Storage migration


participant local_tapdisk as local tapdisk
participant local_smapiv2 as local SMAPIv2
participant xapi
participant remote_xapi as remote xapi
participant remote_smapiv2 as remote SMAPIv2 (might redirect)
participant remote_tapdisk as remote tapdisk

Note over xapi: Sort VDIs increasingly by size and then age

loop VM's & snapshots' VDIs & suspend images
  xapi->>remote_xapi: plug dest SR to dest host and pool master
  alt VDI is not mirrored
    Note over xapi: We don't mirror RO VDIs & VDIs of snapshots
    xapi->>local_smapiv2: DATA.copy remote_sm_url

    activate local_smapiv2
    local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: SR.scan
    local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: VDI.similar_content
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: SR.scan
    Note over local_smapiv2: Find nearest smaller remote VDI remote_base, if any
    alt remote_base
      local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: VDI.clone
      local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: VDI.resize
    else no remote_base
      local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: VDI.create

    Note over local_smapiv2: call copy'
    activate local_smapiv2
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: SR.list
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: SR.scan
    Note over local_smapiv2: create new datapaths remote_dp, base_dp, leaf_dp
    Note over local_smapiv2: find local base_vdi with same content_id as dest, if any
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: VDI.attach2 remote_dp dest
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: VDI.activate remote_dp dest
    opt base_vdi
      local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: VDI.attach2 base_dp base_vdi
      local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: VDI.activate base_dp base_vdi
    local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: VDI.attach2 leaf_dp vdi
    local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: VDI.activate leaf_dp vdi
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_xapi: sparse_dd base_vdi vdi dest [NBD URI for dest & remote_dp]
    Note over remote_xapi: HTTP handler verifies credentials
    remote_xapi-->>remote_tapdisk: then passes connection to tapdisk's NBD server
    local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: VDI.deactivate leaf_dp vdi
    local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: VDI.detach leaf_dp vdi
    opt base_vdi
      local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: VDI.deactivate base_dp base_vdi
      local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: VDI.detach base_dp base_vdi
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: DP.destroy remote_dp
    deactivate local_smapiv2

    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: VDI.snapshot remote_copy
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: VDI.destroy remote_copy
    local_smapiv2->>xapi: task(snapshot)
    deactivate local_smapiv2

  else VDI is mirrored
    Note over xapi: We mirror RW VDIs of the VM
    Note over xapi: create new datapath dp
    xapi->>local_smapiv2: VDI.attach2 dp
    xapi->>local_smapiv2: VDI.activate dp
    xapi->>local_smapiv2: DATA.MIRROR.start dp remote_sm_url

    activate local_smapiv2
    Note over local_smapiv2: copy disk data & mirror local writes
    local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: SR.scan
    local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: VDI.similar_content
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: DATA.MIRROR.receive_start similars
    activate remote_smapiv2
    remote_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: mirror_vdi,mirror_dp,copy_diffs_from,copy_diffs_to,dummy_vdi
    deactivate remote_smapiv2
    local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: DP.attach_info dp
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_xapi: connect to [NBD URI for mirror_vdi & mirror_dp]
    Note over remote_xapi: HTTP handler verifies credentials
    remote_xapi-->>remote_tapdisk: then passes connection to tapdisk's NBD server
    local_smapiv2-->>local_tapdisk: pass socket & dp to tapdisk of dp
    local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: VDI.snapshot local_vdi [mirror:dp]
    local_smapiv2-->>local_tapdisk: [Python] unpause disk, pass dp
    local_tapdisk-->>remote_tapdisk: mirror new writes via NBD to socket
    Note over local_smapiv2: call copy' snapshot copy_diffs_to
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: VDI.compose copy_diffs_to mirror_vdi
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: VDI.remove_from_sm_config mirror_vdi base_mirror
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: VDI.destroy dummy_vdi
    local_smapiv2-->>local_smapiv2: VDI.destroy snapshot
    local_smapiv2->>xapi: task(mirror ID)
    deactivate local_smapiv2

    xapi->>local_smapiv2: DATA.MIRROR.stat
    activate local_smapiv2
    local_smapiv2->>xapi: dest_vdi
    deactivate local_smapiv2

  loop until task finished
    xapi->>local_smapiv2: UPDATES.get
    xapi->>local_smapiv2: TASK.stat
  xapi->>local_smapiv2: TASK.stat
  xapi->>local_smapiv2: TASK.destroy
opt for snapshot VDIs
  xapi->>local_smapiv2: SR.update_snapshot_info_src remote_sm_url
  activate local_smapiv2
  local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: SR.update_snapshot_info_dest
  deactivate local_smapiv2
Note over xapi: ...
Note over xapi: reserve resources for the new VM in dest host
loop all VDIs
  opt VDI is mirrored
    xapi->>local_smapiv2: DP.destroy dp
opt post_detach_hook
  opt active local mirror
    local_smapiv2-->>remote_smapiv2: DATA.MIRROR.receive_finalize [mirror ID]
    Note over remote_smapiv2: destroy mirror dp
Note over xapi: memory image migration by xenopsd
Note over xapi: destroy the VM record

Receiving SXM

These are the remote calls in the above diagram sent from the remote host to the receiving end of storage motion:

  • Remote SMAPIv2 -> local SMAPIv2 RPC calls:
    • SR.list
    • SR.scan
    • SR.update_snapshot_info_dest
    • VDI.attach2
    • VDI.activate
    • VDI.snapshot
    • VDI.destroy
    • For copying:
      • For copying from base:
        • VDI.clone
        • VDI.resize
      • For copying without base:
        • VDI.create
    • For mirroring:
      • DATA.MIRROR.receive_start
      • VDI.compose
      • VDI.remove_from_sm_config
      • DATA.MIRROR.receive_finalize
  • HTTP requests to xapi:
    • Connecting to NBD URI via xapi’s HTTP handler

This is how xapi coordinates storage migration. We’ll do it as a code walkthrough through the two layers: xapi and storage-in-xapi (SMAPIv2).

Xapi code

The entry point is in

The function takes several arguments:

  • a vm reference (vm)
  • a dictionary of (string * string) key-value pairs about the destination (dest). This is the result of a previous call to the destination pool, Host.migrate_receive
  • live, a boolean of whether we should live-migrate or suspend-resume,
  • vdi_map, a mapping of VDI references to destination SR references,
  • vif_map, a mapping of VIF references to destination network references,
  • vgpu_map, similar for VGPUs
  • options, another dictionary of options
let migrate_send'  ~__context ~vm ~dest ~live ~vdi_map ~vif_map ~vgpu_map ~options =
  SMPERF.debug "vm.migrate_send called vm:%s" (Db.VM.get_uuid ~__context ~self:vm);

  let open Xapi_xenops in

  let localhost = Helpers.get_localhost ~__context in
  let remote = remote_of_dest dest in

  (* Copy mode means we don't destroy the VM on the source host. We also don't
     	   copy over the RRDs/messages *)
  let copy = try bool_of_string (List.assoc "copy" options) with _ -> false in

It begins by getting the local host reference, deciding whether we’re copying or moving, and converting the input dest parameter from an untyped string association list to a typed record, remote, which is declared further up the file:

type remote = {
  rpc : -> Rpc.response;
  session : API.ref_session;
  sm_url : string;
  xenops_url : string;
  master_url : string;
  remote_ip : string; (* IP address *)
  remote_master_ip : string; (* IP address *)
  dest_host : API.ref_host;

this contains:

  • A function, rpc, for calling XenAPI RPCs on the destination
  • A session valid on the destination
  • A sm_url on which SMAPIv2 APIs can be called on the destination
  • A master_url on which XenAPI commands can be called (not currently used)
  • The IP address, remote_ip, of the destination host
  • The IP address, remote_master_ip, of the master of the destination pool

Next, we determine which VDIs to copy:

  (* The first thing to do is to create mirrors of all the disks on the remote.
     We look through the VM's VBDs and all of those of the snapshots. We then
     compile a list of all of the associated VDIs, whether we mirror them or not
     (mirroring means we believe the VDI to be active and new writes should be
     mirrored to the destination - otherwise we just copy it)
     We look at the VDIs of the VM, the VDIs of all of the snapshots, and any
     suspend-image VDIs. *)

  let vm_uuid = Db.VM.get_uuid ~__context ~self:vm in
  let vbds = Db.VM.get_VBDs ~__context ~self:vm in
  let vifs = Db.VM.get_VIFs ~__context ~self:vm in
  let snapshots = Db.VM.get_snapshots ~__context ~self:vm in
  let vm_and_snapshots = vm :: snapshots in
  let snapshots_vbds = List.concat_map (fun self -> Db.VM.get_VBDs ~__context ~self) snapshots in
  let snapshot_vifs = List.concat_map (fun self -> Db.VM.get_VIFs ~__context ~self) snapshots in

we now decide whether we’re intra-pool or not, and if we’re intra-pool whether we’re migrating onto the same host (localhost migrate). Intra-pool is decided by trying to do a lookup of our current host uuid on the destination pool.

