
Class: PIF_metrics

The metrics associated with a physical network interface


bool carrier [RO/runtime]
string device_id [RO/runtime]
string device_name [RO/runtime]
bool duplex [RO/runtime]
float io_read_kbs [RO/runtime]
float io_write_kbs [RO/runtime]
datetime last_updated [RO/runtime]
(string → string) map other_config [RW]
string pci_bus_path [RO/runtime]
int speed [RO/runtime]
string uuid [RO/runtime]
string vendor_id [RO/runtime]
string vendor_name [RO/runtime]


void add_to_other_config (session ref, PIF_metrics ref, string, string)
PIF_metrics ref set get_all (session ref)
(PIF_metrics ref → PIF_metrics record) map get_all_records (session ref)
PIF_metrics ref get_by_uuid (session ref, string)
bool get_carrier (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
string get_device_id (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
string get_device_name (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
bool get_duplex (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
float get_io_read_kbs (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
float get_io_write_kbs (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
datetime get_last_updated (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
(string → string) map get_other_config (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
string get_pci_bus_path (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
PIF_metrics record get_record (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
int get_speed (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
string get_uuid (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
string get_vendor_id (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
string get_vendor_name (session ref, PIF_metrics ref)
void remove_from_other_config (session ref, PIF_metrics ref, string)
void set_other_config (session ref, PIF_metrics ref, (string → string) map)