XenServer 5.0

Code name: "orlando".


Published classblobA placeholder for a binary blob
Published classdata_sourceData sources for logging in RRDs
Published classmessageAn message for the attention of the administrator
Published fieldPIF.disallow_unplugPrevent this PIF from being unplugged; set this to notify the management tool-stack that the PIF has a special use and should not be unplugged under any circumstances (e.g. because you're running storage traffic over it)
Published fieldPIF_metrics.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldSM.driver_filenamefilename of the storage driver
Published fieldSR.blobsBinary blobs associated with this SR
Published fieldSR.tagsuser-specified tags for categorization purposes
Published fieldVBD_metrics.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldVDI.is_a_snapshottrue if this is a snapshot.
Published fieldVDI.snapshot_ofRef pointing to the VDI this snapshot is of.
Published fieldVDI.snapshot_timeDate/time when this snapshot was created.
Published fieldVDI.snapshotsList pointing to all the VDIs snapshots.
Published fieldVDI.tagsuser-specified tags for categorization purposes
Published fieldVIF_metrics.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldVM.blobsBinary blobs associated with this VM
Published fieldVM.blocked_operationsList of operations which have been explicitly blocked and an error code
Published fieldVM.ha_always_runif true then the system will attempt to keep the VM running as much as possible.
Published fieldVM.ha_restart_priorityhas possible values: "best-effort" meaning "try to restart this VM if possible but don't consider the Pool to be overcommitted if this is not possible"; "restart" meaning "this VM should be restarted"; "" meaning "do not try to restart this VM"
Published fieldVM.is_a_snapshottrue if this is a snapshot. Snapshotted VMs can never be started, they are used only for cloning other VMs
Published fieldVM.snapshot_ofRef pointing to the VM this snapshot is of.
Published fieldVM.snapshot_timeDate/time when this snapshot was created.
Published fieldVM.snapshotsList pointing to all the VM snapshots.
Published fieldVM.tagsuser-specified tags for categorization purposes
Published fieldVM.transportable_snapshot_idTransportable ID of the snapshot VM
Published fieldVM_guest_metrics.liveTrue if the guest is sending heartbeat messages via the guest agent
Published fieldVM_guest_metrics.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldVM_metrics.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldhost.blobsBinary blobs associated with this host
Published fieldhost.ha_network_peersThe set of hosts visible via the network from this host
Published fieldhost.ha_statefilesThe set of statefiles accessible from this host
Published fieldhost.tagsuser-specified tags for categorization purposes
Published fieldhost_cpu.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldhost_metrics.other_configadditional configuration
Published fieldmessage.clsThe class of the object this message is associated with
Published fieldnetwork.blobsBinary blobs associated with this network
Published fieldnetwork.tagsuser-specified tags for categorization purposes
Published fieldpool.blobsBinary blobs associated with this pool
Published fieldpool.gui_configgui-specific configuration for pool
Published fieldpool.ha_allow_overcommitIf set to false then operations which would cause the Pool to become overcommitted will be blocked.
Published fieldpool.ha_configurationThe current HA configuration
Published fieldpool.ha_enabledtrue if HA is enabled on the pool, false otherwise
Published fieldpool.ha_host_failures_to_tolerateNumber of host failures to tolerate before the Pool is declared to be overcommitted
Published fieldpool.ha_overcommittedTrue if the Pool is considered to be overcommitted i.e. if there exist insufficient physical resources to tolerate the configured number of host failures
Published fieldpool.ha_plan_exists_forNumber of future host failures we have managed to find a plan for. Once this reaches zero any future host failures will cause the failure of protected VMs.
Published fieldpool.ha_statefilesHA statefile VDIs in use
Published fieldpool.tagsuser-specified tags for categorization purposes
Published fieldtask.subtask_ofRef pointing to the task this is a substask of.
Published fieldtask.subtasksList pointing to all the substasks.
Published fielduser.other_configadditional configuration
Published messagePIF.db_forgetDestroy a PIF database record.
