json ocaml python


The SMAPIv3 storage interface provides an easy way to connect xapi to any storage type.

Who Is This For?

Your bit here

This is for anyone who has a storage system which is not supported by xapi out-of-the-box.

This is also for anyone who wants to manage their storage in a customized way. If you can make your volumes appear as Linux block devices or you can refer to the volumes via URIs of the form iscsi://, nfs://, or rbd://, then this documentation is for you.

No Xapi or Xen specific knowledge is required.

Status of This Documentation

This documentation is a draft intended for discussion, which happens through the issues on GitHub.



The xapi storage interface supports the following features:


When a virtual machine looks at its disk, it sees something which looks like a real physical disk. This is an illusion. In reality the bytes of data written to the "virtual disk" probably reside in a file in a filesystem or in a logical volume on some physical storage system that the VM cannot see.

We call the real physical storage system a Storage Repository (SR).

We call the virtual disks within the SR volumes.

Manipulating volumes

When a VM is installed, a volume will be created. Typically this volume will be deleted when the VM is uninstalled. The Xapi toolstack doesn't know how to manipulate volumes on your storage system directly; instead it delegates to "Volume plugins": implementation-specific plugins which know how to talk the storage-specific APIs. These volume plugins can be anything from simple scripts in domain 0 to sophisticated services running somewhere on the network.

Consider for example a system using Linux LVM, where individual LVs are mapped to VMs as virtual disks. The volume plugin for LVM could implement the Volume.create API by simply calling

lvcreate -n name -L 64GiB -Z n

Consider another example where volumes are simple sparse files stored on an NFS share. The volume plugin could implement the Volume.create API by simply calling:

dd if=/dev/zero count=1 skip=64G

Connecting volumes to VMs

VMs running on the Xen hypervisor use special shared-memory protocols to access their disks and network interfaces. There are several implementations of these protocols including:

With so many implementations to choose from, which one should we use for a given volume? This decision - and how to configure the implementation for maximum performance - is the job of the Datapath plugin.

Disks as URIs

Every volume has one or more URIs, which describe how to access the data within the volume. Examples include:

The Xapi toolstack takes the list of URIs provided by the Volume plugin and creates a connection between the VM and the disk. Xapi chooses a "Datapath plugin" based on the URI scheme. The Datapath plugin returns Xen-specific connection details, including choice of backend (kernel blkback or userspace qemu) and caching options.


The system is divided into two parts, intended for people with different expertise:

  1. Volume Plugin: this is the storage control-plane. Xapi delegates Volume manipulation requests to these plugins, which know how to operate on the physical storage which could be anything from an NFS/CIFS server, an iSCSI target or a Ceph deployment. No virtualisation knowledge is required to write a Volume Plugin. The volume plugin do not perform I/O directly, instead they associate volumes with URIs which encode a particular method for accessing the disk data. For example an NFS plugin could expose URIs of the form nfs://server/path/file
  2. Datapath Plugin: this is the storage data-plane. This is Xen-specific code which chooses the best way to connect VMs to individual disks. Xen expertise is needed to write a datapath plugin. Note that this code doesn't know about volumes; it only knows about specific volume access protocols such as NFS, iSCSI and RBD.

Volume Plugins

Clients such as OpenStack, CloudStack, XenCenter and Xen Orchestra create VMs and virtual disks by sending XenAPI requests to Xapi. Xapi doesn't know how to manipulate storage directly, so it delegates storage operations to a Volume Plugin. Each "Storage Repository" is associated with exactly one Volume Plugin. These plugins know how to

The following diagram shows a XenAPI client sending a VDI.create request causing Xapi to send a Volume.create request to a specific plugin:

Diagram showing a XenAPI client sending a VDI.create request causing Xapi to
send a Volume.create request to a plugin.

Datapath Plugins

The following diagram shows a XenAPI client sending a VM.start request. Xapi calls Volume.stat to list the available access methods for the VM's disks. The Ceph Volume Plugin returns a URL of the form rbd://server/pool so Xapi consults its "rbd" Datapath plugin and asks "how should I connect this datapath to the VM?". The datapath plugin tells Xapi to use QEMU qdisk's built-in support for RBD via librados, so Xapi tells libxl to set this up.

Diagram showing a XenAPI client sending a VM.start request.

Frequently Asked Questions

How Do I...

Test my code?

The OCaml and python generated code includes a convenient command-line parser so if you write:

module Cmds = Xapi_storage.Control.Sr(Cmdlinergen.Gen ())

Cmdliner.Term.eval_choice default_cmd ( (fun t -> t rpc) (Cmds.implementation ()))
class Implementation(xapi.volume.SR_skeleton):
curl ""

if __name__ == "__main__":
    cmd = xapi.volume.SR_commandline(Implementation())

You'll be able to run the command like this:

$ ./SR.attach
usage: SR.attach [-h] [-j] dbg uri
SR.attach: error: too few arguments

$ ./SR.attach -h
usage: SR.attach [-h] [-j] dbg uri

[attach uri]: attaches the SR to the local host. Once an SR is attached then
volumes may be manipulated.

positional arguments:
  dbg         Debug context from the caller
  uri         The Storage Repository URI

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -j, --json  Read json from stdin, print json to stdout

Although it's not enforced by the interface, plugin implementations should avoid interacting with the toolstack so that they can be easily tested in isolation.

Report dynamic properties like space consumption?

Dynamic properties like space consumption, bandwidth or latency should be exposed as "datasources". The SR.stat function should return a list of URIs pointing at these in "xenostats" format. The toolstack will hook up these datasources to the xcp-rrdd daemon which will record history. XenAPI clients can then use the RRD API to fetch the data, draw graphs etc.

Expose backend-specific functions?

curl "" -X DELETE

The SMAPIv3 is intended to be a generic API. Before extending the SMAPIv3 itself, first ask the question: would this make sense for 3 completely different storage stacks (e.g. consider Ceph, LVM over iSCSI and gfs2). If the concept is actually general then propose an SMAPIv3 update via a pull request. If the concept is actually backend-specific then consider adding a new XenAPI extension for it and name the API appropriately (e.g. "").

Call xapi?

Nothing in the interface prevents you from making RPC calls to xapi or other toolstack components, however doing so will make it more difficult to test your component in isolation.

In the past, a common reason to call xapi was to store data in the xapi database, for example the "sm-config" fields. This was unreliable because

It is strongly recommended to store all storage-related state on the storage medium. This ensures that the metadata has a "shared fate" with the data: if data is restored from backup, reverted to a snapshot, then so is the metadata.

Tie my cluster to the xapi Pool?

Ideally a storage cluster would be managed separately from a xapi pool, with it's own configuration and monitoring interfaces. The storage cluster could be very large (consider Ceph-style scale-out) while the xapi pool is designed to remain within a rack.

In the past, a common reason to tie a storage cluster to the xapi pool was to piggyback on the xapi notions of a single pool master, HA and inter-host authenticated RPC mechanisms to co-ordinate activities sych as vhd coalescing. If it is still necessary to tie a storage cluster to a xapi pool then the storage implementation should launch it's own "pool monitor" service which could use the xapi pool APIs to track host membership and master status. Note: this might require adding new capabilities to xapi's pool APIs, but they should not be part of the storage API itself.

Note: in the case where a particular storage implementation requires a particular HA cluster stack to be running, this can be declared in the Plugin.query call.


Below you can find the SMAPIv3 API Reference:


The xapi toolstack expects all plugins to support a basic query interface. This means that if you plan to implement both, a volume and a datapath plugin, make sure that both implement the query interface.

Type definitions


  "required_cluster_stack": [ "required_cluster_stack" ],
  "configuration": { "configuration": "configuration" },
  "features": [ "features" ],
  "required_api_version": "required_api_version",
  "version": "version",
  "copyright": "copyright",
  "vendor": "vendor",
  "description": "description",
  "name": "name",
  "plugin": "plugin"

type query_result = struct { ... } Properties of this implementation.


Name Type Description
plugin string Plugin name, used in the XenAPI as SR.type.
name string Short name.
description string Description.
vendor string Entity (e.g. company, project, group) which produced this implementation.
copyright string Copyright.
version string Version.
required_api_version string Minimum required API version.
features string list Features supported by this plugin.
configuration (string * string) list Key/description pairs describing required device_config parameters.
required_cluster_stack string list The plugin requires one of these cluster stacks to be active.


[ "srs" ]

type srs = string list

Interface: Plugin

Discover properties of this implementation. Every implementation must support the query interface or it will not be recognised as a storage plugin by xapi.