  let is_intra_pool = try ignore(Db.Host.get_uuid ~__context ~self:remote.dest_host); true with _ -> false in
  let is_same_host = is_intra_pool && remote.dest_host == localhost in

  if copy && is_intra_pool then raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.operation_not_allowed, [ "Copy mode is disallowed on intra pool storage migration, try efficient alternatives e.g. VM.copy/clone."]));

Having got all of the VBDs of the VM, we now need to find the associated VDIs, filtering out empty CDs, and decide whether we’re going to copy them or mirror them - read-only VDIs can be copied but RW VDIs must be mirrored.

  let vms_vdis = List.filter_map (vdi_filter __context true) vbds in

where vdi_filter is defined earler:

(* We ignore empty or CD VBDs - nothing to do there. Possible redundancy here:
   I don't think any VBDs other than CD VBDs can be 'empty' *)
let vdi_filter __context allow_mirror vbd =
  if Db.VBD.get_empty ~__context ~self:vbd || Db.VBD.get_type ~__context ~self:vbd = `CD
  then None
    let do_mirror = allow_mirror && (Db.VBD.get_mode ~__context ~self:vbd = `RW) in
    let vm = Db.VBD.get_VM ~__context ~self:vbd in
    let vdi = Db.VBD.get_VDI ~__context ~self:vbd in
    Some (get_vdi_mirror __context vm vdi do_mirror)

This in turn calls get_vdi_mirror which gathers together some important info:

let get_vdi_mirror __context vm vdi do_mirror =
  let snapshot_of = Db.VDI.get_snapshot_of ~__context ~self:vdi in
  let size = Db.VDI.get_virtual_size ~__context ~self:vdi in
  let xenops_locator = Xapi_xenops.xenops_vdi_locator ~__context ~self:vdi in
  let location = Db.VDI.get_location ~__context ~self:vdi in
  let dp = Storage_access.presentative_datapath_of_vbd ~__context ~vm ~vdi in
  let sr = Db.SR.get_uuid ~__context ~self:(Db.VDI.get_SR ~__context ~self:vdi) in
  {vdi; dp; location; sr; xenops_locator; size; snapshot_of; do_mirror}

The record is helpfully commented above:

type vdi_mirror = {
  vdi : [ `VDI ] API.Ref.t;           (* The API reference of the local VDI *)
  dp : string;                        (* The datapath the VDI will be using if the VM is running *)
  location : string;                  (* The location of the VDI in the current SR *)
  sr : string;                        (* The VDI's current SR uuid *)
  xenops_locator : string;            (* The 'locator' xenops uses to refer to the VDI on the current host *)
  size : Int64.t;                     (* Size of the VDI *)
  snapshot_of : [ `VDI ] API.Ref.t;   (* API's snapshot_of reference *)
  do_mirror : bool;                   (* Whether we should mirror or just copy the VDI *)

xenops_locator is <sr uuid>/<vdi uuid>, and dp is vbd/<domid>/<device> if the VM is running and vbd/<vm_uuid>/<vdi_uuid> if not.

So now we have a list of these records for all VDIs attached to the VM. For these we check explicitly that they’re all defined in the vdi_map, the mapping of VDI references to their destination SR references.

  check_vdi_map ~__context vms_vdis vdi_map;

We then figure out the VIF map:

 let vif_map =
    if is_intra_pool then vif_map
    else infer_vif_map ~__context (vifs @ snapshot_vifs) vif_map

More sanity checks: We can’t do a storage migration if any of the VDIs is a reset-on-boot one - since the state will be lost on the destination when it’s attached:

(* Block SXM when VM has a VDI with on_boot=reset *)
  List.(iter (fun vconf ->
      let vdi = vconf.vdi in
      if (Db.VDI.get_on_boot ~__context ~self:vdi ==`reset) then
        raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.vdi_on_boot_mode_incompatible_with_operation, [Ref.string_of vdi]))) vms_vdis) ;

We now consider all of the VDIs associated with the snapshots. As for the VM’s VBDs above, we end up with a vdi_mirror list. Note we pass false to the allow_mirror parameter of the get_vdi_mirror function as none of these snapshot VDIs will ever require mirrorring.

let snapshots_vdis = List.filter_map (vdi_filter __context false)

Finally we get all of the suspend-image VDIs from all snapshots as well as the actual VM, since it might be suspended itself:

snapshots_vbds in
  let suspends_vdis =
      (fun acc vm ->
         if Db.VM.get_power_state ~__context ~self:vm = `Suspended
           let vdi = Db.VM.get_suspend_VDI ~__context ~self:vm in
           let sr = Db.VDI.get_SR ~__context ~self:vdi in
           if is_intra_pool && Helpers.host_has_pbd_for_sr ~__context ~host:remote.dest_host ~sr
           then acc
           else (get_vdi_mirror __context vm vdi false):: acc
         else acc)
      [] vm_and_snapshots in

Sanity check that we can see all of the suspend-image VDIs on this host:

 (* Double check that all of the suspend VDIs are all visible on the source *)
  List.iter (fun vdi_mirror ->
      let sr = Db.VDI.get_SR ~__context ~self:vdi_mirror.vdi in
      if not (Helpers.host_has_pbd_for_sr ~__context ~host:localhost ~sr)
      then raise (Api_errors.Server_error (Api_errors.suspend_image_not_accessible, [ Ref.string_of vdi_mirror.vdi ]))) suspends_vdis;

Next is a fairly complex piece that determines the destination SR for all of these VDIs. We don’t require API uses to decide destinations for all of the VDIs on snapshots and hence we have to make some decisions here:

  let dest_pool = List.hd (XenAPI.Pool.get_all remote.rpc remote.session) in
  let default_sr_ref =
    XenAPI.Pool.get_default_SR remote.rpc remote.session dest_pool in
  let suspend_sr_ref =
    let pool_suspend_SR = XenAPI.Pool.get_suspend_image_SR remote.rpc remote.session dest_pool
    and host_suspend_SR = XenAPI.Host.get_suspend_image_sr remote.rpc remote.session remote.dest_host in
    if pool_suspend_SR <> Ref.null then pool_suspend_SR else host_suspend_SR in

  (* Resolve placement of unspecified VDIs here - unspecified VDIs that
            are 'snapshot_of' a specified VDI go to the same place. suspend VDIs
            that are unspecified go to the suspend_sr_ref defined above *)

  let extra_vdis = suspends_vdis @ snapshots_vdis in

  let extra_vdi_map =
      (fun vconf ->
         let dest_sr_ref =
           let is_mapped = List.mem_assoc vconf.vdi vdi_map
           and snapshot_of_is_mapped = List.mem_assoc vconf.snapshot_of vdi_map
           and is_suspend_vdi = List.mem vconf suspends_vdis
           and remote_has_suspend_sr = suspend_sr_ref <> Ref.null
           and remote_has_default_sr = default_sr_ref <> Ref.null in
           let log_prefix =
             Printf.sprintf "Resolving VDI->SR map for VDI %s:" (Db.VDI.get_uuid ~__context ~self:vconf.vdi) in
           if is_mapped then begin
             debug "%s VDI has been specified in the map" log_prefix;
             List.assoc vconf.vdi vdi_map
           end else if snapshot_of_is_mapped then begin
             debug "%s Snapshot VDI has entry in map for it's snapshot_of link" log_prefix;
             List.assoc vconf.snapshot_of vdi_map
           end else if is_suspend_vdi && remote_has_suspend_sr then begin
             debug "%s Mapping suspend VDI to remote suspend SR" log_prefix;
           end else if is_suspend_vdi && remote_has_default_sr then begin
             debug "%s Remote suspend SR not set, mapping suspend VDI to remote default SR" log_prefix;
           end else if remote_has_default_sr then begin
             debug "%s Mapping unspecified VDI to remote default SR" log_prefix;
           end else begin
             error "%s VDI not in VDI->SR map and no remote default SR is set" log_prefix;
             raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.vdi_not_in_map, [ Ref.string_of vconf.vdi ]))
           end in
         (vconf.vdi, dest_sr_ref))
      extra_vdis in

