XenServer 4.0

Code name: "rio".


Published classPBDThe physical block devices through which hosts access SRs
Published classPIFA physical network interface (note separate VLANs are represented as several PIFs)
Published classPIF_metricsThe metrics associated with a physical network interface
Published classSMA storage manager plugin
Published classSRA storage repository
Published classVBDA virtual block device
Published classVBD_metricsThe metrics associated with a virtual block device
Published classVDIA virtual disk image
Published classVIFA virtual network interface
Published classVIF_metricsThe metrics associated with a virtual network device
Published classVMA virtual machine (or 'guest').
Published classVM_guest_metricsThe metrics reported by the guest (as opposed to inferred from outside)
Published classVM_metricsThe metrics associated with a VM
Published classconsoleA console
Published classcrashdumpA VM crashdump
Published classeventAsynchronous event registration and handling
Published classhostA physical host
Published classhost_cpuA physical CPU
Published classhost_crashdumpRepresents a host crash dump
Published classhost_metricsThe metrics associated with a host
Published classhost_patchRepresents a patch stored on a server
Published classnetworkA virtual network
Published classpoolPool-wide information
Published classsessionA session
Published classtaskA long-running asynchronous task
Published classuserA user of the system
Published fieldBond.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldCluster.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldCluster.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldCluster_host.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldCluster_host.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldDR_task.introduced_SRsAll SRs introduced by this appliance
Published fieldDR_task.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldFeature.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldFeature.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldLVHD.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldObserver.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldObserver.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldPBD.SRthe storage repository that the pbd realises
Published fieldPBD.currently_attachedis the SR currently attached on this host?
Published fieldPBD.device_configa config string to string map that is provided to the host's SR-backend-driver
Published fieldPBD.hostphysical machine on which the pbd is available
Published fieldPBD.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldPIF.MACethernet MAC address of physical interface
Published fieldPIF.MTUMTU in octets
Published fieldPIF.VLANVLAN tag for all traffic passing through this interface
Published fieldPIF.devicemachine-readable name of the interface (e.g. eth0)
Published fieldPIF.hostphysical machine to which this pif is connected
Published fieldPIF.metricsmetrics associated with this PIF
Published fieldPIF.networkvirtual network to which this pif is connected
Published fieldPIF.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldPIF_metrics.carrierReport if the PIF got a carrier or not
Published fieldPIF_metrics.device_idReport device ID
Published fieldPIF_metrics.device_nameReport device name
Published fieldPIF_metrics.duplexFull duplex capability of the link (if available)
Published fieldPIF_metrics.io_read_kbsRead bandwidth (KiB/s)
Published fieldPIF_metrics.io_write_kbsWrite bandwidth (KiB/s)
Published fieldPIF_metrics.last_updatedTime at which this information was last updated
Published fieldPIF_metrics.pci_bus_pathPCI bus path of the pif (if available)
Published fieldPIF_metrics.speedSpeed of the link in Mbit/s (if available)
Published fieldPIF_metrics.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldPIF_metrics.vendor_idReport vendor ID
Published fieldPIF_metrics.vendor_nameReport vendor name
Published fieldRepository.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldRepository.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldSM.configurationnames and descriptions of device config keys
Published fieldSM.copyrightEntity which owns the copyright of this plugin
Published fieldSM.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldSM.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldSM.required_api_versionMinimum SM API version required on the server
Published fieldSM.typeSR.type
Published fieldSM.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldSM.vendorVendor who created this plugin
Published fieldSM.versionVersion of the plugin
Published fieldSR.PBDsdescribes how particular hosts can see this storage repository