Method: query

Query this implementation and return its properties. This is called by xapi to determine whether it is compatible with xapi and to discover the supported features.


{ "method": "Plugin.query", "params": [ { "dbg": "dbg" } ], "id": 1 }
    let query_result = Client.query dbg in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Plugin.query({ dbg: "string" })


  "required_cluster_stack": [
    "required_cluster_stack_1", "required_cluster_stack_2"
  "configuration": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
  "features": [ "features_1", "features_2" ],
  "required_api_version": "required_api_version",
  "version": "version",
  "copyright": "copyright",
  "vendor": "vendor",
  "description": "description",
  "name": "name",
  "plugin": "plugin"
    let query_result = Client.query dbg in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Plugin_myimplementation(Plugin_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def query(self, dbg):
        Query this implementation and return its properties. This is
        called by xapi to determine whether it is compatible with xapi
        and to discover the supported features.
        return {"plugin": "string", "name": "string", "description": "string", "vendor": "string", "copyright": "string", "version": "string", "required_api_version": "string", "features": ["string"], "configuration": {"string": "string"}, "required_cluster_stack": ["string"]}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
unnamed out query_result Properties of this implementation.

Method: ls

[ls dbg]: returns a list of attached SRs


{ "method": "", "params": [ { "dbg": "dbg" } ], "id": 2 }
    let srs = dbg in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results ={ dbg: "string" })


[ "srs_1", "srs_2" ]
    let srs = dbg in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Plugin_myimplementation(Plugin_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def ls(self, dbg):
        [ls dbg]: returns a list of attached SRs
        return ["string"]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
srs out srs The attached SRs

Method: diagnostics

Returns a printable set of backend diagnostic information. Implementations are encouraged to include any data which will be useful to diagnose problems. Note this data should not include personally-identifiable data as it is intended to be automatically included in bug reports.


{ "method": "Plugin.diagnostics", "params": [ { "dbg": "dbg" } ], "id": 3 }
    let diagnostics = Client.diagnostics dbg in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Plugin.diagnostics({ dbg: "string" })


    let diagnostics = Client.diagnostics dbg in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Plugin_myimplementation(Plugin_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def diagnostics(self, dbg):
        Returns a printable set of backend diagnostic information.
        Implementations are encouraged to include any data which will
        be useful to diagnose problems. Note this data should not
        include personally-identifiable data as it is intended to be
        automatically included in bug reports.
        return "string"
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
diagnostics out string A string containing loggable human-readable diagnostics information



[ "Unimplemented", "exnt" ]

type exnt = variant { ... }


Name Type Description
Unimplemented string


The Datapath interfaces are provided to access the data stored in the volumes. The Datapath interface is used to open and close the disks for read/write operations from VMs and the Data interface is used for operations such as copy and mirror

Type definitions



type persistent = bool True means the disk data is persistent and should be preserved when the datapath is closed i.e. when a VM is shutdown or rebooted. False means the data should be thrown away when the VM is shutdown or rebooted.


  "backend_type": "backend_type",
  "extra": { "extra": "extra" },
  "params": "params"

type xendisk = struct { ... }


Name Type Description
params string Put into the "params" key in xenstore
extra (string * string) list Key-value pairs to be put into the "sm-data" subdirectory underneath the xenstore backend
backend_type string The name of the xenstore directory corresponding to the backend. For example "qdisk".


{ "path": "path" }

type block_device = struct { ... }


Name Type Description
path string Path to the system local block device. This is equivalent to the SMAPIv1 params.


{ "path": "path" }

type file = struct { ... }


Name Type Description
path string Path to the raw file


{ "uri": "uri" }

type nbd = struct { ... }


Name Type Description
uri string NBD URI of the form nbd:unix:<domain-socket>:exportname=<NAME> (this format is used by qemu-system:


    "backend_type": "backend_type",
    "extra": { "extra": "extra" },
    "params": "params"
[ "BlockDevice", { "path": "path" } ]
[ "File", { "path": "path" } ]
[ "Nbd", { "uri": "uri" } ]

type implementation = variant { ... }


Name Type Description
XenDisk xendisk This value can be used for ring connection.
BlockDevice block_device This value can be used for Domain0 block device access.
File file
Nbd nbd


  "implementations": [
        "backend_type": "backend_type",
        "extra": { "extra": "extra" },
        "params": "params"

type backend = struct { ... } A description of which Xen block backend to use. The toolstack needs this to setup the shared memory connection to blkfront in the VM.


Name Type Description
implementations implementation list Choice of implementation technologies.



type uri = string A URI representing the means for accessing the volume data. The interpretation of the URI is specific to the implementation. Xapi will choose which implementation to use based on the URI scheme.



type domain = string A string representing a Xen domain on the local host. The string is guaranteed to be unique per-domain but it is not guaranteed to take any particular form. It may (for example) be a Xen domain id, a Xen VM uuid or a Xenstore path or anything else chosen by the toolstack. Implementations should not assume the string has any meaning.


{ "ranges": [ [ 0, 0 ] ], "blocksize": 0 }

type blocklist = struct { ... } List of blocks for copying.


Name Type Description
blocksize int Size of the individual blocks.
ranges int64 * int64 list List of block ranges, where a range is a (start,length) pair, measured in units of [blocksize]


[ "Copy", [ "operation", "operation" ] ]
[ "Mirror", [ "operation", "operation" ] ]

type operation = variant { ... } The primary key for referring to a long-running operation.


Name Type Description
Copy string * string Copy (src,dst) represents an on-going copy operation from the [src] URI to the [dst] URI.
Mirror string * string Mirror (src,dst) represents an on-going mirror operation from the [src] URI to the [dst] URI.


{ "progress": 0.0, "failed": true }

type status = struct { ... } Status information for on-going tasks.


Name Type Description
failed bool [failed] will be set to true if the operation has failed for some reason.
progress float option [progress] will be returned for a copy operation, and ranges between 0 and 1.


[ [ "Copy", [ "operations", "operations" ] ] ]

type operations = operation list A list of operations.

Interface: Datapath

Xapi will call the functions here on VM start / shutdown / suspend / resume / migrate. Every function is idempotent. Every function takes a domain parameter which allows the implementation to track how many domains are currently using the volume.

Volumes must be attached via the following sequence of calls:

  1. [open url persistent] must be called first and is used to declare that the writes to the disks must either be persisted or not. [open] is not an exclusive operation - a disk may be opened on more than once host at once. The call returns unit or an error.

  2. [attach url domain] is then called. The domain parameter is advisory. Note that this call is currently only ever called once. In the future the call may be made multiple times with different [domain] parameters if the disk is attached to multiple domains. The return value from this call is the information required to attach the disk to a VM. This call is again, not exclusive. The volume may be attached to more than one host concurrently.

  3. [activate url domain] is called to activate the datapath. This must be called before the volume is to be used by the VM, and it is acceptible for this to be an exclusive operation, such that it is an error for a volume to be activated on more than one host simultaneously.

Method: open

[open uri persistent] is called before a disk is attached to a VM. If persistent is true then care should be taken to persist all writes to the disk. If persistent is false then the implementation should configure a temporary location for writes so they can be thrown away on [close].


  "method": "",
  "params": [ { "persistent": true, "uri": "uri", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 31
    let () = dbg uri persistent in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results ={ dbg: "string", uri: "string", persistent: True })


    let () = dbg uri persistent in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Datapath_myimplementation(Datapath_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def open(self, dbg, uri, persistent):
        [open uri persistent] is called before a disk is attached to a VM.
        If persistent is true then care should be taken to persist all writes
        to the disk. If persistent is false then the implementation should
        configure a temporary location for writes so they can be thrown away
        on [close].
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
uri in uri A URI which represents how to access the volume disk data.
persistent in persistent True means the disk data is persistent and should be preserved when the datapath is closed i.e. when a VM is shutdown or rebooted. False means the data should be thrown away when the VM is shutdown or rebooted.

Method: attach

[attach uri domain] prepares a connection between the storage named by [uri] and the Xen domain with id [domain]. The return value is the information needed by the Xen toolstack to setup the shared-memory blkfront protocol. Note that the same volume may be simultaneously attached to multiple hosts for example over a migrate. If an implementation needs to perform an explicit handover, then it should implement [activate] and [deactivate]. This function is idempotent.