At the end of this we’ve got all of the VDIs that need to be copied and destinations for all of them:

  let vdi_map = vdi_map @ extra_vdi_map in
  let all_vdis = vms_vdis @ extra_vdis in

  (* The vdi_map should be complete at this point - it should include all the
     VDIs in the all_vdis list. *)

Now we gather some final information together:

  assert_no_cbt_enabled_vdi_migrated ~__context ~vdi_map;

  let dbg = Context.string_of_task __context in
  let open Xapi_xenops_queue in
  let queue_name = queue_of_vm ~__context ~self:vm in
  let module XenopsAPI = (val make_client queue_name : XENOPS) in

  let remote_vdis = ref [] in

  let ha_always_run_reset = not is_intra_pool && Db.VM.get_ha_always_run ~__context ~self:vm in

  let cd_vbds = find_cds_to_eject __context vdi_map vbds in
  eject_cds __context cd_vbds;

check there’s no CBT (we can’t currently migrate the CBT metadata), make our client to talk to Xenopsd, make a mutable list of remote VDIs (which I think is redundant right now), decide whether we need to do anything for HA (we disable HA protection for this VM on the destination until it’s fully migrated) and eject any CDs from the VM.

Up until now this has mostly been gathering info (aside from the ejecting CDs bit), but now we’ll start to do some actions, so we begin a try-catch block:


but we’ve still got a bit of thinking to do: we sort the VDIs to copy based on age/size:

    (* Sort VDIs by size in principle and then age secondly. This gives better
       chances that similar but smaller VDIs would arrive comparatively
       earlier, which can serve as base for incremental copying the larger
       ones. *)
    let compare_fun v1 v2 =
      let r = v1.size v2.size in
      if r = 0 then
        let t1 = Date.to_unix_time (Db.VDI.get_snapshot_time ~__context ~self:v1.vdi) in
        let t2 = Date.to_unix_time (Db.VDI.get_snapshot_time ~__context ~self:v2.vdi) in
        compare t1 t2
      else r in
    let all_vdis = all_vdis |> List.sort compare_fun in

    let total_size = List.fold_left (fun acc vconf -> Int64.add acc vconf.size) 0L all_vdis in
    let so_far = ref 0L in

OK, let’s copy/mirror:

    with_many (vdi_copy_fun __context dbg vdi_map remote is_intra_pool remote_vdis so_far total_size copy) all_vdis @@ fun all_map ->

The copy functions are written such that they take continuations. This it to make the error handling simpler - each individual component function can perform its setup and execute the continuation. In the event of an exception coming from the continuation it can then unroll its bit of state and rethrow the exception for the next layer to handle.

with_many is a simple helper function for nesting invocations of functions that take continuations. It has the delightful type:

('a -> ('b -> 'c) -> 'c) -> 'a list -> ('b list -> 'c) -> 'c
(* Helper function to apply a 'with_x' function to a list *)
let rec with_many withfn many fn =
  let rec inner l acc =
    match l with
    | [] -> fn acc
    | x::xs -> withfn x (fun y -> inner xs (y::acc))
  in inner many []

As an example of its operation, imagine our withfn is as follows:

let withfn x c =
  Printf.printf "Starting withfn: x=%d\n" x;
    c (string_of_int x)
  with e ->
    Printf.printf "Handling exception for x=%d\n" x;
    raise e;;

applying this gives the output:

utop # with_many withfn [1;2;3;4] (String.concat ",");;
Starting with fn: x=1
Starting with fn: x=2
Starting with fn: x=3
Starting with fn: x=4
- : string = "4,3,2,1"

whereas raising an exception in the continutation results in the following:

utop # with_many with_fn [1;2;3;4] (fun _ -> failwith "error");;
Starting with fn: x=1
Starting with fn: x=2
Starting with fn: x=3
Starting with fn: x=4
Handling exception for x=4
Handling exception for x=3
Handling exception for x=2
Handling exception for x=1
Exception: Failure "error".

All the real action is in vdi_copy_fun, which copies or mirrors a single VDI:

let vdi_copy_fun __context dbg vdi_map remote is_intra_pool remote_vdis so_far total_size copy vconf continuation =
  TaskHelper.exn_if_cancelling ~__context;
  let open Storage_access in
  let dest_sr_ref = List.assoc vconf.vdi vdi_map in
  let dest_sr_uuid = XenAPI.SR.get_uuid remote.rpc remote.session dest_sr_ref in

  (* Plug the destination shared SR into destination host and pool master if unplugged.
     Plug the local SR into destination host only if unplugged *)
  let dest_pool = List.hd (XenAPI.Pool.get_all remote.rpc remote.session) in
  let master_host = XenAPI.Pool.get_master remote.rpc remote.session dest_pool in
  let pbds = XenAPI.SR.get_PBDs remote.rpc remote.session dest_sr_ref in
  let pbd_host_pair = (fun pbd -> (pbd, XenAPI.PBD.get_host remote.rpc remote.session pbd)) pbds in
  let hosts_to_be_attached = [master_host; remote.dest_host] in
  let pbds_to_be_plugged = List.filter (fun (_, host) ->
      (List.mem host hosts_to_be_attached) && (XenAPI.Host.get_enabled remote.rpc remote.session host)) pbd_host_pair in
  List.iter (fun (pbd, _) ->
      if not (XenAPI.PBD.get_currently_attached remote.rpc remote.session pbd) then
        XenAPI.PBD.plug remote.rpc remote.session pbd) pbds_to_be_plugged;

It begins by attempting to ensure the SRs we require are definitely attached on the destination host and on the destination pool master.

There’s now a little logic to support the case where we have cross-pool SRs and the VDI is already visible to the destination pool. Since this is outside our normal support envelope there is a key in xapi_globs that has to be set (via xapi.conf) to enable this:

  let rec dest_vdi_exists_on_sr vdi_uuid sr_ref retry =
      let dest_vdi_ref = XenAPI.VDI.get_by_uuid remote.rpc remote.session vdi_uuid in
      let dest_vdi_sr_ref = XenAPI.VDI.get_SR remote.rpc remote.session dest_vdi_ref in
      if dest_vdi_sr_ref = sr_ref then
    with _ ->
      if retry then
          XenAPI.SR.scan remote.rpc remote.session sr_ref;
          dest_vdi_exists_on_sr vdi_uuid sr_ref false

  (* CP-4498 added an unsupported mode to use cross-pool shared SRs - the initial
     use case is for a shared raw iSCSI SR (same uuid, same VDI uuid) *)
  let vdi_uuid = Db.VDI.get_uuid ~__context ~self:vconf.vdi in
  let mirror = if !Xapi_globs.relax_xsm_sr_check then
      if (dest_sr_uuid = then
          (* Check if the VDI uuid already exists in the target SR *)
          if (dest_vdi_exists_on_sr vdi_uuid dest_sr_ref true) then
            failwith ("SR UUID matches on destination but VDI does not exist")
      (not is_intra_pool) || (dest_sr_uuid <>

The check also covers the case where we’re doing an intra-pool migration and not copying all of the disks, in which case we don’t need to do anything for that disk.

