XenServer 7.5

Code name: "kolkata".

Released in May 2018.


Prototyped class Cluster
Prototyped class Cluster_host
Prototyped class probe_result
Prototyped class sr_stat
Prototyped field Cluster.cluster_config
Prototyped field Cluster.cluster_hosts
Prototyped field Cluster.cluster_stack
Prototyped field Cluster.cluster_token
Prototyped field Cluster.other_config
Prototyped field Cluster.pool_auto_join
Prototyped field Cluster.token_timeout the unit is milliseconds
Prototyped field Cluster.token_timeout_coefficient the unit is milliseconds
Prototyped field Cluster.uuid
Prototyped field Cluster_host.PIF
Prototyped field Cluster_host.cluster
Prototyped field Cluster_host.enabled
Prototyped field Cluster_host.host
Prototyped field Cluster_host.joined
Prototyped field Cluster_host.other_config
Prototyped field Cluster_host.uuid
Prototyped field probe_result.complete
Prototyped field probe_result.configuration
Prototyped field probe_result.extra_info
Prototyped field probe_result.sr
Prototyped field sr_stat.clustered
Prototyped field sr_stat.free_space
Prototyped field sr_stat.health
Prototyped field sr_stat.name_description
Prototyped field sr_stat.name_label
Prototyped field sr_stat.total_space
Prototyped field sr_stat.uuid
Prototyped message Cluster.create
Prototyped message Cluster.destroy
Prototyped message Cluster.get_network
Prototyped message Cluster.pool_create
Prototyped message Cluster.pool_destroy
Prototyped message Cluster.pool_force_destroy
Prototyped message Cluster.pool_resync
Prototyped message Cluster_host.create
Prototyped message Cluster_host.destroy
Prototyped message Cluster_host.disable
Prototyped message Cluster_host.enable
Prototyped message Cluster_host.force_destroy
Prototyped message SR.probe_ext
Published class network_sriov network-sriov which connects logical pif and physical pif
Published field PCI.driver_name Driver name
Published field PIF.PCI Link to underlying PCI device
Published field PIF.sriov_logical_PIF_of Indicates which network_sriov this interface is logical of
Published field PIF.sriov_physical_PIF_of Indicates which network_sriov this interface is physical of
Published field VM.domain_type The field is now valid
Published field VM_metrics.current_domain_type This field now contains valid data
Published field host.iscsi_iqn The initiator IQN for the host
Published field host.multipathing Specifies whether multipathing is enabled
Published field network_sriov.configuration_mode The mode for configure network sriov
Published field network_sriov.logical_PIF The logical PIF to connect to the SR-IOV network after enable SR-IOV on the physical PIF
Published field network_sriov.physical_PIF The PIF that has SR-IOV enabled
Published field network_sriov.requires_reboot Indicates whether the host need to be rebooted before SR-IOV is enabled on the physical PIF
Published message VM.set_domain_type Set the VM.domain_type field of the given VM, which will take effect when it is next started
Published message host.set_iscsi_iqn Sets the initiator IQN for the host
Published message host.set_multipathing Specifies whether multipathing is enabled
Published message network_sriov.create Enable SR-IOV on the specific PIF. It will create a network-sriov based on the specific PIF and automatically create a logical PIF to connect the specific network.
Published message network_sriov.destroy Disable SR-IOV on the specific PIF. It will destroy the network-sriov and the logical PIF accordingly.
Published message network_sriov.get_remaining_capacity Get the number of free SR-IOV VFs on the associated PIF
Deprecated field VM.HVM_boot_policy Replaced by VM.domain_type
Deprecated message VM.set_HVM_boot_policy Replaced by VM.set_domain_type