
Class: role

A set of permissions associated with a subject


bool is_internal [RO/runtime]
string name_description [RO/constructor]
string name_label [RO/constructor]
role ref set subroles [RO/constructor]
string uuid [RO/runtime]


role ref set get_all (session ref)
(role ref → role record) map get_all_records (session ref)
role ref set get_by_name_label (session ref, string)
role ref set get_by_permission (session ref, role ref)
role ref set get_by_permission_name_label (session ref, string)
role ref get_by_uuid (session ref, string)
bool get_is_internal (session ref, role ref)
string get_name_description (session ref, role ref)
string get_name_label (session ref, role ref)
role ref set get_permissions (session ref, role ref)
string set get_permissions_name_label (session ref, role ref)
role record get_record (session ref, role ref)
role ref set get_subroles (session ref, role ref)
string get_uuid (session ref, role ref)