Published fieldSR.VDIsall virtual disks known to this storage repository
Published fieldSR.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldSR.content_typethe type of the SR's content, if required (e.g. ISOs)
Published fieldSR.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldSR.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldSR.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldSR.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldSR.physical_sizetotal physical size of the repository (in bytes)
Published fieldSR.physical_utilisationphysical space currently utilised on this storage repository (in bytes). Note that for sparse disk formats, physical_utilisation may be less than virtual_allocation
Published fieldSR.sharedtrue if this SR is (capable of being) shared between multiple hosts
Published fieldSR.typetype of the storage repository
Published fieldSR.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldSR.virtual_allocationsum of virtual_sizes of all VDIs in this storage repository (in bytes)
Published fieldVBD.VDIthe virtual disk
Published fieldVBD.VMthe virtual machine
Published fieldVBD.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldVBD.bootabletrue if this VBD is bootable
Published fieldVBD.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldVBD.currently_attachedis the device currently attached (erased on reboot)
Published fieldVBD.devicedevice seen by the guest e.g. hda1
Published fieldVBD.emptyif true this represents an empty drive
Published fieldVBD.metricsmetrics associated with this VBD
Published fieldVBD.modethe mode the VBD should be mounted with
Published fieldVBD.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldVBD.qos_algorithm_paramsparameters for chosen QoS algorithm
Published fieldVBD.qos_algorithm_typeQoS algorithm to use
Published fieldVBD.qos_supported_algorithmssupported QoS algorithms for this VBD
Published fieldVBD.runtime_propertiesDevice runtime properties
Published fieldVBD.status_codeerror/success code associated with last attach-operation (erased on reboot)
Published fieldVBD.status_detailerror/success information associated with last attach-operation status (erased on reboot)
Published fieldVBD.storage_locktrue if a storage level lock was acquired
Published fieldVBD.typehow the VBD will appear to the guest (e.g. disk or CD)
Published fieldVBD.userdeviceuser-friendly device name e.g. 0,1,2,etc.
Published fieldVBD.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVBD_metrics.io_read_kbsRead bandwidth (KiB/s)
Published fieldVBD_metrics.io_write_kbsWrite bandwidth (KiB/s)
Published fieldVBD_metrics.last_updatedTime at which this information was last updated
Published fieldVBD_metrics.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVDI.SRstorage repository in which the VDI resides
Published fieldVDI.VBDslist of vbds that refer to this disk
Published fieldVDI.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldVDI.crash_dumpslist of crash dumps that refer to this disk
Published fieldVDI.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldVDI.managed
Published fieldVDI.missingtrue if SR scan operation reported this VDI as not present on disk
Published fieldVDI.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldVDI.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldVDI.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldVDI.parentThis field is always null. Deprecated
Published fieldVDI.physical_utilisationamount of physical space that the disk image is currently taking up on the storage repository (in bytes)
Published fieldVDI.read_onlytrue if this disk may ONLY be mounted read-only
Published fieldVDI.sharabletrue if this disk may be shared
Published fieldVDI.storage_locktrue if this disk is locked at the storage level
Published fieldVDI.typetype of the VDI
Published fieldVDI.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVDI.virtual_sizesize of disk as presented to the guest (in bytes). Note that, depending on storage backend type, requested size may not be respected exactly
Published fieldVIF.MACethernet MAC address of virtual interface, as exposed to guest
Published fieldVIF.MTUMTU in octets
Published fieldVIF.VMvirtual machine to which this vif is connected
Published fieldVIF.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldVIF.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldVIF.currently_attachedis the device currently attached (erased on reboot)
Published fieldVIF.deviceorder in which VIF backends are created by xapi
Published fieldVIF.metricsmetrics associated with this VIF
Published fieldVIF.networkvirtual network to which this vif is connected
Published fieldVIF.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldVIF.qos_algorithm_paramsparameters for chosen QoS algorithm
