Building a VM

subgraph xenopsd VM_build[xenopsd: VM_build micro#8209;op]
direction LR
VM_build --> --> VM.build_domain
VM.build_domain --> VM.build_domain_exn
VM.build_domain_exn -->
click VM_build "" _blank
click "" _blank
click VM.build_domain "" _blank
click VM.build_domain_exn "" _blank
click "" _blank

Walk-through documents for the VM_build phase:

  • VM_build μ-op

    Overview of the VM_build μ-op (runs after the VM_create μ-op created the domain).


    Prepare the build of a VM: Wait for scrubbing, do NUMA placement, run xenguest.

  • xenguest

    Perform building VMs: Allocate and populate the domain's system memory.

Subsections of Building a VM

VM_build micro-op


On Xen, Xenctrl.domain_create creates an empty domain and returns the domain ID (domid) of the new domain to xenopsd.

In the build phase, the xenguest program is called to create the system memory layout of the domain, set vCPU affinity and a lot more.

The VM_build micro-op collects the VM build parameters and calls, which calls VM.build_domain, which calls VM.build_domain_exn which calls

subgraph xenopsd VM_build[xenopsd: VM_build micro#8209;op]
direction LR
VM_build --> --> VM.build_domain
VM.build_domain --> VM.build_domain_exn
VM.build_domain_exn -->
click VM_build "" _blank
click "" _blank
click VM.build_domain "" _blank
click VM.build_domain_exn "" _blank
click "" _blank

The function VM.build_domain_exn must:

  1. Run pygrub (or eliloader) to extract the kernel and initrd, if necessary

  2. Call to

    • optionally run NUMA placement and
    • invoke xenguest to set up the domain memory.

    See the walk-through of the function for more details on this phase.

  3. Apply the cpuid configuration

  4. Store the current domain configuration on disk – it’s important to know the difference between the configuration you started with and the configuration you would use after a reboot because some properties (such as maximum memory and vCPUs) as fixed on create.


flowchart LR
subgraph xenopsd VM_build[
  xenopsd thread pool with two VM_build micro#8209;ops:
  During parallel VM_start, Many threads run this in parallel!
direction LR
  from thread pool Thread #1
]  --> --> build_pre
build_pre --> wait_xen_free_mem
build_pre -->|if NUMA/Best_effort| numa_placement --> xenguest[Invoke xenguest]
click "" _blank
click build_domain_exn "" _blank
click wait_xen_free_mem "" _blank
click numa_placement "" _blank
click build_pre "" _blank
click xenguest "" _blank

  from thread pool Thread #2]  --> Domain.build2[]
Domain.build2 --> build_pre2[build_pre]
build_pre2 --> wait_xen_free_mem2[wait_xen_free_mem]
build_pre2 -->|if NUMA/Best_effort| numa_placement2[numa_placement]
Domain.build2 --> xenguest2[Invoke xenguest]
click Domain.build2 "" _blank
click build_domain_exn2 "" _blank
click wait_xen_free_mem2 "" _blank
click numa_placement2 "" _blank
click build_pre2 "" _blank
click xenguest2 "" _blank

VM.build_domain_exn calls to call:

  • build_pre to prepare the build of a VM:
    • If the xe config numa_placement is set to Best_effort, invoke the NUMA placement algorithm.
    • Run xenguest
  • xenguest to invoke the xenguest program to setup the domain’s system memory.

build_pre: Prepare building the VM calls build_pre (which is also used for VM restore) to:

  1. Call wait_xen_free_mem to wait (if necessary), for the Xen memory scrubber to catch up reclaiming memory. It

    1. calls Xenctrl.physinfo which returns:
      • hostinfo.free_pages - the free and already scrubbed pages (available)
      • host.scrub_pages - the not yet scrubbed pages (not yet available)
    2. repeats this until a timeout as long as free_pages is lower than the required pages
      • unless if scrub_pages is 0 (no scrubbing left to do)

    Note: free_pages is system-wide memory, not memory specific to a NUMA node. Because this is not NUMA-aware, in case of temporary node-specific memory shortage, this check is not sufficient to prevent the VM from being spread over all NUMA nodes. It is planned to resolve this issue by claiming NUMA node memory during NUMA placement.

