XenServer 6.0

Code name: "boston".


Published classDR_taskDR task
Published classGPU_groupA group of compatible GPUs across the resource pool
Published classPCIA PCI device
Published classPGPUA physical GPU (pGPU)
Published classVGPUA virtual GPU (vGPU)
Published classVM_applianceVM appliance
Published fieldBond.modeThe algorithm used to distribute traffic among the bonded NICs
Published fieldBond.primary_slaveThe PIF of which the IP configuration and MAC were copied to the bond, and which will receive all configuration/VLANs/VIFs on the bond if the bond is destroyed
Published fieldGPU_group.GPU_typesList of GPU types (vendor+device ID) that can be in this group
Published fieldGPU_group.PGPUsList of pGPUs in the group
Published fieldGPU_group.VGPUsList of vGPUs using the group
Published fieldGPU_group.name_descriptiona notes field containing human-readable description
Published fieldGPU_group.name_labela human-readable name
Published fieldGPU_group.other_configAdditional configuration
Published fieldGPU_group.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldPCI.class_namePCI class name
Published fieldPCI.dependenciesList of dependent PCI devices
Published fieldPCI.device_nameDevice name
Published fieldPCI.hostPhysical machine that owns the PCI device
Published fieldPCI.other_configAdditional configuration
Published fieldPCI.pci_idPCI ID of the physical device
Published fieldPCI.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldPCI.vendor_nameVendor name
Published fieldPGPU.GPU_groupGPU group the pGPU is contained in
Published fieldPGPU.PCILink to underlying PCI device
Published fieldPGPU.hostHost that owns the GPU
Published fieldPGPU.other_configAdditional configuration
Published fieldPGPU.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldSR.introduced_byThe disaster recovery task which introduced this SR
Published fieldVDI.metadata_latestWhether this VDI contains the latest known accessible metadata for the pool
Published fieldVDI.metadata_of_poolThe pool whose metadata is contained in this VDI
Published fieldVGPU.GPU_groupGPU group used by the vGPU
Published fieldVGPU.VMVM that owns the vGPU
Published fieldVGPU.currently_attachedReflects whether the virtual device is currently connected to a physical device
Published fieldVGPU.deviceOrder in which the devices are plugged into the VM
Published fieldVGPU.other_configAdditional configuration
Published fieldVGPU.uuidUnique identifier/object reference
Published fieldVM.VGPUsVirtual GPUs
Published fieldVM.attached_PCIsCurrently passed-through PCI devices
Published fieldVM.orderThe point in the startup or shutdown sequence at which this VM will be started
Published fieldVM.shutdown_delayThe delay to wait before proceeding to the next order in the shutdown sequence (seconds)
Published fieldVM.start_delayThe delay to wait before proceeding to the next order in the startup sequence (seconds)
Published fieldVM.suspend_SRThe SR on which a suspend image is stored
Published fieldVM.versionThe number of times this VM has been recovered
Published fieldevent.snapshotThe record of the database object that was added, changed or deleted
Published fieldhost.PCIsList of PCI devices in the host
Published fieldhost.PGPUsList of physical GPUs in the host
Published fieldhost.chipset_infoInformation about chipset features
Published fieldpool.metadata_VDIsThe set of currently known metadata VDIs for this pool
Published messageBond.set_modeChange the bond mode
Published messageDR_task.createCreate a disaster recovery task which will query the supplied list of devices
Published messageDR_task.destroyDestroy the disaster recovery task, detaching and forgetting any SRs introduced which are no longer required
Published messageGPU_group.create
Published messageGPU_group.destroy
Published messageSR.assert_supports_database_replicationReturns successfully if the given SR supports database replication. Otherwise returns an error to explain why not.
Published messageSR.disable_database_replication
Published messageSR.enable_database_replication
Published messageVDI.open_databaseLoad the metadata found on the supplied VDI and return a session reference which can be used in API calls to query its contents.
Published messageVDI.read_database_pool_uuidCheck the VDI cache for the pool UUID of the database on this VDI.
Published messageVGPU.create
Published messageVGPU.destroy
Published messageVIF.unplug_forceForcibly unplug the specified VIF
Published messageVM.assert_can_be_recoveredAssert whether all SRs required to recover this VM are available.
Published messageVM.recoverRecover the VM
Published messageVM.set_applianceAssign this VM to an appliance.
Published messageVM.set_orderSet this VM's boot order
Published messageVM.set_shutdown_delaySet this VM's shutdown delay in seconds
Published messageVM.set_start_delaySet this VM's start delay in seconds
Published messageVM.set_suspend_VDISet this VM's suspend VDI, which must be indentical to its current one
Published messageVM_appliance.assert_can_be_recoveredAssert whether all SRs required to recover this VM appliance are available.
Published messageVM_appliance.clean_shutdownPerform a clean shutdown of all the VMs in the appliance
Published messageVM_appliance.hard_shutdownPerform a hard shutdown of all the VMs in the appliance
Published messageVM_appliance.recoverRecover the VM appliance
Published messageVM_appliance.shutdownFor each VM in the appliance, try to shut it down cleanly. If this fails, perform a hard shutdown of the VM.
Published messageVM_appliance.startStart all VMs in the appliance
Published messageevent.fromBlocking call which returns a new token and a (possibly empty) batch of events. The returned token can be used in subsequent calls to this function.
Deprecated fieldVM.PCI_busField was never used
Deprecated fieldVM.ha_always_run
Deprecated fieldevent.obj_uuid
Deprecated fieldevent.timestamp
Deprecated messageVM.set_ha_always_run
Deprecated messageevent.next
Deprecated messageevent.register
Deprecated messageevent.unregister