Class: SDN_controller

Describes the SDN controller that is to connect with the pool




string address [RO/constructor]
int port [RO/constructor]
enum sdn_controller_protocol protocol [RO/constructor]
string uuid [RO/runtime]


void forget (session ref, SDN_controller ref)
string get_address (session ref, SDN_controller ref)
SDN_controller ref set get_all (session ref)
(SDN_controller ref → SDN_controller record) map get_all_records (session ref)
SDN_controller ref get_by_uuid (session ref, string)
int get_port (session ref, SDN_controller ref)
enum sdn_controller_protocol get_protocol (session ref, SDN_controller ref)
SDN_controller record get_record (session ref, SDN_controller ref)
string get_uuid (session ref, SDN_controller ref)
SDN_controller ref introduce (session ref, enum sdn_controller_protocol, string, int)