  "method": "Datapath.attach",
  "params": [ { "domain": "domain", "uri": "uri", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 32
    let backend = Client.attach dbg uri domain in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Datapath.attach({ dbg: "string", uri: "string", domain: "string" })


  "implementations": [
        "backend_type": "backend_type",
        "extra": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
        "params": "params"
        "backend_type": "backend_type",
        "extra": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
        "params": "params"
    let backend = Client.attach dbg uri domain in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Datapath_myimplementation(Datapath_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def attach(self, dbg, uri, domain):
        [attach uri domain] prepares a connection between the storage named by
        [uri] and the Xen domain with id [domain]. The return value is the
        information needed by the Xen toolstack to setup the shared-memory
        blkfront protocol. Note that the same volume may be simultaneously
        attached to multiple hosts for example over a migrate. If an
        implementation needs to perform an explicit handover, then it should
        implement [activate] and [deactivate]. This function is idempotent.
        return {"implementations": [None]}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
uri in uri A URI which represents how to access the volume disk data.
domain in domain An opaque string which represents the Xen domain.
backend out backend A description of which Xen block backend to use. The toolstack needs this to setup the shared memory connection to blkfront in the VM.

Method: activate

[activate uri domain] is called just before a VM needs to read or write its disk. This is an opportunity for an implementation which needs to perform an explicit volume handover to do it. This function is called in the migration downtime window so delays here will be noticeable to users and should be minimised. This function is idempotent.


  "method": "Datapath.activate",
  "params": [ { "domain": "domain", "uri": "uri", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 33
    let () = Client.activate dbg uri domain in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Datapath.activate({ dbg: "string", uri: "string", domain: "string" })


    let () = Client.activate dbg uri domain in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Datapath_myimplementation(Datapath_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def activate(self, dbg, uri, domain):
        [activate uri domain] is called just before a VM needs to read or write
        its disk. This is an opportunity for an implementation which needs to
        perform an explicit volume handover to do it. This function is called
        in the migration downtime window so delays here will be noticeable to
        users and should be minimised. This function is idempotent.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
uri in uri A URI which represents how to access the volume disk data.
domain in domain An opaque string which represents the Xen domain.

Method: activate_readonly

[activate_readonly uri domain] is called just before a VM, or the control domain, needs to read a volume. A single volume may be activated readonly multiple times, including on multiple independent hosts. It is not permitted for a volume to be activated both readonly and read-write concurrently. Implementations shall declare the VDI_ACTIVATE_READONLY feature for this method to be supported. Once a volume is activated readonly it is required that all readonly activations are deactivated before any read-write activation is attempted. This function is idempotent and in all other respects is interchangeable with activate.


  "method": "Datapath.activate_readonly",
  "params": [ { "domain": "domain", "uri": "uri", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 34
    let () = Client.activate_readonly dbg uri domain in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Datapath.activate_readonly({ dbg: "string", uri: "string", domain: "string" })


    let () = Client.activate_readonly dbg uri domain in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Datapath_myimplementation(Datapath_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def activate_readonly(self, dbg, uri, domain):
        [activate_readonly uri domain] is called just before a VM, or the
        control domain, needs to read a volume. A single volume may be
        activated readonly multiple times, including on multiple independent
        hosts. It is not permitted for a volume to be activated both readonly
        and read-write concurrently. Implementations shall declare the
        VDI_ACTIVATE_READONLY feature for this method to be supported. Once a
        volume is activated readonly it is required that all readonly
        activations are deactivated before any read-write activation is
        attempted. This function is idempotent and in all other respects
        is interchangeable with activate.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
uri in uri A URI which represents how to access the volume disk data.
domain in domain An opaque string which represents the Xen domain.

Method: deactivate

[deactivate uri domain] is called as soon as a VM has finished reading or writing its disk. This is an opportunity for an implementation which needs to perform an explicit volume handover to do it. This function is called in the migration downtime window so delays here will be noticeable to users and should be minimised. This function is idempotent.


  "method": "Datapath.deactivate",
  "params": [ { "domain": "domain", "uri": "uri", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 35
    let () = Client.deactivate dbg uri domain in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Datapath.deactivate({ dbg: "string", uri: "string", domain: "string" })


    let () = Client.deactivate dbg uri domain in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Datapath_myimplementation(Datapath_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def deactivate(self, dbg, uri, domain):
        [deactivate uri domain] is called as soon as a VM has finished reading
        or writing its disk. This is an opportunity for an implementation which
        needs to perform an explicit volume handover to do it. This function is
        called in the migration downtime window so delays here will be
        noticeable to users and should be minimised. This function is idempotent.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
uri in uri A URI which represents how to access the volume disk data.
domain in domain An opaque string which represents the Xen domain.

Method: detach

[detach uri domain] is called sometime after a VM has finished reading or writing its disk. This is an opportunity to clean up any resources associated with the disk. This function is called outside the migration downtime window so can be slow without affecting users. This function is idempotent. This function should never fail. If an implementation is unable to perform some cleanup right away then it should queue the action internally. Any error result represents a bug in the implementation.


  "method": "Datapath.detach",
  "params": [ { "domain": "domain", "uri": "uri", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 36
    let () = Client.detach dbg uri domain in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Datapath.detach({ dbg: "string", uri: "string", domain: "string" })


    let () = Client.detach dbg uri domain in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Datapath_myimplementation(Datapath_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def detach(self, dbg, uri, domain):
        [detach uri domain] is called sometime after a VM has finished reading
        or writing its disk. This is an opportunity to clean up any resources
        associated with the disk. This function is called outside the migration
        downtime window so can be slow without affecting users. This function is
        idempotent. This function should never fail. If an implementation is
        unable to perform some cleanup right away then it should queue the
        action internally. Any error result represents a bug in the
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
uri in uri A URI which represents how to access the volume disk data.
domain in domain An opaque string which represents the Xen domain.

Method: close

[close uri] is called after a disk is detached and a VM shutdown. This is an opportunity to throw away writes if the disk is not persistent.


  "method": "Datapath.close",
  "params": [ { "uri": "uri", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 37
    let () = Client.close dbg uri in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Datapath.close({ dbg: "string", uri: "string" })


    let () = Client.close dbg uri in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Datapath_myimplementation(Datapath_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def close(self, dbg, uri):
        [close uri] is called after a disk is detached and a VM shutdown. This
        is an opportunity to throw away writes if the disk is not persistent.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
uri in uri A URI which represents how to access the volume disk data.

Interface: Data

This interface is used for long-running data operations such as copying the contents of volumes or mirroring volumes to remote destinations.

These operations are asynchronous and rely on the Tasks API to report results and errors.

To mirror a VDI a sequence of these API calls is required:

  1. Create a destination VDI using the Volume API on the destination SR. This must be the same size as the source. To minimize copying the destination VDI may be cloned from one that has been previously copied, as long as a disk from which the copy was made is still present on the source (even as a metadata-only disk)

  2. Arrange for the destination disk to be accessible on the source host by suitable URL. This may be nbd, iscsi, nfs or other URL.

  3. Start mirroring all new writes to the destination disk via the Data.mirror API call.

  4. Find the list of blocks to copy via the CBT API call. Note that if the destination volume has not been 'prezeroed' then all of the blocks must be copied to the destination.

  5. Start the background copy of the disk via a call to DATA.copy, passing in the list of blocks to copy. The plugin must ensure that the copy does not conflict with the mirror operation - ie., all writes from the mirror operation must not be overwritten by writes of old data from the copy operation.

  6. The progress of the copy operation may be queried via the Data.stat call.

  7. Once the copy operation has succesfully completed the destination disk will be a perfect mirror of the source.

Method: copy

[copy uri domain remotes blocks] copies [blocks] from the local disk to a remote URI. This may be called as part of a Volume Mirroring operation, and hence may need to cooperate with whatever process is currently mirroring writes to ensure data integrity is maintained. The [remote] parameter is a remotely accessible URI, for example, nbd:// that must contain all necessary authentication tokens


  "method": "Data.copy",
  "params": [
      "blocklist": { "ranges": [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], "blocksize": 0 },
      "remote": "remote",
      "domain": "domain",
      "uri": "uri",
      "dbg": "dbg"
  "id": 38
    let operation = Client.copy dbg uri domain remote blocklist in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Data.copy({ dbg: "string", uri: "string", domain: "string", remote: "string", blocklist: {"blocksize": long(0), "ranges": [[]]} })


[ "Copy", [ "Copy_1", "Copy_2" ] ]
    let operation = Client.copy dbg uri domain remote blocklist in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Data_myimplementation(Data_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def copy(self, dbg, uri, domain, remote, blocklist):
        [copy uri domain remotes blocks] copies [blocks] from the local disk
        to a remote URI. This may be called as part of a Volume Mirroring
        operation, and hence may need to cooperate with whatever process is
        currently mirroring writes to ensure data integrity is maintained.
        The [remote] parameter is a remotely accessible URI, for example,
        `nbd://` that must contain all necessary
        authentication tokens
        return None
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
uri in uri A URI which represents how to access the volume disk data.
domain in domain An opaque string which represents the Xen domain.
remote in uri A URI which represents how to access a remote volume disk data.
blocklist in blocklist List of blocks for copying.
operation out operation The primary key for referring to a long-running operation.