Published fieldVIF.qos_algorithm_typeQoS algorithm to use
Published fieldVIF.qos_supported_algorithmssupported QoS algorithms for this VIF
Published fieldVIF.runtime_propertiesDevice runtime properties
Published fieldVIF.status_codeerror/success code associated with last attach-operation (erased on reboot)
Published fieldVIF.status_detailerror/success information associated with last attach-operation status (erased on reboot)
Published fieldVIF.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVIF_metrics.io_read_kbsRead bandwidth (KiB/s)
Published fieldVIF_metrics.io_write_kbsWrite bandwidth (KiB/s)
Published fieldVIF_metrics.last_updatedTime at which this information was last updated
Published fieldVIF_metrics.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVLAN.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVM.HVM_boot_paramsHVM boot params
Published fieldVM.HVM_boot_policyHVM boot policy
Published fieldVM.PCI_busPCI bus path for pass-through devices
Published fieldVM.PV_argskernel command-line arguments
Published fieldVM.PV_bootloadername of or path to bootloader
Published fieldVM.PV_bootloader_argsmiscellaneous arguments for the bootloader
Published fieldVM.PV_kernelpath to the kernel
Published fieldVM.PV_legacy_argsto make Zurich guests boot
Published fieldVM.PV_ramdiskpath to the initrd
Published fieldVM.VBDsvirtual block devices
Published fieldVM.VCPUs_at_startupBoot number of VCPUs
Published fieldVM.VCPUs_maxMax number of VCPUs
Published fieldVM.VCPUs_paramsconfiguration parameters for the selected VCPU policy
Published fieldVM.VIFsvirtual network interfaces
Published fieldVM.VTPMsvirtual TPMs
Published fieldVM.VUSBsvirtual usb devices
Published fieldVM.actions_after_crashaction to take if the guest crashes
Published fieldVM.actions_after_rebootaction to take after the guest has rebooted itself
Published fieldVM.actions_after_shutdownaction to take after the guest has shutdown itself
Published fieldVM.affinityA host which the VM has some affinity for (or NULL). This is used as a hint to the start call when it decides where to run the VM. Resource constraints may cause the VM to be started elsewhere.
Published fieldVM.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldVM.appliancethe appliance to which this VM belongs
Published fieldVM.consolesvirtual console devices
Published fieldVM.crash_dumpscrash dumps associated with this VM
Published fieldVM.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldVM.domarchDomain architecture (if available, null string otherwise)
Published fieldVM.domiddomain ID (if available, -1 otherwise)
Published fieldVM.guest_metricsmetrics associated with the running guest
Published fieldVM.is_a_templatetrue if this is a template. Template VMs can never be started, they are used only for cloning other VMs
Published fieldVM.is_control_domaintrue if this is a control domain (domain 0 or a driver domain)
Published fieldVM.last_boot_CPU_flagsdescribes the CPU flags on which the VM was last booted
Published fieldVM.memory_dynamic_maxDynamic maximum (bytes)
Published fieldVM.memory_dynamic_minDynamic minimum (bytes)
Published fieldVM.memory_overheadVirtualization memory overhead (bytes).
Published fieldVM.memory_static_maxStatically-set (i.e. absolute) maximum (bytes). The value of this field at VM start time acts as a hard limit of the amount of memory a guest can use. New values only take effect on reboot.
Published fieldVM.memory_static_minStatically-set (i.e. absolute) mininum (bytes). The value of this field indicates the least amount of memory this VM can boot with without crashing.
Published fieldVM.memory_targetDynamically-set memory target (bytes). The value of this field indicates the current target for memory available to this VM.
Published fieldVM.metricsmetrics associated with this VM
Published fieldVM.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldVM.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldVM.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldVM.platformplatform-specific configuration
Published fieldVM.power_stateCurrent power state of the machine
Published fieldVM.recommendationsAn XML specification of recommended values and ranges for properties of this VM
Published fieldVM.resident_onthe host the VM is currently resident on
Published fieldVM.scheduled_to_be_resident_onthe host on which the VM is due to be started/resumed/migrated. This acts as a memory reservation indicator
Published fieldVM.suspend_VDIThe VDI that a suspend image is stored on. (Only has meaning if VM is currently suspended)
Published fieldVM.user_versionCreators of VMs and templates may store version information here.
