XenServer 7.1

Code name: "ely".


Published classPVS_cache_storageDescribes the storage that is available to a PVS site for caching purposes
Published classPVS_proxya proxy connects a VM/VIF with a PVS site
Published classPVS_serverindividual machine serving provisioning (block) data
Published classPVS_sitemachines serving blocks of data for provisioning VMs
Published classpool_updatePool-wide updates to the host software
Published fieldPVS_cache_storage.SRSR providing storage for the PVS cache
Published fieldPVS_cache_storage.VDIThe VDI used for caching
Published fieldPVS_cache_storage.hostThe host on which this object defines PVS cache storage
Published fieldPVS_cache_storage.siteThe PVS_site for which this object defines the storage
Published fieldPVS_cache_storage.sizeThe size of the cache VDI (in bytes)
Published fieldPVS_cache_storage.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldPVS_proxy.VIFVIF of the VM using the proxy
Published fieldPVS_proxy.currently_attachedtrue = VM is currently proxied
Published fieldPVS_proxy.sitePVS site this proxy is part of
Published fieldPVS_proxy.statusThe run-time status of the proxy
Published fieldPVS_proxy.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldPVS_server.addressesIPv4 addresses of this server
Published fieldPVS_server.first_portFirst UDP port accepted by this server
Published fieldPVS_server.last_portLast UDP port accepted by this server
Published fieldPVS_server.sitePVS site this server is part of
Published fieldPVS_server.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldPVS_site.PVS_uuidUnique identifier of the PVS site, as configured in PVS
Published fieldPVS_site.cache_storageThe SR used by PVS proxy for the cache
Published fieldPVS_site.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldPVS_site.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldPVS_site.proxiesThe set of proxies associated with the site
Published fieldPVS_site.serversThe set of PVS servers in the site
Published fieldPVS_site.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVM.reference_labelTextual reference to the template used to create a VM. This can be used by clients in need of an immutable reference to the template since the latter's uuid and name_label may change, for example, after a package installation or upgrade.
Published fieldVM.requires_rebootIndicates whether a VM requires a reboot in order to update its configuration, e.g. its memory allocation.
Published fieldVM_metrics.hvmhardware virtual machine
Published fieldVM_metrics.nested_virtVM supports nested virtualisation
Published fieldVM_metrics.nomigrateVM is immobile and can't migrate between hosts
Published fieldhost.control_domainThe control domain (domain 0)
Published fieldhost.updatesSet of updates
Published fieldhost.updates_requiring_rebootList of updates which require reboot
Published fieldpool.live_patching_disabledThe pool-wide flag to show if the live patching feauture is disabled or not.
Published fieldpool_patch.pool_updateA reference to the associated pool_update object
Published fieldpool_update.after_apply_guidanceWhat the client should do after this update has been applied.
Published fieldpool_update.hostsThe hosts that have applied this update.
Published fieldpool_update.installation_sizeSize of the update in bytes
Published fieldpool_update.keyGPG key of the update
Published fieldpool_update.versionUpdate version number
Published messagePVS_proxy.createConfigure a VM/VIF to use a PVS proxy
Published messagePVS_proxy.destroyremove (or switch off) a PVS proxy for this VM
Published messagePVS_server.forgetforget a PVS server
Published messagePVS_server.introduceintroduce new PVS server
Published messagePVS_site.forgetRemove a site's meta data
Published messagePVS_site.introduceIntroduce new PVS site
Published messagePVS_site.set_PVS_uuidUpdate the PVS UUID of the PVS site
Published messageVIF.moveMove the specified VIF to the specified network, even while the VM is running
Published messageVM.set_memorySet the memory allocation of this VM. Sets all of memory_static_max, memory_dynamic_min, and memory_dynamic_max to the given value, and leaves memory_static_min untouched.
Published messagehost.call_extensionCall an API extension on this host
Published messagehost.has_extensionReturn true if the extension is available on the host
Published messagepool_update.applyApply the selected update to a host
Published messagepool_update.destroyRemoves the database entry. Only works on unapplied update.
Published messagepool_update.introduceIntroduce update VDI
Published messagepool_update.pool_applyApply the selected update to all hosts in the pool
Published messagepool_update.pool_cleanRemoves the update's files from all hosts in the pool, but does not revert the update
Published messagepool_update.precheckExecute the precheck stage of the selected update on a host
Changed messageVM.set_VCPUs_number_liveUnless the feature is explicitly enabled for every host in the pool, this fails with Api_errors.license_restriction.
Deprecated classhost_patch
Deprecated classpool_patch
Deprecated fieldVDI.parentThe field was never used.
Deprecated fieldhost.patches
Deprecated messagehost.refresh_pack_infoUse Pool_update.resync_host instead
Deprecated messagepool_patch.apply
Deprecated messagepool_patch.clean
Deprecated messagepool_patch.clean_on_host
Deprecated messagepool_patch.destroy
Deprecated messagepool_patch.pool_apply
Deprecated messagepool_patch.pool_clean
Deprecated messagepool_patch.precheck