Method: mirror

[mirror uri domain remote] starts mirroring new writes to the volume to a remote URI (usually NBD). This is called as part of a volume mirroring process


  "method": "Data.mirror",
  "params": [
    { "remote": "remote", "domain": "domain", "uri": "uri", "dbg": "dbg" }
  "id": 39
    let operation = Client.mirror dbg uri domain remote in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Data.mirror({ dbg: "string", uri: "string", domain: "string", remote: "string" })


[ "Copy", [ "Copy_1", "Copy_2" ] ]
    let operation = Client.mirror dbg uri domain remote in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Data_myimplementation(Data_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def mirror(self, dbg, uri, domain, remote):
        [mirror uri domain remote] starts mirroring new writes to the volume
        to a remote URI (usually NBD). This is called as part of a volume
        mirroring process
        return None
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
uri in uri A URI which represents how to access the volume disk data.
domain in domain An opaque string which represents the Xen domain.
remote in uri A URI which represents how to access a remote volume disk data.
operation out operation The primary key for referring to a long-running operation.

Method: stat

[stat operation] returns the current status of [operation]. For a copy operation, this will contain progress information.


  "method": "Data.stat",
  "params": [
    { "operation": [ "Copy", [ "Copy_1", "Copy_2" ] ], "dbg": "dbg" }
  "id": 40
    let status = Client.stat dbg operation in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Data.stat({ dbg: "string", operation: None })


{ "progress": 0.0, "failed": true }
    let status = Client.stat dbg operation in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Data_myimplementation(Data_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def stat(self, dbg, operation):
        [stat operation] returns the current status of [operation]. For a
        copy operation, this will contain progress information.
        return {"failed": True, "progress": None}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
operation in operation The primary key for referring to a long-running operation.
unnamed out status Status information for on-going tasks.

Method: cancel

[cancel operation] cancels a long-running operation. Note that the call may return before the operation has finished.


  "method": "Data.cancel",
  "params": [
    { "operation": [ "Copy", [ "Copy_1", "Copy_2" ] ], "dbg": "dbg" }
  "id": 41
    let () = Client.cancel dbg operation in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Data.cancel({ dbg: "string", operation: None })


    let () = Client.cancel dbg operation in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Data_myimplementation(Data_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def cancel(self, dbg, operation):
        [cancel operation] cancels a long-running operation. Note that the
        call may return before the operation has finished.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
operation in operation The primary key for referring to a long-running operation.

Method: destroy

[destroy operation] destroys the information about a long-running operation. This should fail when run against an operation that is still in progress.


  "method": "Data.destroy",
  "params": [
    { "operation": [ "Copy", [ "Copy_1", "Copy_2" ] ], "dbg": "dbg" }
  "id": 42
    let () = Client.destroy dbg operation in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Data.destroy({ dbg: "string", operation: None })


    let () = Client.destroy dbg operation in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Data_myimplementation(Data_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def destroy(self, dbg, operation):
        [destroy operation] destroys the information about a long-running
        operation. This should fail when run against an operation that is
        still in progress.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
operation in operation The primary key for referring to a long-running operation.

Method: ls

[ls] returns a list of all current operations


{ "method": "", "params": [ { "dbg": "dbg" } ], "id": 43 }
    let operations = dbg in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results ={ dbg: "string" })


[ [ "Copy", [ "Copy_1", "Copy_2" ] ], [ "Copy", [ "Copy_1", "Copy_2" ] ] ]
    let operations = dbg in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Data_myimplementation(Data_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def ls(self, dbg):
        [ls] returns a list of all current operations
        return [None]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
unnamed out operations A list of operations.



[ "Unimplemented", "exnt" ]

type exnt = variant { ... }


Name Type Description
Unimplemented string


[ "Unimplemented", "exnt" ]

type exnt = variant { ... }


Name Type Description
Unimplemented string


The xapi toolstack delegates all storage control-plane functions to "Volume plugins".These plugins allow the toolstack to create/destroy/snapshot/clone volumes which are organised into groups called Storage Repositories (SR). Volumes have a set of URIs which can be used by the "Datapath plugins" to connect the disk data to VMs.

Type definitions


{ "configuration": "configuration" }

type configuration = (string * string) list Plugin-specific configuration which describes where and how to locate the storage repository. This may include the physical block device name, a remote NFS server and path or an RBD storage pool.


[ "Healthy", "health" ]
[ "Recovering", "health" ]

type health = variant { ... }


Name Type Description
Healthy string Storage is fully available
Recovering string Storage is busy recovering, e.g. rebuilding mirrors


  "health": [ "Healthy", "health" ],
  "clustered": true,
  "datasources": [ "datasources" ],
  "total_space": 0,
  "free_space": 0,
  "description": "description",
  "uuid": "uuid",
  "name": "name",
  "sr": "sr"

type sr_stat = struct { ... }


Name Type Description
sr string The URI identifying this volume. A typical value would be a file:// URI pointing to a directory or block device
name string Short, human-readable label for the SR.
uuid string option Uuid that uniquely identifies this SR, if one is available. For SRs that are created by SR.create, this should be the value passed into that call, if it is possible to persist it.
description string Longer, human-readable description of the SR. Descriptions are generally only displayed by clients when the user is examining SRs in detail.
free_space int64 Number of bytes free on the backing storage (in bytes)
total_space int64 Total physical size of the backing storage (in bytes)
datasources string list URIs naming datasources: time-varying quantities representing anything from disk access latency to free space. The entities named by these URIs are self-describing.
clustered bool Indicates whether the SR uses clustered local storage.
health health The health status of the SR.


  "extra_info": { "extra_info": "extra_info" },
  "sr": {
    "health": [ "Healthy", "health" ],
    "clustered": true,
    "datasources": [ "datasources" ],
    "total_space": 0,
    "free_space": 0,
    "description": "description",
    "uuid": "uuid",
    "name": "name",
    "sr": "sr"
  "complete": true,
  "configuration": { "configuration": "configuration" }

type probe_result = struct { ... }


Name Type Description
configuration (string * string) list Plugin-specific configuration which describes where and how to locate the storage repository. This may include the physical block device name, a remote NFS server and path or an RBD storage pool.
complete bool True if this configuration is complete and can be used to call SR.create or SR.attach. False if it requires further iterative calls to SR.probe, to potentially narrow down on a configuration that can be used.
sr sr_stat option Existing SR found for this configuration
extra_info (string * string) list Additional plugin-specific information about this configuration, that might be of use for an API user. This can for example include the LUN or the WWPN.


    "extra_info": { "extra_info": "extra_info" },
    "sr": {
      "health": [ "Healthy", "health" ],
      "clustered": true,
      "datasources": [ "datasources" ],
      "total_space": 0,
      "free_space": 0,
      "description": "description",
      "uuid": "uuid",
      "name": "name",
      "sr": "sr"
    "complete": true,
    "configuration": { "configuration": "configuration" }

type probe_results = probe_result list



type volume_type = variant { ... }


Name Type Description
Data unit Normal data volume
CBT_Metadata unit CBT Metadata only, data destroyed
Data_and_CBT_Metadata unit Both Data and CBT Metadata


  "cbt_enabled": true,
  "volume_type": "Data",
  "keys": { "keys": "keys" },
  "uri": [ "uri" ],
  "physical_utilisation": 0,
  "virtual_size": 0,
  "sharable": true,
  "read_write": true,
  "description": "description",
  "name": "name",
  "uuid": "uuid",
  "key": "key"

type volume = struct { ... }


Name Type Description
key string A primary key for this volume. The key must be unique within the enclosing Storage Repository (SR). A typical value would be a filename or an LVM volume name.
uuid string option A uuid (or guid) for the volume, if one is available. If a storage system has a built-in notion of a guid, then it will be returned here.
name string Short, human-readable label for the volume. Names are commonly used by when displaying short lists of volumes.
description string Longer, human-readable description of the volume. Descriptions are generally only displayed by clients when the user is examining volumes individually.
read_write bool True means the VDI may be written to, false means the volume is read-only. Some storage media is read-only so all volumes are read-only; for example .iso disk images on an NFS share. Some volume are created read-only; for example because they are snapshots of some other VDI.
sharable bool Indicates whether the VDI can be attached by multiple hosts at once. This is used for example by the HA statefile and XAPI redo log.
virtual_size int64 Size of the volume from the perspective of a VM (in bytes)
physical_utilisation int64 Amount of space currently used on the backing storage (in bytes)
uri string list A list of URIs which can be opened and by a datapath plugin for I/O. A URI could reference a local block device, a remote NFS share, iSCSI LUN or RBD volume. In cases where the data may be accessed over several protocols, the list should be sorted into descending order of desirability. Xapi will open the most desirable URI for which it has an available datapath plugin.
keys (string * string) list A list of key=value pairs which have been stored in the Volume metadata. These should not be interpreted by the Volume plugin.
volume_type volume_type option The content type of this volume
cbt_enabled bool option True means that the storage datapath will track changed dirty blocks while writing and will be able to provide CBT Metadata when requested