Published fieldVM.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVMPP.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldVMPP.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldVMSS.VMsall VMs attached to this snapshot schedule
Published fieldVMSS.enabledenable or disable this snapshot schedule
Published fieldVMSS.frequencyfrequency of taking snapshot from snapshot schedule
Published fieldVMSS.last_run_timetime of the last snapshot
Published fieldVMSS.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldVMSS.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldVMSS.retained_snapshotsmaximum number of snapshots that should be stored at any time
Published fieldVMSS.scheduleschedule of the snapshot containing 'hour', 'min', 'days'. Date/time-related information is in Local Timezone
Published fieldVMSS.typetype of the snapshot schedule
Published fieldVMSS.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVM_appliance.VMsall VMs in this appliance
Published fieldVM_appliance.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldVM_appliance.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldVM_appliance.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldVM_appliance.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldVM_appliance.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVM_guest_metrics.PV_drivers_up_to_datetrue if the PV drivers appear to be up to date
Published fieldVM_guest_metrics.PV_drivers_versionversion of the PV drivers
Published fieldVM_guest_metrics.disksDisk configuration/free space
Published fieldVM_guest_metrics.last_updatedTime at which this information was last updated
Published fieldVM_guest_metrics.memoryfree/used/total
Published fieldVM_guest_metrics.networksnetwork configuration
Published fieldVM_guest_metrics.os_versionversion of the OS
Published fieldVM_guest_metrics.otheranything else
Published fieldVM_guest_metrics.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVM_metrics.VCPUs_CPUVCPU to PCPU map
Published fieldVM_metrics.VCPUs_flagsCPU flags (blocked,online,running)
Published fieldVM_metrics.VCPUs_numberCurrent number of VCPUs
Published fieldVM_metrics.VCPUs_paramsThe live equivalent to VM.VCPUs_params
Published fieldVM_metrics.VCPUs_utilisationUtilisation for all of guest's current VCPUs
Published fieldVM_metrics.install_timeTime at which the VM was installed
Published fieldVM_metrics.last_updatedTime at which this information was last updated
Published fieldVM_metrics.memory_actualGuest's actual memory (bytes)
Published fieldVM_metrics.start_timeTime at which this VM was last booted
Published fieldVM_metrics.stateThe state of the guest, eg blocked, dying etc
Published fieldVM_metrics.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVTPM.VMThe virtual machine the TPM is attached to
Published fieldVTPM.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldVTPM.backendThe domain where the backend is located (unused)
Published fieldVTPM.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldVTPM.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVUSB.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldVUSB.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldVUSB.currently_attachedis the device currently attached
Published fieldblob.last_updatedTime at which the data in the blob was last updated
Published fieldblob.mime_typeThe mime type associated with this object. Defaults to 'application/octet-stream' if the empty string is supplied
Published fieldblob.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldblob.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldblob.sizeSize of the binary data, in bytes
Published fieldblob.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldconsole.VMVM to which this console is attached
Published fieldconsole.locationURI for the console service
Published fieldconsole.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldconsole.protocolthe protocol used by this console
Published fieldconsole.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldcrashdump.VDIthe virtual disk
Published fieldcrashdump.VMthe virtual machine
Published fieldcrashdump.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fielddata_source.enabledtrue if the data source is being logged
Published fielddata_source.maxthe maximum value of the data source
Published fielddata_source.minthe minimum value of the data source
Published fielddata_source.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fielddata_source.name_labela human-readable name
Published fielddata_source.standardtrue if the data source is enabled by default. Non-default data sources cannot be disabled
Published fielddata_source.unitsthe units of the value
Published fielddata_source.valuecurrent value of the data source
Published fieldevent.classThe name of the class of the object that changed
Published fieldevent.idAn ID, monotonically increasing, and local to the current session
Published fieldevent.obj_uuidThe uuid of the object that changed
Published fieldevent.operationThe operation that was performed
Published fieldevent.refA reference to the object that changed
Published fieldevent.timestampThe time at which the event occurred
Published fieldhost.API_version_majormajor version number
Published fieldhost.API_version_minorminor version number
Published fieldhost.API_version_vendoridentification of vendor
Published fieldhost.API_version_vendor_implementationdetails of vendor implementation
Published fieldhost.PBDsphysical blockdevices
Published fieldhost.PIFsphysical network interfaces
Published fieldhost.addressThe address by which this host can be contacted from any other host in the pool
Published fieldhost.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldhost.capabilitiesXen capabilities
Published fieldhost.cpu_configurationThe CPU configuration on this host. May contain keys such as "nr_nodes", "sockets_per_node", "cores_per_socket", or "threads_per_core"
Published fieldhost.crash_dump_srThe SR in which VDIs for crash dumps are created
Published fieldhost.crashdumpsSet of host crash dumps
Published fieldhost.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldhost.enabledTrue if the host is currently enabled
Published fieldhost.host_CPUsThe physical CPUs on this host
Published fieldhost.hostnameThe hostname of this host
Published fieldhost.license_paramsState of the current license
Published fieldhost.logginglogging configuration
Published fieldhost.memory_overheadVirtualization memory overhead (bytes).