  2. Call the hypercall to set the timer mode

  3. Call the hypercall to set the number of vCPUs

  4. Call the numa_placement function as described in the NUMA feature description when the xe configuration option numa_placement is set to Best_effort (except when the VM has a hard CPU affinity).

    match !Xenops_server.numa_placement with
    | Any ->
    | Best_effort ->
        log_reraise (Printf.sprintf "NUMA placement") (fun () ->
            if has_hard_affinity then
              D.debug "VM has hard affinity set, skipping NUMA optimization"
              numa_placement domid ~vcpus
                ~memory:(Int64.mul memory.xen_max_mib 1048576L)

NUMA placement

build_pre passes the domid, the number of vCPUs and xen_max_mib to the numa_placement function to run the algorithm to find the best NUMA placement.

When it returns a NUMA node to use, it calls the Xen hypercalls to set the vCPU affinity to this NUMA node:

  let vm = NUMARequest.make ~memory ~vcpus in
  let nodea =
    match !numa_resources with
    | None ->
        Array.of_list nodes
    | Some a ->
        Array.map2 NUMAResource.min_memory (Array.of_list nodes) a
  numa_resources := Some nodea ;
  Softaffinity.plan ~vm host nodea

By using the default auto_node_affinity feature of Xen, setting the vCPU affinity causes the Xen hypervisor to activate NUMA node affinity for memory allocations to be aligned with the vCPU affinity of the domain.

Summary: This passes the information to the hypervisor that memory allocation for this domain should preferably be done from this NUMA node.

Invoke the xenguest program

With the preparation in build_pre completed, calls the xenguest function to invoke the xenguest program to build the domain.

Notes on future design improvements

The Xen domain feature flag domain->auto_node_affinity can be disabled by calling xc_domain_node_setaffinity() to set a specific NUMA node affinity in special cases:

This can be used, for example, when there might not be enough memory on the preferred NUMA node, and there are other NUMA nodes (in the same CPU package) to use (reference).


As part of starting a new domain in VM_build, xenopsd calls xenguest. When multiple domain build threads run in parallel, also multiple instances of xenguest also run in parallel:

subgraph xenopsd VM_build[xenopsd VM_build micro#8209;ops]
direction LR
xenopsd1[ - Thread #1] --> xenguest1[xenguest #1]
xenopsd2[ - Thread #2] --> xenguest2[xenguest #2]
xenguest1 --> libxenguest
xenguest2 --> libxenguest2[libxenguest]
click xenopsd1 "../"
click xenopsd2 "../"
click xenguest1 "" _blank
click xenguest2 "" _blank
click libxenguest "" _blank
click libxenguest2 "" _blank
libxenguest --> Xen[Xen<br>Hypervisor]
libxenguest2 --> Xen

About xenguest

xenguest is called by the xenopsd function to perform the build phase for new VMs, which is part of the xenopsd VM.start operation.

xenguest was created as a separate program due to issues with libxenguest:

  • It wasn’t threadsafe: fixed, but it still uses a per-call global struct
  • It had an incompatible licence, but now licensed under the LGPL.

Those were fixed, but we still shell out to xenguest, which is currently carried in the patch queue for the Xen hypervisor packages, but could become an individual package once planned changes to the Xen hypercalls are stabilised.

Over time, xenguest has evolved to build more of the initial domain state.