    "cbt_enabled": true,
    "volume_type": "Data",
    "keys": { "keys": "keys" },
    "uri": [ "uri" ],
    "physical_utilisation": 0,
    "virtual_size": 0,
    "sharable": true,
    "read_write": true,
    "description": "description",
    "name": "name",
    "uuid": "uuid",
    "key": "key"

type volumes = volume list A list of volumes



type key = string Primary key for a volume. This can be any string which is meaningful to the implementation. For example this could be an NFS filename, an LVM LV name or even a URI. This string is abstract.


{ "ranges": [ [ 0, 0 ] ], "blocksize": 0 }

type blocklist = struct { ... } List of blocks for copying.


Name Type Description
blocksize int Size of the individual blocks.
ranges int64 * int64 list List of block ranges, where a range is a (start,length) pair, measured in units of [blocksize]


[ "key_list" ]

type key_list = string list


{ "bitmap": "bitmap", "granularity": 0 }

type changed_blocks = struct { ... }


Name Type Description
granularity int One bit in the changed block bitmap indicates the status of an area of this size, in bytes.
bitmap string The changed blocks between two volumes as a base64-encoded string. The bits in the bitmap indicate the status of consecutive blocks of size [granularity] bytes. Each bit is set if the corresponding area has changed.

Interface: SR

Operations which act on Storage Repositories

Method: probe

[probe configuration]: can be used iteratively to narrow down configurations to use with SR.create, or to find existing SRs on the backing storage


  "method": "SR.probe",
  "params": [
      "configuration": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
      "dbg": "dbg"
  "id": 4
    let probe_result = Client.probe dbg configuration in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.SR.probe({ dbg: "string", configuration: {"string": "string"} })


    "extra_info": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
    "sr": {
      "health": [ "Healthy", "Healthy" ],
      "clustered": true,
      "datasources": [ "datasources_1", "datasources_2" ],
      "total_space": 0,
      "free_space": 0,
      "description": "description",
      "uuid": "optional_uuid",
      "name": "name",
      "sr": "sr"
    "complete": true,
    "configuration": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" }
    "extra_info": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
    "sr": {
      "health": [ "Healthy", "Healthy" ],
      "clustered": true,
      "datasources": [ "datasources_1", "datasources_2" ],
      "total_space": 0,
      "free_space": 0,
      "description": "description",
      "uuid": "optional_uuid",
      "name": "name",
      "sr": "sr"
    "complete": true,
    "configuration": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" }
    let probe_result = Client.probe dbg configuration in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class SR_myimplementation(SR_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def probe(self, dbg, configuration):
        [probe configuration]: can be used iteratively to narrow down configurations
        to use with SR.create, or to find existing SRs on the backing storage
        return [{"configuration": {"string": "string"}, "complete": True, "sr": None, "extra_info": {"string": "string"}}]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
configuration in configuration Plugin-specific configuration which describes where and how to locate the storage repository. This may include the physical block device name, a remote NFS server and path or an RBD storage pool.
probe_result out probe_results Contents of the storage device

Method: create

[create uuid configuration name description]: creates a fresh SR


  "method": "SR.create",
  "params": [
      "description": "description",
      "name": "name",
      "configuration": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
      "uuid": "uuid",
      "dbg": "dbg"
  "id": 5
    let configuration = Client.create dbg uuid configuration name description in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.SR.create({ dbg: "string", uuid: "string", configuration: {"string": "string"}, name: "string", description: "string" })


{ "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" }
    let configuration = Client.create dbg uuid configuration name description in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class SR_myimplementation(SR_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def create(self, dbg, uuid, configuration, name, description):
        [create uuid configuration name description]: creates a fresh SR
        return {"string": "string"}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
uuid in string A uuid to associate with the SR.
configuration in configuration Plugin-specific configuration which describes where and how to locate the storage repository. This may include the physical block device name, a remote NFS server and path or an RBD storage pool.
name in string Human-readable name for the SR
description in string Human-readable description for the SR
configuration out configuration Plugin-specific configuration which describes where and how to locate the storage repository. This may include the physical block device name, a remote NFS server and path or an RBD storage pool.

Method: attach

[attach configuration]: attaches the SR to the local host. Once an SR is attached then volumes may be manipulated.


  "method": "SR.attach",
  "params": [
      "configuration": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
      "dbg": "dbg"
  "id": 6
    let sr = Client.attach dbg configuration in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.SR.attach({ dbg: "string", configuration: {"string": "string"} })


    let sr = Client.attach dbg configuration in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class SR_myimplementation(SR_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def attach(self, dbg, configuration):
        [attach configuration]: attaches the SR to the local host. Once an SR is
        attached then volumes may be manipulated.
        return "string"
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
configuration in configuration Plugin-specific configuration which describes where and how to locate the storage repository. This may include the physical block device name, a remote NFS server and path or an RBD storage pool.
sr out string The Storage Repository

Method: detach

[detach sr]: detaches the SR, clearing up any associated resources. Once the SR is detached then volumes may not be manipulated.


  "method": "SR.detach",
  "params": [ { "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 7
    let () = Client.detach dbg sr in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.SR.detach({ dbg: "string", sr: "string" })


    let () = Client.detach dbg sr in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class SR_myimplementation(SR_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def detach(self, dbg, sr):
        [detach sr]: detaches the SR, clearing up any associated resources.
        Once the SR is detached then volumes may not be manipulated.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository

Method: destroy

[destroy sr]: destroys the [sr] and deletes any volumes associated with it. Note that an SR must be attached to be destroyed; otherwise Sr_not_attached is thrown.


  "method": "SR.destroy",
  "params": [ { "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 8
    let () = Client.destroy dbg sr in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.SR.destroy({ dbg: "string", sr: "string" })


    let () = Client.destroy dbg sr in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class SR_myimplementation(SR_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def destroy(self, dbg, sr):
        [destroy sr]: destroys the [sr] and deletes any volumes associated
        with it. Note that an SR must be attached to be destroyed; otherwise
        Sr_not_attached is thrown.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository

Method: stat

[stat sr] returns summary metadata associated with [sr]. Note this call does not return details of sub-volumes, see


{ "method": "SR.stat", "params": [ { "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ], "id": 9 }
    let sr = Client.stat dbg sr in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.SR.stat({ dbg: "string", sr: "string" })


  "health": [ "Healthy", "Healthy" ],
  "clustered": true,
  "datasources": [ "datasources_1", "datasources_2" ],
  "total_space": 0,
  "free_space": 0,
  "description": "description",
  "uuid": "optional_uuid",
  "name": "name",
  "sr": "sr"
    let sr = Client.stat dbg sr in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class SR_myimplementation(SR_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def stat(self, dbg, sr):
        [stat sr] returns summary metadata associated with [sr]. Note this
        call does not return details of sub-volumes, see
        return {"sr": "string", "name": "string", "uuid": None, "description": "string", "free_space": long(0), "total_space": long(0), "datasources": ["string"], "clustered": True, "health": None}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
sr out sr_stat SR metadata

Method: set_name

[set_name sr new_name] changes the name of [sr]


  "method": "SR.set_name",
  "params": [ { "new_name": "new_name", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 10
    let () = Client.set_name dbg sr new_name in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.SR.set_name({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", new_name: "string" })


    let () = Client.set_name dbg sr new_name in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class SR_myimplementation(SR_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def set_name(self, dbg, sr, new_name):
        [set_name sr new_name] changes the name of [sr]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
new_name in string The new name of the SR

Method: set_description

[set_description sr new_description] changes the description of [sr]


  "method": "SR.set_description",
  "params": [
    { "new_description": "new_description", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" }
  "id": 11
    let () = Client.set_description dbg sr new_description in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.SR.set_description({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", new_description: "string" })


    let () = Client.set_description dbg sr new_description in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class SR_myimplementation(SR_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def set_description(self, dbg, sr, new_description):
        [set_description sr new_description] changes the description of [sr]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
new_description in string The new description for the SR

Method: ls

[ls sr] returns a list of volumes contained within an attached SR.