Published fieldhost.metricsmetrics associated with this host
Published fieldhost.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldhost.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldhost.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldhost.patchesSet of host patches
Published fieldhost.resident_VMslist of VMs currently resident on host
Published fieldhost.sched_policyScheduler policy currently in force on this host
Published fieldhost.software_versionversion strings
Published fieldhost.supported_bootloadersa list of the bootloaders installed on the machine
Published fieldhost.suspend_image_srThe SR in which VDIs for suspend images are created
Published fieldhost.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldhost_cpu.familythe family (number) of the physical CPU
Published fieldhost_cpu.featuresthe physical CPU feature bitmap
Published fieldhost_cpu.flagsthe flags of the physical CPU (a decoded version of the features field)
Published fieldhost_cpu.hostthe host the CPU is in
Published fieldhost_cpu.modelthe model number of the physical CPU
Published fieldhost_cpu.modelnamethe model name of the physical CPU
Published fieldhost_cpu.numberthe number of the physical CPU within the host
Published fieldhost_cpu.speedthe speed of the physical CPU
Published fieldhost_cpu.steppingthe stepping of the physical CPU
Published fieldhost_cpu.utilisationthe current CPU utilisation
Published fieldhost_cpu.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldhost_cpu.vendorthe vendor of the physical CPU
Published fieldhost_crashdump.hostHost the crashdump relates to
Published fieldhost_crashdump.sizeSize of the crashdump
Published fieldhost_crashdump.timestampTime the crash happened
Published fieldhost_crashdump.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldhost_metrics.last_updatedTime at which this information was last updated
Published fieldhost_metrics.livePool master thinks this host is live
Published fieldhost_metrics.memory_freeFree host memory (bytes)
Published fieldhost_metrics.memory_totalTotal host memory (bytes)
Published fieldhost_metrics.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldhost_patch.appliedTrue if the patch has been applied
Published fieldhost_patch.hostHost the patch relates to
Published fieldhost_patch.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldhost_patch.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldhost_patch.sizeSize of the patch
Published fieldhost_patch.timestamp_appliedTime the patch was applied
Published fieldhost_patch.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldhost_patch.versionPatch version number
Published fieldmessage.bodyThe body of the message
Published fieldmessage.nameThe name of the message
Published fieldmessage.obj_uuidThe uuid of the object this message is associated with
Published fieldmessage.priorityThe message priority, 0 being low priority
Published fieldmessage.timestampThe time at which the message was created
Published fieldmessage.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldnetwork.PIFslist of connected pifs
Published fieldnetwork.VIFslist of connected vifs
Published fieldnetwork.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldnetwork.bridgename of the bridge corresponding to this network on the local host
Published fieldnetwork.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldnetwork.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldnetwork.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldnetwork.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldnetwork.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldnetwork_sriov.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldpool.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldpool.coordinator_biastrue if bias against pool master when scheduling vms is enabled, false otherwise
Published fieldpool.crash_dump_SRThe SR in which VDIs for crash dumps are created
Published fieldpool.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldpool.default_SRDefault SR for VDIs
Published fieldpool.masterThe host that is pool master
Published fieldpool.name_descriptionDescription
Published fieldpool.name_labelShort name
Published fieldpool.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldpool.suspend_image_SRThe SR in which VDIs for suspend images are created