We now have a wrapper function that creates a new datapath and passes it to a continuation function. On error it handles the destruction of the datapath:

let with_new_dp cont =
    let dp = Printf.sprintf (if vconf.do_mirror then "mirror_%s" else "copy_%s") vconf.dp in
    try cont dp
    with e ->
      (try SMAPI.DP.destroy ~dbg ~dp ~allow_leak:false with _ -> info "Failed to cleanup datapath: %s" dp);
      raise e in

and now a helper that, given a remote VDI uuid, looks up the reference on the remote host and gives it to a continuation function. On failure of the continuation it will destroy the remote VDI:

  let with_remote_vdi remote_vdi cont =
    debug "Executing remote scan to ensure VDI is known to xapi";
    XenAPI.SR.scan remote.rpc remote.session dest_sr_ref;
    let query = Printf.sprintf "(field \"location\"=\"%s\") and (field \"SR\"=\"%s\")" remote_vdi (Ref.string_of dest_sr_ref) in
    let vdis = XenAPI.VDI.get_all_records_where remote.rpc remote.session query in
    let remote_vdi_ref = match vdis with
      | [] -> raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.vdi_location_missing, [Ref.string_of dest_sr_ref; remote_vdi]))
      | h :: [] -> debug "Found remote vdi reference: %s" (Ref.string_of (fst h)); fst h
      | _ -> raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.location_not_unique, [Ref.string_of dest_sr_ref; remote_vdi])) in
    try cont remote_vdi_ref
    with e ->
      (try XenAPI.VDI.destroy remote.rpc remote.session remote_vdi_ref with _ -> error "Failed to destroy remote VDI");
      raise e in

another helper to gather together info about a mirrored VDI:

let get_mirror_record ?new_dp remote_vdi remote_vdi_reference =
    { mr_dp = new_dp;
      mr_mirrored = mirror;
      mr_local_sr =;
      mr_local_vdi = vconf.location;
      mr_remote_sr = dest_sr_uuid;
      mr_remote_vdi = remote_vdi;
      mr_local_xenops_locator = vconf.xenops_locator;
      mr_remote_xenops_locator = Xapi_xenops.xenops_vdi_locator_of_strings dest_sr_uuid remote_vdi;
      mr_local_vdi_reference = vconf.vdi;
      mr_remote_vdi_reference = remote_vdi_reference } in

and finally the really important function:

let mirror_to_remote new_dp =
    let task =
      if not vconf.do_mirror then
        SMAPI.DATA.copy ~dbg ~vdi:vconf.location ~dp:new_dp ~url:remote.sm_url ~dest:dest_sr_uuid
      else begin
        (* Though we have no intention of "write", here we use the same mode as the
           associated VBD on a mirrored VDIs (i.e. always RW). This avoids problem
           when we need to start/stop the VM along the migration. *)
        let read_write = true in
        (* DP set up is only essential for MIRROR.start/stop due to their open ended pattern.
           It's not necessary for copy which will take care of that itself. *)
        ignore(SMAPI.VDI.attach ~dbg ~dp:new_dp ~vdi:vconf.location ~read_write);
        SMAPI.VDI.activate ~dbg ~dp:new_dp ~vdi:vconf.location;
        ignore(Storage_access.register_mirror __context vconf.location);
        SMAPI.DATA.MIRROR.start ~dbg ~vdi:vconf.location ~dp:new_dp ~url:remote.sm_url ~dest:dest_sr_uuid
      end in

    let mapfn x =
      let total = Int64.to_float total_size in
      let done_ = Int64.to_float !so_far /. total in
      let remaining = Int64.to_float vconf.size /. total in
      done_ +. x *. remaining in

    let open Storage_access in

    let task_result =
      task |> register_task __context
      |> add_to_progress_map mapfn
      |> wait_for_task dbg
      |> remove_from_progress_map
      |> unregister_task __context
      |> success_task dbg in

    let mirror_id, remote_vdi =
      if not vconf.do_mirror then
        let vdi = task_result |> vdi_of_task dbg in
        remote_vdis := vdi.vdi :: !remote_vdis;
        None, vdi.vdi
        let mirrorid = task_result |> mirror_of_task dbg in
        let m = SMAPI.DATA.MIRROR.stat ~dbg ~id:mirrorid in
        Some mirrorid, m.Mirror.dest_vdi in

    so_far := Int64.add !so_far vconf.size;
    debug "Local VDI %s %s to %s" vconf.location (if vconf.do_mirror then "mirrored" else "copied") remote_vdi;
    mirror_id, remote_vdi in

This is the bit that actually starts the mirroring or copying. Before the call to mirror we call VDI.attach and VDI.activate locally to ensure that if the VM is shutdown then the detach/deactivate there doesn’t kill the mirroring process.

Note the parameters to the SMAPI call are sr and vdi, locating the local VDI and SM backend, new_dp, the datapath we’re using for the mirroring, url, which is the remote url on which SMAPI calls work, and dest, the destination SR uuid. These are also the arguments to copy above too.

There’s a little function to calculate the overall progress of the task, and the function waits until the completion of the task before it continues. The function success_task will raise an exception if the task failed. For DATA.mirror, completion implies both that the disk data has been copied to the destination and that all local writes are being mirrored to the destination. Hence more cleanup must be done on cancellation. In contrast, if the DATA.copy path had been taken then the operation at this point has completely finished.

The result of this function is an optional mirror id and the remote VDI uuid.

Next, there is a post_mirror function:

  let post_mirror mirror_id mirror_record =
      let result = continuation mirror_record in
      (match mirror_id with
       | Some mid -> ignore(Storage_access.unregister_mirror mid);
       | None -> ());
      if mirror && not (Xapi_fist.storage_motion_keep_vdi () || copy) then
        Helpers.call_api_functions ~__context (fun rpc session_id ->
            XenAPI.VDI.destroy rpc session_id vconf.vdi);
    with e ->
      let mirror_failed =
        match mirror_id with
        | Some mid ->
          ignore(Storage_access.unregister_mirror mid);
          let m = SMAPI.DATA.MIRROR.stat ~dbg ~id:mid in
          (try SMAPI.DATA.MIRROR.stop ~dbg ~id:mid with _ -> ());
        | None -> false in
      if mirror_failed then raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.mirror_failed,[Ref.string_of vconf.vdi]))
      else raise e in

This is poorly named - it is post mirror and copy. The aim of this function is to destroy the source VDIs on successful completion of the continuation function, which will have migrated the VM to the destination. In its exception handler it will stop the mirroring, but before doing so it will check to see if the mirroring process it was looking after has itself failed, and raise mirror_failed if so. This is because a failed mirror can result in a range of actual errors, and we decide here that the failed mirror was probably the root cause.

These functions are assembled together at the end of the vdi_copy_fun function:

   if mirror then
    with_new_dp (fun new_dp ->
        let mirror_id, remote_vdi = mirror_to_remote new_dp in
        with_remote_vdi remote_vdi (fun remote_vdi_ref ->
            let mirror_record = get_mirror_record ~new_dp remote_vdi remote_vdi_ref in
            post_mirror mirror_id mirror_record))
    let mirror_record = get_mirror_record vconf.location (XenAPI.VDI.get_by_uuid remote.rpc remote.session vdi_uuid) in
    continuation mirror_record

again, mirror here is poorly named, and means mirror or copy.

Once all of the disks have been mirrored or copied, we jump back to the body of migrate_send. We split apart the mirror records according to the source of the VDI:

      let was_from vmap = List.exists (fun vconf -> vconf.vdi = vmap.mr_local_vdi_reference) in

      let suspends_map, snapshots_map, vdi_map = List.fold_left (fun (suspends, snapshots, vdis) vmap ->
          if was_from vmap suspends_vdis then  vmap :: suspends, snapshots, vdis
          else if was_from vmap snapshots_vdis then suspends, vmap :: snapshots, vdis
          else suspends, snapshots, vmap :: vdis
        ) ([],[],[]) all_map in

then we reassemble all_map from this, for some reason:

    let all_map = List.concat [suspends_map; snapshots_map; vdi_map] in

Now we need to update the snapshot-of links:

     (* All the disks and snapshots have been created in the remote SR(s),
       * so update the snapshot links if there are any snapshots. *)
      if snapshots_map <> [] then
        update_snapshot_info ~__context ~dbg ~url:remote.sm_url ~vdi_map ~snapshots_map;

I’m not entirely sure why this is done in this layer as opposed to in the storage layer.

A little housekeeping:

     let xenops_vdi_map = (fun mirror_record -> (mirror_record.mr_local_xenops_locator, mirror_record.mr_remote_xenops_locator)) all_map in

      (* Wait for delay fist to disappear *)
      wait_for_fist __context Xapi_fist.pause_storage_migrate "pause_storage_migrate";

      TaskHelper.exn_if_cancelling ~__context;

the fist thing here simply allows tests to put in a delay at this specific point.

We also check the task to see if we’ve been cancelled and raise an exception if so.

The VM metadata is now imported into the remote pool, with all the XenAPI level objects remapped:

let new_vm =
        if is_intra_pool
        then vm
          (* Make sure HA replaning cycle won't occur right during the import process or immediately after *)
          let () = if ha_always_run_reset then XenAPI.Pool.ha_prevent_restarts_for ~rpc:remote.rpc ~session_id:remote.session ~seconds:(Int64.of_float !Xapi_globs.ha_monitor_interval) in
          (* Move the xapi VM metadata to the remote pool. *)
          let vms =
            let vdi_map =
     (fun mirror_record -> {
                    local_vdi_reference = mirror_record.mr_local_vdi_reference;
                    remote_vdi_reference = Some mirror_record.mr_remote_vdi_reference;
                all_map in
            let vif_map =
     (fun (vif, network) -> {
                    local_vif_reference = vif;
                    remote_network_reference = network;
                vif_map in
            let vgpu_map =
     (fun (vgpu, gpu_group) -> {
                    local_vgpu_reference = vgpu;
                    remote_gpu_group_reference = gpu_group;
            inter_pool_metadata_transfer ~__context ~remote ~vm ~vdi_map
              ~vif_map ~vgpu_map ~dry_run:false ~live:true ~copy
          let vm = List.hd vms in
          let () = if ha_always_run_reset then XenAPI.VM.set_ha_always_run ~rpc:remote.rpc ~session_id:remote.session ~self:vm ~value:false in
          (* Reserve resources for the new VM on the destination pool's host *)
          let () = XenAPI.Host.allocate_resources_for_vm remote.rpc remote.session remote.dest_host vm true in
          vm in

More waiting for fist points:

     wait_for_fist __context Xapi_fist.pause_storage_migrate2 "pause_storage_migrate2";

      (* Attach networks on remote *)
      XenAPI.Network.attach_for_vm ~rpc:remote.rpc ~session_id:remote.session ~host:remote.dest_host ~vm:new_vm;

also make sure all the networks are plugged for the VM on the destination. Next we create the xenopsd-level vif map, equivalent to the vdi_map above:

  (* Create the vif-map for xenops, linking VIF devices to bridge names on the remote *)
      let xenops_vif_map =
        let vifs = XenAPI.VM.get_VIFs ~rpc:remote.rpc ~session_id:remote.session ~self:new_vm in (fun vif ->
            let vifr = XenAPI.VIF.get_record ~rpc:remote.rpc ~session_id:remote.session ~self:vif in
            let bridge = Xenops_interface.Network.Local
                (XenAPI.Network.get_bridge ~rpc:remote.rpc ~session_id:remote.session ~self:vifr.API.vIF_network) in
            vifr.API.vIF_device, bridge
          ) vifs

Now we destroy any extra mirror datapaths we set up previously:

     (* Destroy the local datapaths - this allows the VDIs to properly detach, invoking the migrate_finalize calls *)
      List.iter (fun mirror_record ->
          if mirror_record.mr_mirrored
          then match mirror_record.mr_dp with | Some dp ->  SMAPI.DP.destroy ~dbg ~dp ~allow_leak:false | None -> ()) all_map;

More housekeeping:

    SMPERF.debug "vm.migrate_send: migration initiated vm:%s" vm_uuid;

      (* In case when we do SXM on the same host (mostly likely a VDI
         migration), the VM's metadata in xenopsd will be in-place updated
         as soon as the domain migration starts. For these case, there
         will be no (clean) way back from this point. So we disable task
         cancellation for them here.
      if is_same_host then (TaskHelper.exn_if_cancelling ~__context; TaskHelper.set_not_cancellable ~__context);

Finally we get to the memory-image part of the migration:

      (* It's acceptable for the VM not to exist at this point; shutdown commutes with storage migrate *)
          Xapi_xenops.Events_from_xenopsd.with_suppressed queue_name dbg vm_uuid
            (fun () ->
               let xenops_vgpu_map = (* can raise VGPU_mapping *)
                 infer_vgpu_map ~__context ~remote new_vm in
                 ~__context queue_name dbg vm_uuid xenops_vdi_map
                 xenops_vif_map xenops_vgpu_map remote.xenops_url;
               Xapi_xenops.Xenopsd_metadata.delete ~__context vm_uuid)
        | Xenops_interface.Does_not_exist ("VM",_)
        | Xenops_interface.Does_not_exist ("extra",_) ->
          info "%s: VM %s stopped being live during migration"
            "vm_migrate_send" vm_uuid
        | VGPU_mapping(msg) ->
          info "%s: VM %s - can't infer vGPU map: %s"
            "vm_migrate_send" vm_uuid msg;
          raise Api_errors.
                      ([ vm_uuid
                       ; Helpers.get_localhost_uuid ()
                       ; Db.Host.get_uuid ~__context ~self:remote.dest_host
                       ; "The VM changed its power state during migration"

      debug "Migration complete";
      SMPERF.debug "vm.migrate_send: migration complete vm:%s" vm_uuid;

Now we tidy up after ourselves:

      (* So far the main body of migration is completed, and the rests are
         updates, config or cleanup on the source and destination. There will
         be no (clean) way back from this point, due to these destructive
         changes, so we don't want user intervention e.g. task cancellation.
      TaskHelper.exn_if_cancelling ~__context;
      TaskHelper.set_not_cancellable ~__context;
      XenAPI.VM.pool_migrate_complete remote.rpc remote.session new_vm remote.dest_host;

      detach_local_network_for_vm ~__context ~vm ~destination:remote.dest_host;
      Xapi_xenops.refresh_vm ~__context ~self:vm;

the function pool_migrate_complete is called on the destination host, and consists of a few things that ordinarily would be set up during VM.start or the like:

let pool_migrate_complete ~__context ~vm ~host =
  let id = Db.VM.get_uuid ~__context ~self:vm in
  debug "VM.pool_migrate_complete %s" id;
  let dbg = Context.string_of_task __context in
  let queue_name = Xapi_xenops_queue.queue_of_vm ~__context ~self:vm in
  if Xapi_xenops.vm_exists_in_xenopsd queue_name dbg id then begin
    Cpuid_helpers.update_cpu_flags ~__context ~vm ~host;
    Xapi_xenops.set_resident_on ~__context ~self:vm;
    Xapi_xenops.add_caches id;
    Xapi_xenops.refresh_vm ~__context ~self:vm;
    Monitor_dbcalls_cache.clear_cache_for_vm ~vm_uuid:id

More tidying up, remapping some remaining VBDs and clearing state on the sender:

      (* Those disks that were attached at the point the migration happened will have been
         remapped by the Events_from_xenopsd logic. We need to remap any other disks at
         this point here *)

      if is_intra_pool
          (fun vm' ->
             intra_pool_vdi_remap ~__context vm' all_map;
             intra_pool_fix_suspend_sr ~__context remote.dest_host vm')

      (* If it's an inter-pool migrate, the VBDs will still be 'currently-attached=true'
         because we supressed the events coming from xenopsd. Destroy them, so that the
         VDIs can be destroyed *)
      if not is_intra_pool && not copy
      then List.iter (fun vbd -> Db.VBD.destroy ~__context ~self:vbd) (vbds @ snapshots_vbds);


The remark about the Events_from_xenopsd is that we have a thread watching for events that are emitted by xenopsd, and we resynchronise xapi’s state according to xenopsd’s state for several fields for which xenopsd is considered the canonical source of truth. One of these is the exact VDI the VBD is associated with.

The suspend_SR field of the VM is set to the source’s value, so we reset that.

Now we move the RRDs:

  if not copy then begin
      Rrdd_proxy.migrate_rrd ~__context ~remote_address:remote.remote_ip ~session_id:(Ref.string_of remote.session)
        ~vm_uuid:vm_uuid ~host_uuid:(Ref.string_of remote.dest_host) ()

This can be done for intra- and inter- pool migrates in the same way, simplifying the logic.

However, for messages and blobs we have to only migrate them for inter-pool migrations:

   if not is_intra_pool && not copy then begin
      (* Replicate HA runtime flag if necessary *)
      if ha_always_run_reset then XenAPI.VM.set_ha_always_run ~rpc:remote.rpc ~session_id:remote.session ~self:new_vm ~value:true;
      (* Send non-database metadata *)
      Xapi_message.send_messages ~__context ~cls:`VM ~obj_uuid:vm_uuid
        ~session_id:remote.session ~remote_address:remote.remote_master_ip;
      Xapi_blob.migrate_push ~__context ~rpc:remote.rpc
        ~remote_address:remote.remote_master_ip ~session_id:remote.session ~old_vm:vm ~new_vm ;
      (* Signal the remote pool that we're done *)

Lastly, we destroy the VM record on the source:

    Helpers.call_api_functions ~__context (fun rpc session_id ->
        if not is_intra_pool && not copy then begin
          info "Destroying VM ref=%s uuid=%s" (Ref.string_of vm) vm_uuid;
          Xapi_vm_lifecycle.force_state_reset ~__context ~self:vm ~value:`Halted;
          List.iter (fun self -> Db.VM.destroy ~__context ~self) vm_and_snapshots
    SMPERF.debug "vm.migrate_send exiting vm:%s" vm_uuid;

The exception handler still has to clean some state, but mostly things are handled in the CPS functions declared above:

with e ->
    error "Caught %s: cleaning up" (Printexc.to_string e);

    (* We do our best to tidy up the state left behind *)
    Events_from_xenopsd.with_suppressed queue_name dbg vm_uuid (fun () ->
          let _, state = XenopsAPI.VM.stat dbg vm_uuid in
          if Xenops_interface.(state.Vm.power_state = Suspended) then begin
            debug "xenops: %s: shutting down suspended VM" vm_uuid;
            Xapi_xenops.shutdown ~__context ~self:vm None;
        with _ -> ());

    if not is_intra_pool && Db.is_valid_ref __context vm then begin (fun self -> Db.VM.get_uuid ~__context ~self) vm_and_snapshots
      |> List.iter (fun self ->
            let vm_ref = XenAPI.VM.get_by_uuid remote.rpc remote.session self in
            info "Destroying stale VM uuid=%s on destination host" self;
            XenAPI.VM.destroy remote.rpc remote.session vm_ref
          with e -> error "Caught %s while destroying VM uuid=%s on destination host" (Printexc.to_string e) self)

    let task = Context.get_task_id __context in
    let oc = Db.Task.get_other_config ~__context ~self:task in
    if List.mem_assoc "mirror_failed" oc then begin
      let failed_vdi = List.assoc "mirror_failed" oc in
      let vconf = List.find (fun vconf -> vconf.location=failed_vdi) vms_vdis in
      debug "Mirror failed for VDI: %s" failed_vdi;
      raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.mirror_failed,[Ref.string_of vconf.vdi]))
    TaskHelper.exn_if_cancelling ~__context;
    begin match e with
      | Storage_interface.Backend_error(code, params) -> raise (Api_errors.Server_error(code, params))
      | Storage_interface.Unimplemented(code) -> raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.unimplemented_in_sm_backend, [code]))
      | Xenops_interface.Cancelled _ -> TaskHelper.raise_cancelled ~__context
      | _ -> raise e

Failures during the migration can result in the VM being in a suspended state. There’s no point leaving it like this since there’s nothing that can be done to resume it, so we force shut it down.

We also try to remove the VM record from the destination if we managed to send it there.

Finally we check for mirror failure in the task - this is set by the events thread watching for events from the storage layer, in

Storage code

The part of the code that is conceptually in the storage layer, but physically in xapi, is located in There are logically a few separate parts to this file:

Let’s start by considering the way the storage APIs are intended to be used.

Copying a VDI

DATA.copy takes several parameters:

  • dbg - a debug string
  • sr - the source SR (a uuid)
  • vdi - the source VDI (a uuid)
  • dp - unused
  • url - a URL on which SMAPIv2 API calls can be made
  • sr - the destination SR in which the VDI should be copied

and returns a parameter of type The API call is intended to be called in an asynchronous fashion - ie., the caller makes the call, receives the task ID back and polls or uses the event mechanism to wait until the task has completed. The task may be cancelled via the Task.cancel API call. The result of the operation is obtained by calling TASK.stat, which returns a record:

	type t = {
		id: id;
		dbg: string;
		ctime: float;
		state: state;
		subtasks: (string * state) list;
		debug_info: (string * string) list;
		backtrace: string;

Where the state field contains the result once the task has completed:

type async_result_t =
	| Vdi_info of vdi_info
	| Mirror_id of

type completion_t = {
	duration : float;
	result : async_result_t option

type state =
	| Pending of float
	| Completed of completion_t
	| Failed of Rpc.t

Once the result has been obtained from the task, the task should be destroyed via the TASK.destroy API call.

The implementation uses the url parameter to make SMAPIv2 calls to the destination SR. This is used, for example, to invoke a VDI.create call if necessary. The URL contains an authentication token within it (valid for the duration of the XenAPI call that caused this DATA.copy API call).

The implementation tries to minimize the amount of data copied by looking for related VDIs on the destination SR. See below for more details.

Mirroring a VDI

DATA.MIRROR.start takes a similar set of parameters to that of copy:

  • dbg - a debug string
  • sr - the source SR (a uuid)
  • vdi - the source VDI (a uuid)
  • dp - the datapath on which the VDI has been attached
  • url - a URL on which SMAPIv2 API calls can be made
  • sr - the destination SR in which the VDI should be copied

Similar to copy above, this returns a task id. The task ‘completes’ once the mirror has been set up - that is, at any point afterwards we can detach the disk and the destination disk will be identical to the source. Unlike for copy the operation is ongoing after the API call completes, since new writes need to be mirrored to the destination. Therefore the completion type of the mirror operation is Mirror_id which contains a handle on which further API calls related to the mirror call can be made. For example MIRROR.stat whose signature is:

MIRROR.stat: dbg:debug_info -> -> Mirror.t

The return type of this call is a record containing information about the mirror:

type state =
	| Receiving
	| Sending
	| Copying

type t = {
	source_vdi : vdi;
	dest_vdi : vdi;
	state : state list;
	failed : bool;

Note that state is a list since the initial phase of the operation requires both copying and mirroring.

Additionally the mirror can be cancelled using the MIRROR.stop API call.

Code walkthrough

let’s go through the implementation of copy:


let copy ~task ~dbg ~sr ~vdi ~dp ~url ~dest =
  debug "copy sr:%s vdi:%s url:%s dest:%s" sr vdi url dest;
  let remote_url = Http.Url.of_string url in
  let module Remote = Client(struct let rpc = rpc ~srcstr:"smapiv2" ~dststr:"dst_smapiv2" remote_url end) in

Here we are constructing a module Remote on which we can do SMAPIv2 calls directly on the destination.


Wrap the whole function in an exception handler.

    (* Find the local VDI *)
    let vdis = Local.SR.scan ~dbg ~sr in
    let local_vdi =
      try List.find (fun x -> x.vdi = vdi) vdis
      with Not_found -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Local VDI %s not found" vdi) in

We first find the metadata for our source VDI by doing a local SMAPIv2 call SR.scan. This returns a list of VDI metadata, out of which we extract the VDI we’re interested in.


Another exception handler. This looks redundant to me right now.

      let similar_vdis = Local.VDI.similar_content ~dbg ~sr ~vdi in
      let similars = (fun vdi -> vdi.content_id) similar_vdis in
      debug "Similar VDIs to %s = [ %s ]" vdi (String.concat "; " ( (fun x -> Printf.sprintf "(vdi=%s,content_id=%s)" x.vdi x.content_id) similar_vdis));

Here we look for related VDIs locally using the VDI.similar_content SMAPIv2 API call. This searches for related VDIs and returns an ordered list where the most similar is first in the list. It returns both clones and snapshots, and hence is more general than simply following snapshot_of links.

      let remote_vdis = Remote.SR.scan ~dbg ~sr:dest in
      (** We drop cbt_metadata VDIs that do not have any actual data *)
      let remote_vdis = List.filter (fun vdi -> vdi.ty <> "cbt_metadata") remote_vdis in

      let nearest = List.fold_left
          (fun acc content_id -> match acc with
             | Some x -> acc
             | None ->
               try Some (List.find (fun vdi -> vdi.content_id = content_id && vdi.virtual_size <= local_vdi.virtual_size) remote_vdis)
               with Not_found -> None) None similars in

      debug "Nearest VDI: content_id=%s vdi=%s"
        (Opt.default "None" ( (fun x -> x.content_id) nearest))
        (Opt.default "None" ( (fun x -> x.vdi) nearest));

Here we look for VDIs on the destination with the same content_id as one of the locally similar VDIs. We will use this as a base image and only copy deltas to the destination. This is done by cloning the VDI on the destination and then using sparse_dd to find the deltas from our local disk to our local copy of the content_id disk and streaming these to the destination. Note that we need to ensure the VDI is smaller than the one we want to copy since we can’t resize disks downwards in size.

      let remote_base = match nearest with
        | Some vdi ->
          debug "Cloning VDI %s" vdi.vdi;
          let vdi_clone = Remote.VDI.clone ~dbg ~sr:dest ~vdi_info:vdi in
          if vdi_clone.virtual_size <> local_vdi.virtual_size then begin
            let new_size = Remote.VDI.resize ~dbg ~sr:dest ~vdi:vdi_clone.vdi ~new_size:local_vdi.virtual_size in
            debug "Resize remote VDI %s to %Ld: result %Ld" vdi_clone.vdi local_vdi.virtual_size new_size;
        | None ->
          debug "Creating a blank remote VDI";
          Remote.VDI.create ~dbg ~sr:dest ~vdi_info:{ local_vdi with sm_config = [] }  in

If we’ve found a base VDI we clone it and resize it immediately. If there’s nothing on the destination already we can use, we just create a new VDI. Note that the calls to create and clone may well fail if the destination host is not the SRmaster. This is handled purely in the rpc function:

let rec rpc ~srcstr ~dststr url call =
  let result = XMLRPC_protocol.rpc ~transport:(transport_of_url url)
      ~srcstr ~dststr ~http:(xmlrpc ~version:"1.0" ?auth:(Http.Url.auth_of url) ~query:(Http.Url.get_query_params url) (Http.Url.get_uri url)) call
  if not result.Rpc.success then begin
    debug "Got failure: checking for redirect";
    debug "Call was: %s" (Rpc.string_of_call call);
    debug "result.contents: %s" (Jsonrpc.to_string result.Rpc.contents);
    match Storage_interface.Exception.exnty_of_rpc result.Rpc.contents with
    | Storage_interface.Exception.Redirect (Some ip) ->
      let open Http.Url in
      let newurl =
        match url with
        | (Http h, d) ->
          (Http {h with host=ip}, d)
        | _ ->
          remote_url ip in
      debug "Redirecting to ip: %s" ip;
      let r = rpc ~srcstr ~dststr newurl call in
      debug "Successfully redirected. Returning";
    | _ ->
      debug "Not a redirect";
  else result

Back to the copy function:

      let remote_copy = copy' ~task ~dbg ~sr ~vdi ~url ~dest ~dest_vdi:remote_base.vdi |> vdi_info in

This calls the actual data copy part. See below for more on that.

      let snapshot = Remote.VDI.snapshot ~dbg ~sr:dest ~vdi_info:remote_copy in
      Remote.VDI.destroy ~dbg ~sr:dest ~vdi:remote_copy.vdi;
      Some (Vdi_info snapshot)

Finally we snapshot the remote VDI to ensure we’ve got a VDI of type ‘snapshot’ on the destination, and we delete the non-snapshot VDI.

    with e ->
      error "Caught %s: copying snapshots vdi" (Printexc.to_string e);
      raise (Internal_error (Printexc.to_string e))
  | Backend_error(code, params)
  | Api_errors.Server_error(code, params) ->
    raise (Backend_error(code, params))
  | e ->
    raise (Internal_error(Printexc.to_string e))

The exception handler does nothing - so we leak remote VDIs if the exception happens after we’ve done our cloning :-(


Let’s now look at the data-copying part. This is common code shared between VDI.copy, VDI.copy_into and MIRROR.start and hence has some duplication of the calls made above.

let copy_into ~task ~dbg ~sr ~vdi ~url ~dest ~dest_vdi =
  copy' ~task ~dbg ~sr ~vdi ~url ~dest ~dest_vdi

copy_into is a stub and just calls copy'

let copy' ~task ~dbg ~sr ~vdi ~url ~dest ~dest_vdi =
  let remote_url = Http.Url.of_string url in
  let module Remote = Client(struct let rpc = rpc ~srcstr:"smapiv2" ~dststr:"dst_smapiv2" remote_url end) in
  debug "copy local=%s/%s url=%s remote=%s/%s" sr vdi url dest dest_vdi;

This call takes roughly the same parameters as the ``DATA.copy` call above, except it specifies the destination VDI. Once again we construct a module to do remote SMAPIv2 calls

  (* Check the remote SR exists *)
  let srs = Remote.SR.list ~dbg in
  if not(List.mem dest srs)
  then failwith (Printf.sprintf "Remote SR %s not found" dest);

Sanity check.

  let vdis = Remote.SR.scan ~dbg ~sr:dest in
  let remote_vdi =
    try List.find (fun x -> x.vdi = dest_vdi) vdis
    with Not_found -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Remote VDI %s not found" dest_vdi)

Find the metadata of the destination VDI

  let dest_content_id = remote_vdi.content_id in

If we’ve got a local VDI with the same content_id as the destination, we only need copy the deltas, so we make a note of the destination content ID here.

  (* Find the local VDI *)
  let vdis = Local.SR.scan ~dbg ~sr in
  let local_vdi =
    try List.find (fun x -> x.vdi = vdi) vdis
    with Not_found -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Local VDI %s not found" vdi) in

  debug "copy local=%s/%s content_id=%s" sr vdi local_vdi.content_id;
  debug "copy remote=%s/%s content_id=%s" dest dest_vdi remote_vdi.content_id;

Find the source VDI metadata.

  if local_vdi.virtual_size > remote_vdi.virtual_size then begin
    (* This should never happen provided the higher-level logic is working properly *)
    error "copy local=%s/%s virtual_size=%Ld > remote=%s/%s virtual_size = %Ld" sr vdi local_vdi.virtual_size dest dest_vdi remote_vdi.virtual_size;
    failwith "local VDI is larger than the remote VDI";

Sanity check - the remote VDI can’t be smaller than the source.

  let on_fail : (unit -> unit) list ref = ref [] in

We do some ugly error handling here by keeping a mutable list of operations to perform in the event of a failure.

  let base_vdi =
      let x = (List.find (fun x -> x.content_id = dest_content_id) vdis).vdi in
      debug "local VDI %s has content_id = %s; we will perform an incremental copy" x dest_content_id;
      Some x
    with _ ->
      debug "no local VDI has content_id = %s; we will perform a full copy" dest_content_id;

See if we can identify a local VDI with the same content_id as the destination. If not, no problem.

    let remote_dp = Uuid.string_of_uuid (Uuid.make_uuid ()) in
    let base_dp = Uuid.string_of_uuid (Uuid.make_uuid ()) in
    let leaf_dp = Uuid.string_of_uuid (Uuid.make_uuid ()) in

Construct some datapaths - named reasons why the VDI is attached - that we will pass to VDI.attach/activate.

    let dest_vdi_url = Http.Url.set_uri remote_url (Printf.sprintf "%s/nbd/%s/%s/%s" (Http.Url.get_uri remote_url) dest dest_vdi remote_dp) |> Http.Url.to_string in

    debug "copy remote=%s/%s NBD URL = %s" dest dest_vdi dest_vdi_url;

Here we are constructing a URI that we use to connect to the destination xapi. The handler for this particular path will verify the credentials and then pass the connection on to tapdisk which will behave as a NBD server. The VDI has to be attached and activated for this to work, unlike the new NBD handler in xapi-nbd that is smarter. The handler for this URI is declared in this file

    let id=State.copy_id_of (sr,vdi) in
    debug "Persisting state for copy (id=%s)" id;
    State.add id State.(Copy_op Copy_state.({
        base_dp; leaf_dp; remote_dp; dest_sr=dest; copy_vdi=remote_vdi.vdi; remote_url=url}));

Since we’re about to perform a long-running operation that is stateful, we persist the state here so that if xapi is restarted we can cancel the operation and not leak VDI attaches. Normally in xapi code we would be doing VBD.plug operations to persist the state in the xapi db, but this is storage code so we have to use a different mechanism.

    SMPERF.debug "mirror.copy: copy initiated local_vdi:%s dest_vdi:%s" vdi dest_vdi;

    Pervasiveext.finally (fun () ->
        debug "activating RW datapath %s on remote=%s/%s" remote_dp dest dest_vdi;
        ignore(Remote.VDI.attach ~dbg ~sr:dest ~vdi:dest_vdi ~dp:remote_dp ~read_write:true);
        Remote.VDI.activate ~dbg ~dp:remote_dp ~sr:dest ~vdi:dest_vdi;

        with_activated_disk ~dbg ~sr ~vdi:base_vdi ~dp:base_dp
          (fun base_path ->
             with_activated_disk ~dbg ~sr ~vdi:(Some vdi) ~dp:leaf_dp
               (fun src ->
                  let dd = Sparse_dd_wrapper.start ~progress_cb:(progress_callback 0.05 0.9 task) ?base:base_path true (Opt.unbox src)
                      dest_vdi_url remote_vdi.virtual_size in
                  Storage_task.with_cancel task
                    (fun () -> Sparse_dd_wrapper.cancel dd)
                    (fun () ->
                       try Sparse_dd_wrapper.wait dd
                       with Sparse_dd_wrapper.Cancelled -> Storage_task.raise_cancelled task)
      (fun () ->
         Remote.DP.destroy ~dbg ~dp:remote_dp ~allow_leak:false;
         State.remove_copy id

In this chunk of code we attach and activate the disk on the remote SR via the SMAPI, then locally attach and activate both the VDI we’re copying and the base image we’re copying deltas from (if we’ve got one). We then call sparse_dd to copy the data to the remote NBD URL. There is some logic to update progress indicators and to cancel the operation if the SMAPIv2 call TASK.cancel is called.