{ "method": "", "params": [ { "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ], "id": 12 }
    let volumes = dbg sr in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results ={ dbg: "string", sr: "string" })


    "cbt_enabled": true,
    "volume_type": "Data",
    "keys": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
    "uri": [ "uri_1", "uri_2" ],
    "physical_utilisation": 0,
    "virtual_size": 0,
    "sharable": true,
    "read_write": true,
    "description": "description",
    "name": "name",
    "uuid": "optional_uuid",
    "key": "key"
    "cbt_enabled": true,
    "volume_type": "Data",
    "keys": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
    "uri": [ "uri_1", "uri_2" ],
    "physical_utilisation": 0,
    "virtual_size": 0,
    "sharable": true,
    "read_write": true,
    "description": "description",
    "name": "name",
    "uuid": "optional_uuid",
    "key": "key"
    let volumes = dbg sr in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class SR_myimplementation(SR_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def ls(self, dbg, sr):
        [ls sr] returns a list of volumes contained within an attached SR.
        return [{"key": "string", "uuid": None, "name": "string", "description": "string", "read_write": True, "sharable": True, "virtual_size": long(0), "physical_utilisation": long(0), "uri": ["string"], "keys": {"string": "string"}, "volume_type": None, "cbt_enabled": None}]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
volumes out volumes A list of volumes

Interface: Volume

Operations which operate on volumes (also known as Virtual Disk Images)

Method: create

[create sr name description size] creates a new volume in [sr] with [name] and [description]. The volume will have size >= [size] i.e. it is always permissable for an implementation to round-up the volume to the nearest convenient block size


  "method": "Volume.create",
  "params": [
      "sharable": true,
      "size": 0,
      "description": "description",
      "name": "name",
      "sr": "sr",
      "dbg": "dbg"
  "id": 13
    let volume = Client.create dbg sr name description size sharable in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.create({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", name: "string", description: "string", size: long(0), sharable: True })


  "cbt_enabled": true,
  "volume_type": "Data",
  "keys": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
  "uri": [ "uri_1", "uri_2" ],
  "physical_utilisation": 0,
  "virtual_size": 0,
  "sharable": true,
  "read_write": true,
  "description": "description",
  "name": "name",
  "uuid": "optional_uuid",
  "key": "key"
    let volume = Client.create dbg sr name description size sharable in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def create(self, dbg, sr, name, description, size, sharable):
        [create sr name description size] creates a new volume in [sr] with
        [name] and [description]. The volume will have size >= [size] i.e. it
        is always permissable for an implementation to round-up the volume to
        the nearest convenient block size
        return {"key": "string", "uuid": None, "name": "string", "description": "string", "read_write": True, "sharable": True, "virtual_size": long(0), "physical_utilisation": long(0), "uri": ["string"], "keys": {"string": "string"}, "volume_type": None, "cbt_enabled": None}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
name in string A human-readable name to associate with the new disk. This name is intended to be short, to be a good summary of the disk.
description in string A human-readable description to associate with the new disk. This can be arbitrarily long, up to the general string size limit.
size in int64 A minimum size (in bytes) for the disk. Depending on the characteristics of the implementation this may be rounded up to (for example) the nearest convenient block size. The created disk will not be smaller than this size.
sharable in bool Indicates whether the VDI can be attached by multiple hosts at once. This is used for example by the HA statefile and XAPI redo log.
volume out volume Properties of the volume

Method: snapshot

[snapshot sr volume] creates a new volue which is a snapshot of [volume] in [sr]. Snapshots should never be written to; they are intended for backup/restore only. Note the name and description are copied but any extra metadata associated by [set] is not copied. This can raise Activated_on_another_host(host_installation_uuid) if the VDI is already active on another host and snapshots can only be taken on the host that has the VDI active (if any). XAPI will take care of redirecting the request to the proper host


  "method": "Volume.snapshot",
  "params": [ { "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 14
    let volume = Client.snapshot dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.snapshot({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string" })


  "cbt_enabled": true,
  "volume_type": "Data",
  "keys": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
  "uri": [ "uri_1", "uri_2" ],
  "physical_utilisation": 0,
  "virtual_size": 0,
  "sharable": true,
  "read_write": true,
  "description": "description",
  "name": "name",
  "uuid": "optional_uuid",
  "key": "key"
    let volume = Client.snapshot dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def snapshot(self, dbg, sr, key):
        [snapshot sr volume] creates a new volue which is a  snapshot of
        [volume] in [sr]. Snapshots should never be written to; they are
        intended for backup/restore only. Note the name and description are
        copied but any extra metadata associated by [set] is not copied.
        This can raise Activated_on_another_host(host_installation_uuid)
        if the VDI is already active on another host and snapshots
        can only be taken on the host that has the VDI active (if any).
        XAPI will take care of redirecting the request to the proper host
        return {"key": "string", "uuid": None, "name": "string", "description": "string", "read_write": True, "sharable": True, "virtual_size": long(0), "physical_utilisation": long(0), "uri": ["string"], "keys": {"string": "string"}, "volume_type": None, "cbt_enabled": None}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
volume out volume Properties of the volume

Method: clone

[clone sr volume] creates a new volume which is a writable clone of [volume] in [sr]. Note the name and description are copied but any extra metadata associated by [set] is not copied.


  "method": "Volume.clone",
  "params": [ { "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 15
    let volume = Client.clone dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.clone({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string" })


  "cbt_enabled": true,
  "volume_type": "Data",
  "keys": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
  "uri": [ "uri_1", "uri_2" ],
  "physical_utilisation": 0,
  "virtual_size": 0,
  "sharable": true,
  "read_write": true,
  "description": "description",
  "name": "name",
  "uuid": "optional_uuid",
  "key": "key"
    let volume = Client.clone dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def clone(self, dbg, sr, key):
        [clone sr volume] creates a new volume which is a writable clone of
        [volume] in [sr]. Note the name and description are copied but any
        extra metadata associated by [set] is not copied.
        return {"key": "string", "uuid": None, "name": "string", "description": "string", "read_write": True, "sharable": True, "virtual_size": long(0), "physical_utilisation": long(0), "uri": ["string"], "keys": {"string": "string"}, "volume_type": None, "cbt_enabled": None}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
volume out volume Properties of the volume

Method: copy

[copy sr volume dest_sr] creates a new volume as a writeable copy of [volume] in [dest_sr]. [dest_sr] may be the same as [sr] and the operation may be rejected if the volume management plugin cannot copy a volume between different SRs. It is expected that this operation is accelerated by the implementation and is more efficient than a blockwise replication through the local host. This operation should only be called if the plugin declares the VDI_COPY feature in the query response. If the operation is rejected then the caller will be expected to fall back to performing a blockwise copy.


  "method": "Volume.copy",
  "params": [
    { "dest_sr": "dest_sr", "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" }
  "id": 16
    let volume = Client.copy dbg sr key dest_sr in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.copy({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string", dest_sr: "string" })


  "cbt_enabled": true,
  "volume_type": "Data",
  "keys": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
  "uri": [ "uri_1", "uri_2" ],
  "physical_utilisation": 0,
  "virtual_size": 0,
  "sharable": true,
  "read_write": true,
  "description": "description",
  "name": "name",
  "uuid": "optional_uuid",
  "key": "key"
    let volume = Client.copy dbg sr key dest_sr in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def copy(self, dbg, sr, key, dest_sr):
        [copy sr volume dest_sr] creates a new volume as a writeable copy of
        [volume] in [dest_sr]. [dest_sr] may be the same as [sr] and the operation
        may be rejected if the volume management plugin cannot copy a volume
        between different SRs. It is expected that this operation is accelerated
        by the implementation and is more efficient than a blockwise replication
        through the local host. This operation should only be called if the plugin
        declares the VDI_COPY feature in the query response. If the operation is
        rejected then the caller will be expected to fall back to performing a
        blockwise copy.
        return {"key": "string", "uuid": None, "name": "string", "description": "string", "read_write": True, "sharable": True, "virtual_size": long(0), "physical_utilisation": long(0), "uri": ["string"], "keys": {"string": "string"}, "volume_type": None, "cbt_enabled": None}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
dest_sr in string The Destination Storage Repository
volume out volume Properties of the volume

Method: destroy

[destroy sr volume] removes [volume] from [sr]


