XenServer 5.6

Code name: "midnight-ride".


Published classroleA set of permissions associated with a subject
Published classsecretA secret
Published fieldVM.bios_stringsBIOS strings
Published fieldVM.childrenList pointing to all the children of this VM
Published fieldVM.parentRef pointing to the parent of this VM
Published fieldVM.snapshot_infoHuman-readable information concerning this snapshot
Published fieldVM.snapshot_metadataEncoded information about the VM's metadata this is a snapshot of
Published fieldhost.bios_stringsBIOS strings
Published fieldhost.cpu_infoDetails about the physical CPUs on this host
Published fieldhost.editionProduct edition
Published fieldhost.license_serverContact information of the license server
Published fieldhost.power_on_configThe power on config
Published fieldhost.power_on_modeThe power on mode
Published fieldnetwork.MTUMTU in octets
Published fieldpool.redo_log_enabledtrue a redo-log is to be used other than when HA is enabled, false otherwise
Published fieldpool.redo_log_vdiindicates the VDI to use for the redo-log other than when HA is enabled
Published fieldpool.restrictionsPool-wide restrictions currently in effect
Published fieldpool.vswitch_controllerthe IP address of the vswitch controller.
Published fieldrole.name_descriptionwhat this role is for
Published fieldrole.name_labela short user-friendly name for the role
Published fieldrole.subrolesa list of pointers to other roles or permissions
Published fieldsession.auth_user_namethe subject name of the user that was externally authenticated. If a session instance has is_local_superuser set, then the value of this field is undefined.
Published fieldsession.parentreferences the parent session that created this session
Published fieldsession.rbac_permissionslist with all RBAC permissions for this session
Published fieldsession.taskslist of tasks created using the current session
Published fieldsubject.rolesthe roles associated with this subject
Published messageVM.checkpointCheckpoints the specified VM, making a new VM. Checkpoint automatically exploits the capabilities of the underlying storage repository in which the VM's disk images are stored (e.g. Copy on Write) and saves the memory image as well.
Published messageVM.compute_memory_overheadComputes the virtualization memory overhead of a VM.
Published messageVM.copy_bios_stringsCopy the BIOS strings from the given host to this VM
Published messageVM.get_cooperativeReturn true if the VM is currently 'co-operative' i.e. is expected to reach a balloon target and actually has done
Published messageVM.revertReverts the specified VM to a previous state.
Published messageVM.set_HVM_shadow_multiplierSet the shadow memory multiplier on a halted VM
Published messageVM.set_VCPUs_at_startupSet the number of startup VCPUs for a halted VM
Published messageVM.set_VCPUs_maxSet the maximum number of VCPUs for a halted VM
Published messageVM.set_memory_dynamic_maxSet the value of the memory_dynamic_max field
Published messageVM.set_memory_dynamic_minSet the value of the memory_dynamic_min field
Published messageVM.set_memory_dynamic_rangeSet the minimum and maximum amounts of physical memory the VM is allowed to use.
Published messageVM.set_memory_limitsSet the memory limits of this VM.
Published messageVM.set_memory_static_minSet the value of the memory_static_min field
Published messageVM.set_memory_static_rangeSet the static (ie boot-time) range of virtual memory that the VM is allowed to use.
Published messagehost.apply_editionChange to another edition, or reactivate the current edition after a license has expired. This may be subject to the successful checkout of an appropriate license.
Published messagehost.compute_memory_overheadComputes the virtualization memory overhead of a host.
Published messagehost.get_uncooperative_resident_VMsReturn a set of VMs which are not co-operating with the host's memory control system
Published messagehost.refresh_pack_infoRefresh the list of installed Supplemental Packs.
Published messagehost.reset_cpu_featuresRemove the feature mask, such that after a reboot all features of the CPU are enabled.
Published messagehost.set_cpu_featuresSet the CPU features to be used after a reboot, if the given features string is valid.
Published messagepool.disable_redo_logDisable the redo log if in use, unless HA is enabled.
Published messagepool.enable_redo_logEnable the redo log on the given SR and start using it, unless HA is enabled.
Published messagepool.set_vswitch_controllerSet the IP address of the vswitch controller.
Published messagerole.get_by_permissionThis call returns a list of roles given a permission
Published messagerole.get_by_permission_name_labelThis call returns a list of roles given a permission name
Published messagerole.get_permissionsThis call returns a list of permissions given a role
Published messagerole.get_permissions_name_labelThis call returns a list of permission names given a role
Published messagesubject.add_to_rolesThis call adds a new role to a subject
Published messagesubject.get_permissions_name_labelThis call returns a list of permission names given a subject
Published messagesubject.remove_from_rolesThis call removes a role from a subject
Deprecated classhost_cpuDeprecated in favour of the Host.cpu_info field
Deprecated fieldVM.memory_target
Deprecated fieldhost_metrics.memory_freeWill be disabled in favour of RRD
Deprecated messageVM.set_memory_target_live
Deprecated messageVM.wait_memory_target_live