XenServer 5.6 FP1

Code name: "cowley".


Published classVMPPVM Protection Policy
Published classtunnelA tunnel for network traffic
Published fieldPIF.tunnel_access_PIF_ofIndicates to which tunnel this PIF gives access
Published fieldPIF.tunnel_transport_PIF_ofIndicates to which tunnel this PIF provides transport
Published fieldSR.local_cache_enabledTrue if this SR is assigned to be the local cache for its host
Published fieldVDI.allow_cachingtrue if this VDI is to be cached in the local cache SR
Published fieldVDI.on_bootThe behaviour of this VDI on a VM boot
Published fieldVM.is_snapshot_from_vmpptrue if this snapshot was created by the protection policy
Published fieldVM.protection_policyRef pointing to a protection policy for this VM
Published fieldVMPP.VMsall VMs attached to this protection policy
Published fieldVMPP.alarm_configconfiguration for the alarm
Published fieldVMPP.archive_frequencyfrequency of the archive schedule
Published fieldVMPP.archive_last_run_timetime of the last archive
Published fieldVMPP.archive_scheduleschedule of the archive containing 'hour', 'min', 'days'. Date/time-related information is in Local Timezone
Published fieldVMPP.archive_target_configconfiguration for the archive, including its 'location', 'username', 'password'
Published fieldVMPP.archive_target_typetype of the archive target config
Published fieldVMPP.backup_frequencyfrequency of the backup schedule
Published fieldVMPP.backup_last_run_timetime of the last backup
Published fieldVMPP.backup_retention_valuemaximum number of backups that should be stored at any time
Published fieldVMPP.backup_scheduleschedule of the backup containing 'hour', 'min', 'days'. Date/time-related information is in Local Timezone
Published fieldVMPP.backup_typetype of the backup sub-policy
Published fieldVMPP.is_alarm_enabledtrue if alarm is enabled for this policy
Published fieldVMPP.is_archive_runningtrue if this protection policy's archive is running
Published fieldVMPP.is_backup_runningtrue if this protection policy's backup is running
Published fieldVMPP.is_policy_enabledenable or disable this policy
Published fieldVMPP.recent_alertsrecent alerts
Published fieldVMPP.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldhost.local_cache_srThe SR that is used as a local cache
Published fieldtunnel.access_PIFThe interface through which the tunnel is accessed
Published fieldtunnel.other_configAdditional configuration
Published fieldtunnel.statusStatus information about the tunnel
Published fieldtunnel.transport_PIFThe interface used by the tunnel
Published fieldtunnel.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published messageVDI.set_allow_cachingSet the value of the allow_caching parameter. This value can only be changed when the VDI is not attached to a running VM. The caching behaviour is only affected by this flag for VHD-based VDIs that have one parent and no child VHDs. Moreover, caching only takes place when the host running the VM containing this VDI has a nominated SR for local caching.
Published messageVDI.set_on_bootSet the value of the on_boot parameter. This value can only be changed when the VDI is not attached to a running VM.
Published messageVM.set_protection_policySet the value of the protection_policy field
Published messageVMPP.add_to_alarm_config
Published messageVMPP.add_to_archive_schedule
Published messageVMPP.add_to_archive_target_config
Published messageVMPP.add_to_backup_schedule
Published messageVMPP.archive_nowThis call archives the snapshot provided as a parameter
Published messageVMPP.get_alertsThis call fetches a history of alerts for a given protection policy
Published messageVMPP.protect_nowThis call executes the protection policy immediately
Published messageVMPP.remove_from_alarm_config
Published messageVMPP.remove_from_archive_schedule
Published messageVMPP.remove_from_archive_target_config
Published messageVMPP.remove_from_backup_schedule
Published messageVMPP.set_alarm_config
Published messageVMPP.set_archive_frequencySet the value of the archive_frequency field
Published messageVMPP.set_archive_last_run_time
Published messageVMPP.set_archive_schedule
Published messageVMPP.set_archive_target_config
Published messageVMPP.set_archive_target_typeSet the value of the archive_target_config_type field
Published messageVMPP.set_backup_frequencySet the value of the backup_frequency field
Published messageVMPP.set_backup_last_run_time
Published messageVMPP.set_backup_retention_value
Published messageVMPP.set_backup_schedule
Published messageVMPP.set_is_alarm_enabledSet the value of the is_alarm_enabled field
Published messagehost.disable_local_storage_cachingDisable the use of a local SR for caching purposes
Published messagehost.enable_local_storage_cachingEnable the use of a local SR for caching purposes
Published messagehost.get_server_localtimeThis call queries the host's clock for the current time in the host's local timezone
Published messagehost.set_power_on_modeSet the power-on-mode, host, user and password
Published messagepool.disable_local_storage_cachingThis call disables pool-wide local storage caching
Published messagepool.enable_local_storage_cachingThis call attempts to enable pool-wide local storage caching
Published messagepool.test_archive_targetThis call tests if a location is valid
Published messagetunnel.createCreate a tunnel
Published messagetunnel.destroyDestroy a tunnel
Extended messageVDI.copyThe copy can now be performed between any two SRs.
Extended messageVM.copyThe copy can now be performed between any two SRs.
Extended messagepool.set_vswitch_controllerAllow to be set to the empty string (no controller is used).