Published fieldpool.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldpool_patch.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldpool_patch.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldpool_patch.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldpool_update.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldpool_update.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldpool_update.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldpool_update.vdiVDI the update was uploaded to
Published fieldrole.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldsecret.other_configother_config
Published fieldsecret.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldsecret.valuethe secret
Published fieldsession.last_activeTimestamp for last time session was active
Published fieldsession.poolTrue if this session relates to a intra-pool login, false otherwise
Published fieldsession.this_hostCurrently connected host
Published fieldsession.this_userCurrently connected user
Published fieldsession.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldsubject.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldtask.allowed_operationslist of the operations allowed in this state. This list is advisory only and the server state may have changed by the time this field is read by a client.
Published fieldtask.createdTime task was created
Published fieldtask.current_operationslinks each of the running tasks using this object (by reference) to a current_operation enum which describes the nature of the task.
Published fieldtask.error_infoif the task has failed, this field contains the set of associated error strings. Undefined otherwise.
Published fieldtask.finishedTime task finished (i.e. succeeded or failed). If task-status is pending, then the value of this field has no meaning
Published fieldtask.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldtask.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldtask.progressThis field contains the estimated fraction of the task which is complete. This field should not be used to determine whether the task is complete - for this the status field of the task should be used.
Published fieldtask.resident_onthe host on which the task is running
Published fieldtask.resultif the task has completed successfully, this field contains the result value (either Void or an object reference). Undefined otherwise.
Published fieldtask.statuscurrent status of the task
Published fieldtask.typeif the task has completed successfully, this field contains the type of the encoded result (i.e. name of the class whose reference is in the result field). Undefined otherwise.
Published fieldtask.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fielduser.fullnamefull name
Published fielduser.short_nameshort name (e.g. userid)
Published fielduser.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published messagePBD.plugActivate the specified PBD, causing the referenced SR to be attached and scanned
Published messagePBD.unplugDeactivate the specified PBD, causing the referenced SR to be detached and nolonger scanned
Published messagePIF.create_VLANCreate a VLAN interface from an existing physical interface
Published messagePIF.destroyDestroy the PIF object (provided it is a VLAN interface)
Published messageSR.createCreate a new Storage Repository and introduce it into the managed system, creating both SR record and PBD record to attach it to current host (with specified device_config parameters)
Published messageSR.destroyDestroy specified SR, removing SR-record from database and remove SR from disk. (In order to affect this operation the appropriate device_config is read from the specified SR's PBD on current host)
Published messageSR.forgetRemoving specified SR-record from database, without attempting to remove SR from disk
Published messageSR.get_supported_typesReturn a set of all the SR types supported by the system
Published messageSR.introduceIntroduce a new Storage Repository into the managed system
Published messageSR.makeCreate a new Storage Repository on disk
Published messageSR.scanRefreshes the list of VDIs associated with an SR
Published messageSR.set_name_descriptionSet the name description of the SR
Published messageSR.set_name_labelSet the name label of the SR
Published messageSR.set_sharedSets the shared flag on the SR
Published messageVBD.assert_attachableThrows an error if this VBD could not be attached to this VM if the VM were running. Intended for debugging.
Published messageVBD.ejectRemove the media from the device and leave it empty
Published messageVBD.insertInsert new media into the device
Published messageVBD.plugHotplug the specified VBD, dynamically attaching it to the running VM
Published messageVBD.set_modeSets the mode of the VBD. The power_state of the VM must be halted.