Published messagePIF.db_introduceCreate a new PIF record in the database only
Published messagePIF.set_disallow_unplugSet whether unplugging the PIF is allowed
Published messageSR.assert_can_host_ha_statefileReturns successfully if the given SR can host an HA statefile. Otherwise returns an error to explain why not
Published messageSR.create_new_blobCreate a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this SR
Published messageVM.assert_agileReturns an error if the VM is not considered agile e.g. because it is tied to a resource local to a host
Published messageVM.create_new_blobCreate a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this VM
Published messageVM.forget_data_source_archivesForget the recorded statistics related to the specified data source
Published messageVM.get_data_sources
Published messageVM.query_data_sourceQuery the latest value of the specified data source
Published messageVM.record_data_sourceStart recording the specified data source
Published messageVM.set_ha_always_runSet the value of the ha_always_run
Published messageVM.set_ha_restart_prioritySet the value of the ha_restart_priority field
Published messageVM.set_memory_static_maxSet the value of the memory_static_max field
Published messageVM.snapshotSnapshots the specified VM, making a new VM. Snapshot automatically exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored (e.g. Copy on Write).
Published messageVM.snapshot_with_quiesceSnapshots the specified VM with quiesce, making a new VM. Snapshot automatically exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored (e.g. Copy on Write).
Published messageVM.wait_memory_target_liveWait for a running VM to reach its current memory target
Published messageblob.createCreate a placeholder for a binary blob
Published messageblob.destroy
Published messagehost.backup_rrdsThis causes the RRDs to be backed up to the master
Published messagehost.call_pluginCall an API plugin on this host
Published messagehost.compute_free_memoryComputes the amount of free memory on the host.
Published messagehost.create_new_blobCreate a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this host
Published messagehost.emergency_ha_disableThis call disables HA on the local host. This should only be used with extreme care.
Published messagehost.forget_data_source_archivesForget the recorded statistics related to the specified data source
Published messagehost.get_data_sources
Published messagehost.get_servertimeThis call queries the host's clock for the current time
Published messagehost.get_vms_which_prevent_evacuationReturn a set of VMs which prevent the host being evacuated, with per-VM error codes
Published messagehost.power_onAttempt to power-on the host (if the capability exists).
Published messagehost.query_data_sourceQuery the latest value of the specified data source
Published messagehost.record_data_sourceStart recording the specified data source
Published messagehost.shutdown_agentShuts the agent down after a 10 second pause. WARNING: this is a dangerous operation. Any operations in progress will be aborted, and unrecoverable data loss may occur. The caller is responsible for ensuring that there are no operations in progress when this method is called.
Published messagehost.sync_dataThis causes the synchronisation of the non-database data (messages, RRDs and so on) stored on the master to be synchronised with the host
Published messagemessage.create
Published messagemessage.destroy
Published messagemessage.get
Published messagemessage.get_all
Published messagemessage.get_all_records
Published messagemessage.get_all_records_where
Published messagemessage.get_by_uuid
Published messagemessage.get_record
Published messagemessage.get_since
Published messagenetwork.create_new_blobCreate a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this pool
Published messagepool.create_new_blobCreate a placeholder for a named binary blob of data that is associated with this pool
Published messagepool.ha_compute_hypothetical_max_host_failures_to_tolerateReturns the maximum number of host failures we could tolerate before we would be unable to restart the provided VMs
Published messagepool.ha_compute_max_host_failures_to_tolerateReturns the maximum number of host failures we could tolerate before we would be unable to restart configured VMs
Published messagepool.ha_compute_vm_failover_planReturn a VM failover plan assuming a given subset of hosts fail
Published messagepool.ha_failover_plan_existsReturns true if a VM failover plan exists for up to 'n' host failures
Published messagepool.set_ha_host_failures_to_tolerateSet the maximum number of host failures to consider in the HA VM restart planner
Removed fieldVM_guest_metrics.disksNo data