XenServer 7.2

Code name: "falcon".


Published classFeatureA new piece of functionality
Published classSDN_controllerDescribes the SDN controller that is to connect with the pool
Published classVMSSVM Snapshot Schedule
Published fieldFeature.enabledIndicates whether the feature is enabled
Published fieldFeature.experimentalIndicates whether the feature is experimental (as opposed to stable and fully supported)
Published fieldFeature.hostThe host where this feature is available
Published fieldFeature.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldFeature.versionThe version of this feature
Published fieldSDN_controller.addressIP address of the controller
Published fieldSDN_controller.portTCP port of the controller
Published fieldSDN_controller.protocolProtocol to connect with SDN controller
Published fieldSDN_controller.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVM.is_default_templateIdentifies default templates
Published fieldVM.is_vmss_snapshottrue if this snapshot was created by the snapshot schedule
Published fieldVM.snapshot_scheduleRef pointing to a snapshot schedule for this VM
Published fieldhost.featuresList of features available on this host
Published fieldnetwork.managedtrue if the bridge is managed by xapi
Published messageSDN_controller.forgetRemove the OVS manager of the pool and destroy the db record.
Published messageSDN_controller.introduceIntroduce an SDN controller to the pool.
Published messageVM.set_snapshot_scheduleSet the value of the snapshot schedule field
Published messageVMSS.add_to_schedule
Published messageVMSS.remove_from_schedule
Published messageVMSS.set_frequencySet the value of the frequency field
Published messageVMSS.set_last_run_time
Published messageVMSS.set_retained_snapshots
Published messageVMSS.set_schedule
Published messageVMSS.set_type
Published messageVMSS.snapshot_nowThis call executes the snapshot schedule immediately
Published messagetask.set_statusSet the task status
Changed fieldnetwork.bridgeAdded to the constructor (network.create)
Deprecated fieldpool.vswitch_controllerDeprecated: set the IP address of the vswitch controller in SDN_controller instead.
Deprecated messagepool.set_vswitch_controllerDeprecated: use 'SDN_controller.introduce' and 'SDN_controller.forget' instead.