Published messageVBD.unplugHot-unplug the specified VBD, dynamically unattaching it from the running VM
Published messageVBD.unplug_forceForcibly unplug the specified VBD
Published messageVDI.cloneTake an exact copy of the VDI and return a reference to the new disk. If any driver_params are specified then these are passed through to the storage-specific substrate driver that implements the clone operation. NB the clone lives in the same Storage Repository as its parent.
Published messageVDI.copyCopies a VDI to an SR. There must be a host that can see both the source and destination SRs simultaneously
Published messageVDI.forgetRemoves a VDI record from the database
Published messageVDI.resizeResize the VDI.
Published messageVDI.resize_onlineResize the VDI which may or may not be attached to running guests.
Published messageVDI.set_name_descriptionSet the name description of the VDI. This can only happen when its SR is currently attached.
Published messageVDI.set_name_labelSet the name label of the VDI. This can only happen when then its SR is currently attached.
Published messageVDI.set_read_onlySets the VDI's read_only field
Published messageVDI.snapshotTake a read-only snapshot of the VDI, returning a reference to the snapshot. If any driver_params are specified then these are passed through to the storage-specific substrate driver that takes the snapshot. NB the snapshot lives in the same Storage Repository as its parent.
Published messageVIF.plugHotplug the specified VIF, dynamically attaching it to the running VM
Published messageVIF.unplugHot-unplug the specified VIF, dynamically unattaching it from the running VM
Published messageVM.add_to_VCPUs_params_liveAdd the given key-value pair to VM.VCPUs_params, and apply that value on the running VM
Published messageVM.assert_can_boot_hereReturns an error if the VM could not boot on this host for some reason
Published messageVM.assert_operation_validCheck to see whether this operation is acceptable in the current state of the system, raising an error if the operation is invalid for some reason
Published messageVM.clean_rebootAttempt to cleanly shutdown the specified VM (Note: this may not be supported---e.g. if a guest agent is not installed). This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
Published messageVM.clean_shutdownAttempt to cleanly shutdown the specified VM. (Note: this may not be supported---e.g. if a guest agent is not installed). This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
Published messageVM.cloneClones the specified VM, making a new VM. Clone automatically exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored (e.g. Copy on Write). This function can only be called when the VM is in the Halted State.
Published messageVM.copyCopies a VM to an SR. There must be a host that can see both the source and destination SRs simultaneously
Published messageVM.get_allowed_VBD_devicesReturns a list of the allowed values that a VBD device field can take
Published messageVM.get_allowed_VIF_devicesReturns a list of the allowed values that a VIF device field can take
Published messageVM.get_boot_recordReturns a record describing the VM's dynamic state, initialised when the VM boots and updated to reflect runtime configuration changes e.g. CPU hotplug
Published messageVM.get_possible_hostsReturn the list of hosts on which this VM may run.
Published messageVM.hard_rebootStop executing the specified VM without attempting a clean shutdown and immediately restart the VM.
Published messageVM.hard_shutdownStop executing the specified VM without attempting a clean shutdown.
Published messageVM.pausePause the specified VM. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
Published messageVM.pool_migrateMigrate a VM to another Host.
Published messageVM.power_state_resetReset the power-state of the VM to halted in the database only. (Used to recover from slave failures in pooling scenarios by resetting the power-states of VMs running on dead slaves to halted.) This is a potentially dangerous operation; use with care.
Published messageVM.provisionInspects the disk configuration contained within the VM's other_config, creates VDIs and VBDs and then executes any applicable post-install script.
Published messageVM.resumeAwaken the specified VM and resume it. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Suspended state.
Published messageVM.resume_onAwaken the specified VM and resume it on a particular Host. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Suspended state.
