PVS Proxy OVS Rules

Rule Design

The Open vSwitch (OVS) daemon implements a programmable switch. XenServer uses it to re-direct traffic between three entities:

  • PVS server - identified by its IP address
  • a local VM - identified by its MAC address
  • a local Proxy - identified by its MAC address

VM and PVS server are unaware of the Proxy; xapi configures OVS to redirect traffic between PVS and VM to pass through the proxy.

OVS uses rules that match packets. Rules are organised in sets called tables. A rule can be used to match a packet and to inject it into another rule set/table such that a packet can be matched again.

Furthermore, a rule can set registers associated with a packet which that can be matched in subsequent rules. In that way, a packet can be tagged such that it will only match specific rules downstream that match the tag.

Xapi configures 3 rule sets:

Table 0 - Entry Rules

Rules match UDP traffic between VM/PVS, Proxy/VM, and PVS/VM where the PVS server is identified by its IP and all other components by their MAC address. All packets are tagged with the direction they are going and re-submitted into Table 101 which handles ports.

Table 101 - Port Rules

Rules match UDP traffic going to a specific port of the PVS server and re-submit it into Table 102.

Table 102 - Exit Rules

These rules implement the redirection:

  • Rules matching packets coming from VM to PVS are directed to the Proxy.
  • Rules matching packets coming from PVS to VM are directed to the Proxy.
  • Rules matching packets coming from the Proxy are already addressed properly (to the VM) are handled normally.