  "method": "Volume.destroy",
  "params": [ { "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 17
    let () = Client.destroy dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.destroy({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string" })


    let () = Client.destroy dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def destroy(self, dbg, sr, key):
        [destroy sr volume] removes [volume] from [sr]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key

Method: set_name

[set_name sr volume new_name] changes the name of [volume]


  "method": "Volume.set_name",
  "params": [
    { "new_name": "new_name", "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" }
  "id": 18
    let () = Client.set_name dbg sr key new_name in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.set_name({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string", new_name: "string" })


    let () = Client.set_name dbg sr key new_name in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def set_name(self, dbg, sr, key, new_name):
        [set_name sr volume new_name] changes the name of [volume]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
new_name in string New name

Method: set_description

[set_description sr volume new_description] changes the description of [volume]


  "method": "Volume.set_description",
  "params": [
      "new_description": "new_description",
      "key": "key",
      "sr": "sr",
      "dbg": "dbg"
  "id": 19
    let () = Client.set_description dbg sr key new_description in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.set_description({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string", new_description: "string" })


    let () = Client.set_description dbg sr key new_description in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def set_description(self, dbg, sr, key, new_description):
        [set_description sr volume new_description] changes the description
        of [volume]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
new_description in string New description

Method: set

[set sr volume key value] associates [key] with [value] in the metadata of [volume] Note these keys and values are not interpreted by the plugin; they are intended for the higher-level software only.


  "method": "Volume.set",
  "params": [
    { "v": "v", "k": "k", "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" }
  "id": 20
    let () = Client.set dbg sr key k v in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.set({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string", k: "string", v: "string" })


    let () = Client.set dbg sr key k v in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def set(self, dbg, sr, key, k, v):
        [set sr volume key value] associates [key] with [value] in the
        metadata of [volume] Note these keys and values are not interpreted
        by the plugin; they are intended for the higher-level software only.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
k in string Key
v in string Value

Method: unset

[unset sr volume key] removes [key] and any value associated with it from the metadata of [volume] Note these keys and values are not interpreted by the plugin; they are intended for the higher-level software only.


  "method": "Volume.unset",
  "params": [ { "k": "k", "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 21
    let () = Client.unset dbg sr key k in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.unset({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string", k: "string" })


    let () = Client.unset dbg sr key k in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def unset(self, dbg, sr, key, k):
        [unset sr volume key] removes [key] and any value associated with it
        from the metadata of [volume] Note these keys and values are not
        interpreted by the plugin; they are intended for the higher-level
        software only.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
k in string Key

Method: resize

[resize sr volume new_size] enlarges [volume] to be at least [new_size].


  "method": "Volume.resize",
  "params": [ { "new_size": 0, "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 22
    let () = Client.resize dbg sr key new_size in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.resize({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string", new_size: long(0) })


    let () = Client.resize dbg sr key new_size in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def resize(self, dbg, sr, key, new_size):
        [resize sr volume new_size] enlarges [volume] to be at least
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
new_size in int64 New disk size

Method: stat

[stat sr volume] returns metadata associated with [volume].


  "method": "Volume.stat",
  "params": [ { "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 23
    let volume = Client.stat dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.stat({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string" })


  "cbt_enabled": true,
  "volume_type": "Data",
  "keys": { "field_1": "value_1", "field_2": "value_2" },
  "uri": [ "uri_1", "uri_2" ],
  "physical_utilisation": 0,
  "virtual_size": 0,
  "sharable": true,
  "read_write": true,
  "description": "description",
  "name": "name",
  "uuid": "optional_uuid",
  "key": "key"
    let volume = Client.stat dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def stat(self, dbg, sr, key):
        [stat sr volume] returns metadata associated with [volume].
        return {"key": "string", "uuid": None, "name": "string", "description": "string", "read_write": True, "sharable": True, "virtual_size": long(0), "physical_utilisation": long(0), "uri": ["string"], "keys": {"string": "string"}, "volume_type": None, "cbt_enabled": None}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
volume out volume Properties of the volume

Method: compare

[compare sr volume1 volume2] compares the two volumes and returns a result of type blocklist that describes the differences between the two volumes. If the two volumes are unrelated, or the second volume does not exist, the result will be a list of the blocks that are non-empty in volume1. If this information is not available to the plugin, it should return a result indicating that all blocks are in use.


  "method": "",
  "params": [ { "key2": "key2", "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 24
    let blocklist = dbg sr key key2 in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results ={ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string", key2: "string" })


{ "ranges": [ [ 0, 0 ], [ 0, 0 ] ], "blocksize": 0 }
    let blocklist = dbg sr key key2 in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def compare(self, dbg, sr, key, key2):
        [compare sr volume1 volume2] compares the two volumes and returns a
        result of type blocklist that describes the differences between the
        two volumes. If the two volumes are unrelated, or the second volume
        does not exist, the result will be a list of the blocks that are
        non-empty in volume1. If this information is not available to the
        plugin, it should return a result indicating that all blocks are in
        return {"blocksize": long(0), "ranges": [[]]}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
key2 in key The volume key
unnamed out blocklist List of blocks for copying.

Method: similar_content

[similar_content sr volume] returns a list of VDIs which have similar content to [vdi]


  "method": "Volume.similar_content",
  "params": [ { "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 25
    let key list = Client.similar_content dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.similar_content({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string" })


[ "key list_1", "key list_2" ]
    let key list = Client.similar_content dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def similar_content(self, dbg, sr, key):
        [similar_content sr volume] returns a list of VDIs which have similar
        content to [vdi]
        return ["string"]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
key list out key_list List of volume keys

Method: enable_cbt

[enable_cbt sr volume] enables Changed Block Tracking for [volume]


  "method": "Volume.enable_cbt",
  "params": [ { "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 26
    let () = Client.enable_cbt dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.enable_cbt({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string" })


    let () = Client.enable_cbt dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def enable_cbt(self, dbg, sr, key):
        [enable_cbt sr volume] enables Changed Block Tracking for [volume]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key

Method: disable_cbt

[disable_cbt sr volume] disables Changed Block Tracking for [volume]


  "method": "Volume.disable_cbt",
  "params": [ { "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 27
    let () = Client.disable_cbt dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.disable_cbt({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string" })


    let () = Client.disable_cbt dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def disable_cbt(self, dbg, sr, key):
        [disable_cbt sr volume] disables Changed Block Tracking for [volume]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key

Method: data_destroy

[data_destroy sr volume] deletes the data of the snapshot [volume] without deleting its changed block tracking metadata


  "method": "Volume.data_destroy",
  "params": [ { "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 28
    let () = Client.data_destroy dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.data_destroy({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string" })


    let () = Client.data_destroy dbg sr key in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def data_destroy(self, dbg, sr, key):
        [data_destroy sr volume] deletes the data of the snapshot [volume]
        without deleting its changed block tracking metadata
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key

Method: list_changed_blocks

[list_changed_blocks sr volume1 volume2 offset length] returns the blocks that have changed between [volume1] and [volume2] in the extent specified by the given [offset] and [length] as a base64-encoded bitmap string. If this extent is not aligned to the granularity of the returned bitmap, then the bitmap will cover the area extended to the nearest block boundaries.


  "method": "Volume.list_changed_blocks",
  "params": [
      "length": 0,
      "offset": 0,
      "key2": "key2",
      "key": "key",
      "sr": "sr",
      "dbg": "dbg"
  "id": 29
    let changed_blocks = Client.list_changed_blocks dbg sr key key2 offset length in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.list_changed_blocks({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string", key2: "string", offset: long(0), length: long(0) })


{ "bitmap": "bitmap", "granularity": 0 }
    let changed_blocks = Client.list_changed_blocks dbg sr key key2 offset length in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def list_changed_blocks(self, dbg, sr, key, key2, offset, length):
        [list_changed_blocks sr volume1 volume2 offset length] returns the
        blocks that have changed between [volume1] and [volume2] in the extent
        specified by the given [offset] and [length] as a base64-encoded
        bitmap string. If this extent is not aligned to the granularity of the
        returned bitmap, then the bitmap will cover the area extended to the
        nearest block boundaries.
        return {"granularity": long(0), "bitmap": "string"}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
key2 in key The volume key
offset in int64 The offset of the extent for which changed blocks should be computed
length in int The length of the extent for which changed blocks should be computed
changed_blocks out changed_blocks The changed blocks between two volumes in the specified extent

Method: compose

[compose sr volume1 volume2] layers the updates from [volume2] onto [volume1], modifying [volume2]. Implementations shall declare the VDI_COMPOSE feature for this method to be supported.