Published messageVM.send_sysrqSend the given key as a sysrq to this VM. The key is specified as a single character (a String of length 1). This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
Published messageVM.send_triggerSend the named trigger to this VM. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
Published messageVM.set_HVM_boot_policySet the VM.HVM_boot_policy field of the given VM, which will take effect when it is next started
Published messageVM.set_VCPUs_number_liveSet the number of VCPUs for a running VM
Published messageVM.set_actions_after_crashSets the actions_after_crash parameter
Published messageVM.set_memory_target_liveSet the memory target for a running VM
Published messageVM.set_shadow_multiplier_liveSet the shadow memory multiplier on a running VM
Published messageVM.startStart the specified VM. This function can only be called with the VM is in the Halted State.
Published messageVM.start_onStart the specified VM on a particular host. This function can only be called with the VM is in the Halted State.
Published messageVM.suspendSuspend the specified VM to disk. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Running state.
Published messageVM.unpauseResume the specified VM. This can only be called when the specified VM is in the Paused state.
Published messageVM.update_allowed_operationsRecomputes the list of acceptable operations
Published messagecrashdump.destroyDestroy the specified crashdump
Published messageevent.get_current_idReturn the ID of the next event to be generated by the system
Published messageevent.nextBlocking call which returns a (possibly empty) batch of events. This method is only recommended for legacy use. New development should use event.from which supersedes this method.
Published messageevent.registerRegisters this session with the event system for a set of given classes. This method is only recommended for legacy use in conjunction with event.next.
Published messageevent.unregisterRemoves this session's registration with the event system for a set of given classes. This method is only recommended for legacy use in conjunction with event.next.
Published messagehost.bugreport_uploadRun xen-bugtool --yestoall and upload the output to support
Published messagehost.destroyDestroy specified host record in database
Published messagehost.disablePuts the host into a state in which no new VMs can be started. Currently active VMs on the host continue to execute.
Published messagehost.dmesgGet the host xen dmesg.
Published messagehost.dmesg_clearGet the host xen dmesg, and clear the buffer.
Published messagehost.enablePuts the host into a state in which new VMs can be started.
Published messagehost.get_logGet the host's log file
Published messagehost.license_applyApply a new license to a host
Published messagehost.list_methodsList all supported methods
Published messagehost.rebootReboot the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)
Published messagehost.restart_agentRestarts the agent after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.
Published messagehost.send_debug_keysInject the given string as debugging keys into Xen
Published messagehost.shutdownShutdown the host. (This function can only be called if there are no currently running VMs on the host and it is disabled.)
Published messagehost_crashdump.destroyDestroy specified host crash dump, removing it from the disk.
Published messagehost_crashdump.uploadUpload the specified host crash dump to a specified URL
Published messagehost_patch.applyApply the selected patch and return its output
Published messagehost_patch.destroyDestroy the specified host patch, removing it from the disk. This does NOT reverse the patch
Published messagepool.create_VLANCreate PIFs, mapping a network to the same physical interface/VLAN on each host. This call is deprecated: use Pool.create_VLAN_from_PIF instead.
Published messagepool.create_VLAN_from_PIFCreate a pool-wide VLAN by taking the PIF.
Published messagepool.ejectInstruct a pool master to eject a host from the pool
Published messagepool.emergency_reset_masterInstruct a slave already in a pool that the master has changed
Published messagepool.emergency_transition_to_masterInstruct host that's currently a slave to transition to being master
Published messagepool.joinInstruct host to join a new pool
Published messagepool.join_forceInstruct host to join a new pool
Published messagepool.recover_slavesInstruct a pool master, M, to try and contact its slaves and, if slaves are in emergency mode, reset their master address to M.
Published messagepool.sync_databaseForcibly synchronise the database now
Published messagesession.change_passwordChange the account password; if your session is authenticated with root privileges then the old_pwd is validated and the new_pwd is set regardless
Published messagesession.login_with_passwordAttempt to authenticate the user, returning a session reference if successful
Published messagesession.logoutLog out of a session
Published messagetask.cancelRequest that a task be cancelled. Note that a task may fail to be cancelled and may complete or fail normally and note that, even when a task does cancel, it might take an arbitrary amount of time.
Published messagetask.createCreate a new task object which must be manually destroyed.
Published messagetask.destroyDestroy the task object