancing is enabled on the pool, false otherwise
Published field pool.wlb_url Url for the configured workload balancing host
Published field pool.wlb_username Username for accessing the workload balancing host
Published field pool.wlb_verify_cert true if communication with the WLB server should enforce TLS certificate verification.
Published field session.auth_user_sid the subject identifier of the user that was externally authenticated. If a session instance has is_local_superuser set, then the value of this field is undefined.
Published field session.is_local_superuser true iff this session was created using local superuser credentials
Published field session.subject references the subject instance that created the session. If a session instance has is_local_superuser set, then the value of this field is undefined.
Published field session.validation_time time when session was last validated
Published field subject.other_config additional configuration
Published field subject.subject_identifier the subject identifier, unique in the external directory service
Published message VDI.set_sharable Sets the VDI's sharable field
Published message VM.retrieve_wlb_recommendations Returns mapping of hosts to ratings, indicating the suitability of starting the VM at that location according to wlb. Rating is replaced with an error if the VM cannot boot there.
Published message auth.get_group_membership This calls queries the external directory service to obtain the transitively-closed set of groups that the the subject_identifier is member of.
Published message auth.get_subject_identifier This call queries the external directory service to obtain the subject_identifier as a string from the human-readable subject_name
Published message auth.get_subject_information_from_identifier This call queries the external directory service to obtain the user information (e.g. username, organization etc) from the specified subject_identifier
Published message host.disable_external_auth This call disables external authentication on the local host
Published message host.enable_external_auth This call enables external authentication on a host
Published message host.get_server_certificate Get the installed server public TLS certificate.
Published message host.retrieve_wlb_evacuate_recommendations Retrieves recommended host migrations to perform when evacuating the host from the wlb server. If a VM cannot be migrated from the host the reason is listed instead of a recommendation.
Published message pool.certificate_install Install TLS CA certificate
Published message pool.certificate_list List installed TLS CA certificate
Published message pool.certificate_sync Copy the TLS CA certificates and CRLs of the master to all slaves.
Published message pool.certificate_uninstall Install TLS CA certificate
Published message pool.crl_install Install a TLS CA-issued Certificate Revocation List, pool-wide.
Published message pool.crl_list List the names of all installed TLS CA-issued Certificate Revocation Lists.
Published message pool.crl_uninstall Remove a pool-wide TLS CA-issued Certificate Revocation List.
Published message pool.deconfigure_wlb Permanently deconfigures workload balancing monitoring on this pool
Published message pool.detect_nonhomogeneous_external_auth This call asynchronously detects if the external authentication configuration in any slave is different from that in the master and raises appropriate alerts
Published message pool.disable_external_auth This call disables external authentication on all the hosts of the pool
Published message pool.enable_external_auth This call enables external authentication on all the hosts of the pool
Published message pool.initialize_wlb Initializes workload balancing monitoring on this pool with the specified wlb server
Published message pool.retrieve_wlb_configuration Retrieves the pool optimization criteria from the workload balancing server
Published message pool.retrieve_wlb_recommendations Retrieves vm migrate recommendations for the pool from the workload balancing server
Published message pool.send_test_post Send the given body to the given host and port, using HTTPS, and print the response. This is used for debugging the SSL layer.
Published message pool.send_wlb_configuration Sets the pool optimization criteria for the workload balancing server
Published message session.get_all_subject_identifiers Return a list of all the user subject-identifiers of all existing sessions
Published message session.logout_subject_identifier Log out all sessions associated to a user subject-identifier, except the session associated with the context calling this function
Deprecated class user Deprecated in favor of subject
Removed field VM_guest_metrics.memory Disabled in favour of the RRDs, to improve scalability