XenServer 7.6

XenServer 7.6

Code name: "lima".


Published classClusterCluster-wide Cluster metadata
Published classCluster_hostCluster member metadata
Published classprobe_resultA set of properties that describe one result element of SR.probe. Result elements and properties can change dynamically based on changes to the the SR.probe input-parameters or the target.
Published classsr_statA set of high-level properties associated with an SR.
Published fieldCluster.cluster_configContains read-only settings for the cluster, such as timeouts and other options. It can only be set at cluster create time
Published fieldCluster.cluster_hostsA list of the cluster_host objects associated with the Cluster
Published fieldCluster.cluster_stackSimply the string 'corosync'. No other cluster stacks are currently supported
Published fieldCluster.cluster_stack_versionVersion of cluster stack, not writable via the API. Defaulting to 2 for backwards compatibility when upgrading from a cluster without this field, which means it is necessarily running version 2 of corosync, the only cluster stack supported so far.
Published fieldCluster.cluster_tokenThe secret key used by xapi-clusterd when it talks to itself on other hosts
Published fieldCluster.other_configAdditional configuration
Published fieldCluster.pending_forgetInternal field used by Host.destroy to store the IP of cluster members marked as permanently dead but not yet removed
Published fieldCluster.pool_auto_joinTrue if automatically joining new pool members to the cluster. This will be `true` in the first release
Published fieldCluster.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldCluster_host.PIFReference to the PIF object
Published fieldCluster_host.clusterReference to the Cluster object
Published fieldCluster_host.enabledWhether the cluster host believes that clustering should be enabled on this host. This field can be altered by calling the enable/disable message on a cluster host. Only enabled members run the underlying cluster stack. Disabled members are still considered a member of the cluster (see joined), and can be re-enabled by the user.
Published fieldCluster_host.hostReference to the Host object
Published fieldCluster_host.joinedWhether the cluster host has joined the cluster. Contrary to enabled, a host that is not joined is not considered a member of the cluster, and hence enable and disable operations cannot be performed on this host.
Published fieldCluster_host.other_configAdditional configuration
Published fieldCluster_host.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldprobe_result.completeTrue if this configuration is complete and can be used to call SR.create. False if it requires further iterative calls to SR.probe, to potentially narrow down on a configuration that can be used.
Published fieldprobe_result.configurationPlugin-specific configuration which describes where and how to locate the storage repository. This may include the physical block device name, a remote NFS server and path or an RBD storage pool.
Published fieldprobe_result.extra_infoAdditional plugin-specific information about this configuration, that might be of use for an API user. This can for example include the LUN or the WWPN.
Published fieldprobe_result.srExisting SR found for this configuration
Published fieldsr_stat.clusteredIndicates whether the SR uses clustered local storage.
Published fieldsr_stat.free_spaceNumber of bytes free on the backing storage (in bytes)
Published fieldsr_stat.healthThe health status of the SR.
Published fieldsr_stat.name_descriptionLonger, human-readable description of the SR. Descriptions are generally only displayed by clients when the user is examining SRs in detail.
Published fieldsr_stat.name_labelShort, human-readable label for the SR.
Published fieldsr_stat.total_spaceTotal physical size of the backing storage (in bytes)
Published fieldsr_stat.uuidUuid that uniquely identifies this SR, if one is available.
Published messageCluster.createCreates a Cluster object and one Cluster_host object as its first member
Published messageCluster.destroyDestroys a Cluster object and the one remaining Cluster_host member
Published messageCluster.get_networkReturns the network used by the cluster for inter-host communication, i.e. the network shared by all cluster host PIFs
Published messageCluster.pool_createAttempt to create a Cluster from the entire pool
Published messageCluster.pool_destroyAttempt to destroy the Cluster_host objects for all hosts in the pool and then destroy the Cluster.
Published messageCluster.pool_force_destroyAttempt to force destroy the Cluster_host objects, and then destroy the Cluster.
Published messageCluster.pool_resyncResynchronise the cluster_host objects across the pool. Creates them where they need creating and then plugs them
Published messageCluster_host.createAdd a new host to an existing cluster.
Published messageCluster_host.destroyRemove the host from an existing cluster. This operation is allowed even if a cluster host is not enabled.
Published messageCluster_host.disableDisable cluster membership for an enabled cluster host.
Published messageCluster_host.enableEnable cluster membership for a disabled cluster host.
Published messageCluster_host.force_destroyRemove a host from an existing cluster forcefully.
Published messageSR.probe_extPerform a backend-specific scan, using the given device_config. If the device_config is complete, then this will return a list of the SRs present of this type on the device, if any. If the device_config is partial, then a backend-specific scan will be performed, returning results that will guide the user in improving the device_config.
Changed fieldCluster.token_timeoutthe unit is now seconds
Changed fieldCluster.token_timeout_coefficientthe unit is now seconds