Class: VMSS VM Snapshot Schedule
Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon) VM Snapshot Schedule
Enums vmss_frequency
Values: hourly Hourly snapshots daily Daily snapshots weekly Weekly snapshots
Values: snapshot The snapshot is a disk snapshot checkpoint The snapshot is a checkpoint snapshot_with_quiesce Support for VSS has been removed.
enable or disable this snapshot schedule
Default value: true Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) enable or disable this snapshot schedule
enum vmss_frequency
frequency of taking snapshot from snapshot schedule
Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) frequency of taking snapshot from snapshot schedule
time of the last snapshot
Default value: 19700101T00:00:00Z Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) time of the last snapshot
a notes field containing human-readable description
Default value: "" Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) a notes field containing human-readable description
a human-readable name
Default value: "" Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) a human-readable name
maximum number of snapshots that should be stored at any time
Default value: 7 Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) maximum number of snapshots that should be stored at any time
(string → string) map
schedule of the snapshot containing 'hour', 'min', 'days'. Date/time-related information is in Local Timezone
Default value: {} Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) schedule of the snapshot containing 'hour', 'min', 'days'. Date/time-related information is in Local Timezone
enum vmss_type
type of the snapshot schedule
Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) type of the snapshot schedule
Unique identifier/object reference
Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) Unique identifier/object reference
VM ref set
all VMs attached to this snapshot schedule
Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) all VMs attached to this snapshot schedule
Hide implicit
(session ref, VMSS ref, string, string)
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self The snapshot schedule string key the key to add string value the value to add Minimum role: pool-operator Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon)
VMSS ref
(session ref, VMSS record)
Create a new VMSS instance, and return its handle.
The constructor args are: name_label, name_description, enabled, type*, retained_snapshots, frequency*, schedule (* = non-optional).
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS record args All constructor arguments Minimum role: pool-operator Result: reference to the newly created object Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon) VM Snapshot Schedule
(session ref, VMSS ref)
Destroy the specified VMSS instance.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object Minimum role: pool-operator Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon) VM Snapshot Schedule
VMSS ref set
(session ref)
Return a list of all the VMSSs known to the system.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session Minimum role: read-only Result: references to all objects Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon) VM Snapshot Schedule
(VMSS ref → VMSS record) map
(session ref)
Return a map of VMSS references to VMSS records for all VMSSs known to the system.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session Minimum role: read-only Result: records of all objects Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon) VM Snapshot Schedule
VMSS ref set
(session ref, string)
Get all the VMSS instances with the given label.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session string label label of object to return Minimum role: read-only Result: references to objects with matching names Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon) VM Snapshot Schedule
VMSS ref
(session ref, string)
Get a reference to the VMSS instance with the specified UUID.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session string uuid UUID of object to return Minimum role: read-only Result: reference to the object Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon) VM Snapshot Schedule
(session ref, VMSS ref)
Get the enabled field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object Minimum role: read-only Result: value of the field Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) enable or disable this snapshot schedule
enum vmss_frequency
(session ref, VMSS ref)
Get the frequency field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object Minimum role: read-only Result: value of the field Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) frequency of taking snapshot from snapshot schedule
(session ref, VMSS ref)
Get the last_run_time field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object Minimum role: read-only Result: value of the field Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) time of the last snapshot
(session ref, VMSS ref)
Get the name/description field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object Minimum role: read-only Result: value of the field Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) a notes field containing human-readable description
(session ref, VMSS ref)
Get the name/label field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object Minimum role: read-only Result: value of the field Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) a human-readable name
VMSS record
(session ref, VMSS ref)
Get a record containing the current state of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object Minimum role: read-only Result: all fields from the object Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon) VM Snapshot Schedule
(session ref, VMSS ref)
Get the retained_snapshots field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object Minimum role: read-only Result: value of the field Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) maximum number of snapshots that should be stored at any time
(string → string) map
(session ref, VMSS ref)
Get the schedule field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object Minimum role: read-only Result: value of the field Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) schedule of the snapshot containing 'hour', 'min', 'days'. Date/time-related information is in Local Timezone
enum vmss_type
(session ref, VMSS ref)
Get the type field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object Minimum role: read-only Result: value of the field Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) type of the snapshot schedule
(session ref, VMSS ref)
Get the uuid field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object Minimum role: read-only Result: value of the field Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) Unique identifier/object reference
VM ref set
(session ref, VMSS ref)
Get the VMs field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object Minimum role: read-only Result: value of the field Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) all VMs attached to this snapshot schedule
(session ref, VMSS ref, string)
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self The snapshot schedule string key the key to remove Minimum role: pool-operator Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon)
(session ref, VMSS ref, bool)
Set the enabled field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object bool value New value to set Minimum role: pool-operator Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) enable or disable this snapshot schedule
(session ref, VMSS ref, enum vmss_frequency)
Set the value of the frequency field
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self The snapshot schedule enum vmss_frequency value the snapshot schedule frequency Minimum role: pool-operator Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon) Set the value of the frequency field
(session ref, VMSS ref, datetime)
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self The snapshot schedule datetime value the value to set Minimum role: Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon)
(session ref, VMSS ref, string)
Set the name/description field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object string value New value to set Minimum role: pool-operator Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) a notes field containing human-readable description
(session ref, VMSS ref, string)
Set the name/label field of the given VMSS.
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self reference to the object string value New value to set Minimum role: pool-operator Published in: XenServer 4.0 (rio) a human-readable name
(session ref, VMSS ref, int)
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self The schedule snapshot int value the value to set Minimum role: pool-operator Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon)
(session ref, VMSS ref, (string → string) map)
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self The snapshot schedule (string → string) map value the value to set Minimum role: pool-operator Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon)
(session ref, VMSS ref, enum vmss_type)
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref self The snapshot schedule enum vmss_type value the snapshot schedule type Minimum role: pool-operator Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon)
(session ref, VMSS ref)
This call executes the snapshot schedule immediately
Parameters: session ref session_id Reference to a valid session VMSS ref vmss Snapshot Schedule to execute Minimum role: pool-operator Result: An XMLRPC result Published in: XenServer 7.2 (falcon) This call executes the snapshot schedule immediately