Interface to xenguest

subgraph xenopsd VM_build[xenopsd&nbsp;VM_build&nbsp;micro#8209;op]
direction TB
mode[--mode build_hvm] --> xenguest
domid --> xenguest
memmax --> xenguest
Xenstore[Xenstore platform data] --> xenguest

xenopsd must pass this information to xenguest to build a VM:

  • The domain type to build for (HVM, PHV or PV).
    • It is passed using the command line option --mode hvm_build.
  • The domid of the created empty domain,
  • The amount of system memory of the domain,
  • A number of other parameters that are domain-specific.

xenopsd uses the Xenstore to provide platform data:

  • the vCPU affinity
  • the vCPU credit2 weight/cap parameters
  • whether the NX bit is exposed
  • whether the viridian CPUID leaf is exposed
  • whether the system has PAE or not
  • whether the system has ACPI or not
  • whether the system has nested HVM or not
  • whether the system has an HPET or not

When called to build a domain, xenguest reads those and builds the VM accordingly.

Walkthrough of the xenguest build mode

subgraph xenguest[xenguest&nbsp;#8209;#8209;mode&nbsp;hvm_build&nbsp;domid]
direction LR
stub_xc_hvm_build[stub_xc_hvm_build#40;#41;] --> get_flags[
stub_xc_hvm_build --> configure_vcpus[
stub_xc_hvm_build --> setup_mem[

Based on the given domain type, the xenguest program calls dedicated functions for the build process of the given domain type.

These are:

  • stub_xc_hvm_build() for HVM,
  • stub_xc_pvh_build() for PVH, and
  • stub_xc_pv_build() for PV domains.

These domain build functions call these functions:

  1. get_flags() to get the platform data from the Xenstore
  2. configure_vcpus() which uses the platform data from the Xenstore to configure vCPU affinity and the credit scheduler parameters vCPU weight and vCPU cap (max % pCPU time for throttling)
  3. The setup_mem function for the given VM type.

The function hvm_build_setup_mem()

For HVM domains, hvm_build_setup_mem() is responsible for deriving the memory layout of the new domain, allocating the required memory and populating for the new domain. It must:

  1. Derive the e820 memory layout of the system memory of the domain including memory holes depending on PCI passthrough and vGPU flags.
  2. Load the BIOS/UEFI firmware images
  3. Store the final MMIO hole parameters in the Xenstore
  4. Call the libxenguest function xc_dom_boot_mem_init() (see below)
  5. Call construct_cpuid_policy() to apply the CPUID featureset policy

The function xc_dom_boot_mem_init()

flowchart LR
subgraph xenguest
subgraph libxenguest
hvm_build_setup_mem --> xc_dom_boot_mem_init[xc_dom_boot_mem_init#40;#41;]
xc_dom_boot_mem_init -->|vmemranges| meminit_hvm[meninit_hvm#40;#41;]
click xc_dom_boot_mem_init "" _blank
click meminit_hvm "" _blank

hvm_build_setup_mem() calls xc_dom_boot_mem_init() to allocate and populate the domain’s system memory.

It calls meminit_hvm() to loop over the vmemranges of the domain for mapping the system RAM of the guest from the Xen hypervisor heap. Its goals are:

  • Attempt to allocate 1GB superpages when possible
  • Fall back to 2MB pages when 1GB allocation failed
  • Fall back to 4k pages when both failed

It uses the hypercall XENMEM_populate_physmap to perform memory allocation and to map the allocated memory to the system RAM ranges of the domain.


  1. Uses construct_memop_from_reservation to convert the arguments for allocating a page from struct xen_memory_reservation to struct memop_args.
  2. Sets flags and calls functions according to the arguments
  3. Allocates the requested page at the most suitable place
    • depending on passed flags, allocate on a specific NUMA node
    • else, if the domain has node affinity, on the affine nodes
    • also in the most suitable memory zone within the NUMA node
  4. Falls back to less desirable places if this fails
    • or fail for “exact” allocation requests
  5. When no pages of the requested size are free, it splits larger superpages into pages of the requested size.

For more details on the VM build step involving xenguest and Xen side see: