
Class: PVS_cache_storage

Describes the storage that is available to a PVS site for caching purposes


host ref host [RO/constructor]
PVS_site ref site [RO/constructor]
int size [RO/constructor]
SR ref SR [RO/constructor]
string uuid [RO/runtime]
VDI ref VDI [RO/runtime]


PVS_cache_storage ref create (session ref, PVS_cache_storage record)
void destroy (session ref, PVS_cache_storage ref)
PVS_cache_storage ref set get_all (session ref)
(PVS_cache_storage ref → PVS_cache_storage record) map get_all_records (session ref)
PVS_cache_storage ref get_by_uuid (session ref, string)
host ref get_host (session ref, PVS_cache_storage ref)
PVS_cache_storage record get_record (session ref, PVS_cache_storage ref)
PVS_site ref get_site (session ref, PVS_cache_storage ref)
int get_size (session ref, PVS_cache_storage ref)
SR ref get_SR (session ref, PVS_cache_storage ref)
string get_uuid (session ref, PVS_cache_storage ref)
VDI ref get_VDI (session ref, PVS_cache_storage ref)