  "method": "Volume.compose",
  "params": [ { "key2": "key2", "key": "key", "sr": "sr", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 30
    let () = Client.compose dbg sr key key2 in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Volume.compose({ dbg: "string", sr: "string", key: "string", key2: "string" })


    let () = Client.compose dbg sr key key2 in
with Exn (Sr_not_attached str) -> ...
| Exn (SR_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Volume_does_not_exist str) -> ...
| Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...
| Exn (Cancelled str) -> ...
| Exn (Activated_on_another_host str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Volume_myimplementation(Volume_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def compose(self, dbg, sr, key, key2):
        [compose sr volume1 volume2] layers the updates from [volume2] onto
        [volume1], modifying [volume2]. Implementations shall declare the
        VDI_COMPOSE feature for this method to be supported.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
sr in string The Storage Repository
key in key The volume key
key2 in key The volume key



[ "Sr_not_attached", "exns" ]
[ "SR_does_not_exist", "exns" ]
[ "Volume_does_not_exist", "exns" ]
[ "Unimplemented", "exns" ]
[ "Cancelled", "exns" ]
[ "Activated_on_another_host", "exns" ]

type exns = variant { ... }


Name Type Description
Sr_not_attached string An SR must be attached in order to access volumes
SR_does_not_exist string The specified SR could not be found
Volume_does_not_exist string The specified volume could not be found in the SR
Unimplemented string The operation has not been implemented
Cancelled string The operation has been cancelled
Activated_on_another_host string The Volume is already active on another host


[ "Sr_not_attached", "exns" ]
[ "SR_does_not_exist", "exns" ]
[ "Volume_does_not_exist", "exns" ]
[ "Unimplemented", "exns" ]
[ "Cancelled", "exns" ]
[ "Activated_on_another_host", "exns" ]

type exns = variant { ... }


Name Type Description
Sr_not_attached string An SR must be attached in order to access volumes
SR_does_not_exist string The specified SR could not be found
Volume_does_not_exist string The specified volume could not be found in the SR
Unimplemented string The operation has not been implemented
Cancelled string The operation has been cancelled
Activated_on_another_host string The Volume is already active on another host


The Task interface is required if the backend supports long-running tasks.

Type definitions



type id = string Unique identifier for a task.



type volume_type = variant { ... }


Name Type Description
Data unit Normal data volume
CBT_Metadata unit CBT Metadata only, data destroyed
Data_and_CBT_Metadata unit Both Data and CBT Metadata


  "cbt_enabled": true,
  "volume_type": "Data",
  "keys": { "keys": "keys" },
  "uri": [ "uri" ],
  "physical_utilisation": 0,
  "virtual_size": 0,
  "sharable": true,
  "read_write": true,
  "description": "description",
  "name": "name",
  "uuid": "uuid",
  "key": "key"

type volume = struct { ... }


Name Type Description
key string A primary key for this volume. The key must be unique within the enclosing Storage Repository (SR). A typical value would be a filename or an LVM volume name.
uuid string option A uuid (or guid) for the volume, if one is available. If a storage system has a built-in notion of a guid, then it will be returned here.
name string Short, human-readable label for the volume. Names are commonly used by when displaying short lists of volumes.
description string Longer, human-readable description of the volume. Descriptions are generally only displayed by clients when the user is examining volumes individually.
read_write bool True means the VDI may be written to, false means the volume is read-only. Some storage media is read-only so all volumes are read-only; for example .iso disk images on an NFS share. Some volume are created read-only; for example because they are snapshots of some other VDI.
sharable bool Indicates whether the VDI can be attached by multiple hosts at once. This is used for example by the HA statefile and XAPI redo log.
virtual_size int64 Size of the volume from the perspective of a VM (in bytes)
physical_utilisation int64 Amount of space currently used on the backing storage (in bytes)
uri string list A list of URIs which can be opened and by a datapath plugin for I/O. A URI could reference a local block device, a remote NFS share, iSCSI LUN or RBD volume. In cases where the data may be accessed over several protocols, the list should be sorted into descending order of desirability. Xapi will open the most desirable URI for which it has an available datapath plugin.
keys (string * string) list A list of key=value pairs which have been stored in the Volume metadata. These should not be interpreted by the Volume plugin.
volume_type volume_type option The content type of this volume
cbt_enabled bool option True means that the storage datapath will track changed dirty blocks while writing and will be able to provide CBT Metadata when requested


    "cbt_enabled": true,
    "volume_type": "Data",
    "keys": { "keys": "keys" },
    "uri": [ "uri" ],
    "physical_utilisation": 0,
    "virtual_size": 0,
    "sharable": true,
    "read_write": true,
    "description": "description",
    "name": "name",
    "uuid": "uuid",
    "key": "key"

type async_result_t = variant { ... }


Name Type Description
UnitResult unit
Volume volume


{ "result": "UnitResult", "duration": 0.0 }

type completion_t = struct { ... }


Name Type Description
duration float
result async_result_t option


[ "Pending", 0.0 ]
[ "Completed", { "result": "UnitResult", "duration": 0.0 } ]
[ "Failed", "state" ]

type state = variant { ... }


Name Type Description
Pending float The task is in progress, with progress info from 0..1.
Completed completion_t
Failed string


  "state": [ "Pending", 0.0 ],
  "ctime": 0.0,
  "debug_info": "debug_info",
  "id": "id"

type task = struct { ... }


Name Type Description
id string
debug_info string
ctime float
state state


[ "task_list" ]

type task_list = string list

Interface: Task

The task interface is for querying the status of asynchronous tasks. All long-running operations are associated with tasks, including copying and mirroring of data.

Method: stat

[stat task_id] returns the status of the task


  "method": "Task.stat",
  "params": [ { "id": "id", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 44
    let result = Client.stat dbg id in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Task.stat({ dbg: "string", id: "string" })


  "state": [ "Pending", 0.0 ],
  "ctime": 0.0,
  "debug_info": "debug_info",
  "id": "id"
    let result = Client.stat dbg id in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Task_myimplementation(Task_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def stat(self, dbg, id):
        [stat task_id] returns the status of the task
        return {"id": "string", "debug_info": "string", "ctime": 1.1, "state": None}
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
id in id Unique identifier for a task.
result out task

Method: cancel

[cancel task_id] performs a best-effort cancellation of an ongoing task. The effect of this should leave the system in one of two states: Either that the task has completed successfully, or that it had never been made at all. The call should return immediately and the status of the task can the be queried via the [stat] call.


  "method": "Task.cancel",
  "params": [ { "id": "id", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 45
    let () = Client.cancel dbg id in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Task.cancel({ dbg: "string", id: "string" })


    let () = Client.cancel dbg id in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Task_myimplementation(Task_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def cancel(self, dbg, id):
        [cancel task_id] performs a best-effort cancellation of an ongoing
        task. The effect of this should leave the system in one of two
        states: Either that the task has completed successfully, or that it
        had never been made at all. The call should return immediately and
        the status of the task can the be queried via the [stat] call.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
id in id Unique identifier for a task.

Method: destroy

[destroy task_id] should remove all traces of the task_id. This call should fail if the task is currently in progress.


  "method": "Task.destroy",
  "params": [ { "id": "id", "dbg": "dbg" } ],
  "id": 46
    let () = Client.destroy dbg id in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results = c.Task.destroy({ dbg: "string", id: "string" })


    let () = Client.destroy dbg id in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Task_myimplementation(Task_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def destroy(self, dbg, id):
        [destroy task_id] should remove all traces of the task_id. This call
        should fail if the task is currently in progress.
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
id in id Unique identifier for a task.

Method: ls

[ls] should return a list of all of the tasks the plugin is aware of.


{ "method": "", "params": [ { "dbg": "dbg" } ], "id": 47 }
    let task_list = dbg in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import necessary libraries if needed
# we assume that your library providing the client is called myclient and it provides a connect method
import myclient

if __name__ == "__main__":
    c = myclient.connect()
    results ={ dbg: "string" })


[ "task_list_1", "task_list_2" ]
    let task_list = dbg in
with Exn (Unimplemented str) -> ...

# import additional libraries if needed

class Task_myimplementation(Task_skeleton):
    # by default each method will return a Not_implemented error
    # ...

    def ls(self, dbg):
        [ls] should return a list of all of the tasks the plugin is aware of.
        return ["string"]
    # ...
Name Direction Type Description
dbg in string Debug context from the caller
unnamed out task_list



[ "Unimplemented", "exnt" ]

type exnt = variant { ... }


Name Type Description
Unimplemented string