Once the operation has terminated (either on success, error or cancellation), we remove the local attach and activations in the with_activated_disk function and the remote attach and activation by destroying the datapath on the remote SR. We then remove the persistent state relating to the copy.

    SMPERF.debug "mirror.copy: copy complete local_vdi:%s dest_vdi:%s" vdi dest_vdi;

    debug "setting remote=%s/%s content_id <- %s" dest dest_vdi local_vdi.content_id;
    Remote.VDI.set_content_id ~dbg ~sr:dest ~vdi:dest_vdi ~content_id:local_vdi.content_id;
    (* PR-1255: XXX: this is useful because we don't have content_ids by default *)
    debug "setting local=%s/%s content_id <- %s" sr local_vdi.vdi local_vdi.content_id;
    Local.VDI.set_content_id ~dbg ~sr ~vdi:local_vdi.vdi ~content_id:local_vdi.content_id;
    Some (Vdi_info remote_vdi)

The last thing we do is to set the local and remote content_id. The local set_content_id is there because the content_id of the VDI is constructed from the location if it is unset in the module of xapi (still part of the storage layer)

  with e ->
    error "Caught %s: performing cleanup actions" (Printexc.to_string e);
    perform_cleanup_actions !on_fail;
    raise e

Here we perform the list of cleanup operations. Theoretically. It seems we don’t ever actually set this to anything, so this is dead code.


let start' ~task ~dbg ~sr ~vdi ~dp ~url ~dest =
  debug "Mirror.start sr:%s vdi:%s url:%s dest:%s" sr vdi url dest;
  SMPERF.debug "mirror.start called sr:%s vdi:%s url:%s dest:%s" sr vdi url dest;
  let remote_url = Http.Url.of_string url in
  let module Remote = Client(struct let rpc = rpc ~srcstr:"smapiv2" ~dststr:"dst_smapiv2" remote_url end) in

  (* Find the local VDI *)
  let vdis = Local.SR.scan ~dbg ~sr in
  let local_vdi =
    try List.find (fun x -> x.vdi = vdi) vdis
    with Not_found -> failwith (Printf.sprintf "Local VDI %s not found" vdi) in

As with the previous calls, we make a remote module for SMAPIv2 calls on the destination, and we find local VDI metadata via SR.scan

  let id = State.mirror_id_of (sr,local_vdi.vdi) in

Mirror ids are deterministically constructed.

  (* A list of cleanup actions to perform if the operation should fail. *)
  let on_fail : (unit -> unit) list ref = ref [] in

This on_fail list is actually used.

    let similar_vdis = Local.VDI.similar_content ~dbg ~sr ~vdi in
    let similars = List.filter (fun x -> x <> "") ( (fun vdi -> vdi.content_id) similar_vdis) in
    debug "Similar VDIs to %s = [ %s ]" vdi (String.concat "; " ( (fun x -> Printf.sprintf "(vdi=%s,content_id=%s)" x.vdi x.content_id) similar_vdis));

As with copy we look locally for similar VDIs. However, rather than use that here we actually pass this information on to the destination SR via the receive_start internal SMAPIv2 call:

    let result_ty = Remote.DATA.MIRROR.receive_start ~dbg ~sr:dest ~vdi_info:local_vdi ~id ~similar:similars in
    let result = match result_ty with
        Mirror.Vhd_mirror x -> x

This gives the destination SR a chance to say what sort of migration it can support. We only support Vhd_mirror style migrations which require the destination to support the compose SMAPIv2 operation. The type of x is a record:

type mirror_receive_result_vhd_t = {
	mirror_vdi : vdi_info;
	mirror_datapath : dp;
	copy_diffs_from : content_id option;
	copy_diffs_to : vdi;
	dummy_vdi : vdi;

Field descriptions:

  • mirror_vdi is the VDI to which new writes should be mirrored.
  • mirror_datapath is the remote datapath on which the VDI has been attached and activated. This is required to construct the remote NBD url
  • copy_diffs_from represents the source base VDI to be used for the non-mirrored data copy.
  • copy_diffs_to is the remote VDI to copy those diffs to
  • dummy_vdi exists to prevent leaf-coalesce on the mirror_vdi
    (* Enable mirroring on the local machine *)
    let mirror_dp = result.Mirror.mirror_datapath in

    let uri = (Printf.sprintf "/services/SM/nbd/%s/%s/%s" dest result.Mirror.mirror_vdi.vdi mirror_dp) in
    let dest_url = Http.Url.set_uri remote_url uri in
    let request = Http.Request.make ~query:(Http.Url.get_query_params dest_url) ~version:"1.0" ~user_agent:"smapiv2" Http.Put uri in
    let transport = Xmlrpc_client.transport_of_url dest_url in

This is where we connect to the NBD server on the destination.

    debug "Searching for data path: %s" dp;
    let attach_info = Local.DP.attach_info ~dbg:"nbd" ~sr ~vdi ~dp in
    debug "Got it!";

we need the local attach_info to find the local tapdisk so we can send it the connected NBD socket.

    on_fail := (fun () -> Remote.DATA.MIRROR.receive_cancel ~dbg ~id) :: !on_fail;

This should probably be set directly after the call to receive_start

    let tapdev = match tapdisk_of_attach_info attach_info with
      | Some tapdev ->
        debug "Got tapdev";
        let pid = Tapctl.get_tapdisk_pid tapdev in
        let path = Printf.sprintf "/var/run/blktap-control/nbdclient%d" pid in
        with_transport transport (with_http request (fun (response, s) ->
            debug "Here inside the with_transport";
            let control_fd = Unix.socket Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
              (fun () ->
                 debug "Connecting to path: %s" path;
                 Unix.connect control_fd (Unix.ADDR_UNIX path);
                 let msg = dp in
                 let len = String.length msg in
                 let written = Unixext.send_fd control_fd msg 0 len [] s in
                 debug "Sent fd";
                 if written <> len then begin
                   error "Failed to transfer fd to %s" path;
                   failwith "foo"
              (fun () ->
                 Unix.close control_fd)));
      | None ->
        failwith "Not attached"

Here we connect to the remote NBD server, then pass that connected fd to the local tapdisk that is using the disk. This fd is passed with a name that is later used to tell tapdisk to start using it - we use the datapath name for this.

    debug "Adding to active local mirrors: id=%s" id;
    let alm = State.Send_state.({
        watchdog=None}) in
    State.add id (State.Send_op alm);
    debug "Added";

As for copy we persist some state to disk to say that we’re doing a mirror so we can undo any state changes after a toolstack restart.

    debug "About to snapshot VDI = %s" (string_of_vdi_info local_vdi);
    let local_vdi = add_to_sm_config local_vdi "mirror" ("nbd:" ^ dp) in
    let local_vdi = add_to_sm_config local_vdi "base_mirror" id in
    let snapshot =
      Local.VDI.snapshot ~dbg ~sr ~vdi_info:local_vdi
    | Storage_interface.Backend_error(code, _) when code = "SR_BACKEND_FAILURE_44" ->
      raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.sr_source_space_insufficient, [ sr ]))
    | e ->
      raise e
    debug "Done!";

    SMPERF.debug "mirror.start: snapshot created, mirror initiated vdi:%s snapshot_of:%s"
      snapshot.vdi local_vdi.vdi ;

    on_fail := (fun () -> Local.VDI.destroy ~dbg ~sr ~vdi:snapshot.vdi) :: !on_fail;

This bit inserts into sm_config the name of the fd we passed earlier to do mirroring. This is interpreted by the python SM backends and passed on the tap-ctl invocation to unpause the disk. This causes all new writes to be mirrored via NBD to the file descriptor passed earlier.

      let rec inner () =
        debug "tapdisk watchdog";
        let alm_opt = State.find_active_local_mirror id in
        match alm_opt with
        | Some alm ->
          let stats = Tapctl.stats (Tapctl.create ()) tapdev in
          if stats.Tapctl.Stats.nbd_mirror_failed = 1 then
            Updates.add (Dynamic.Mirror id) updates;
          alm.State.Send_state.watchdog <- Some (Scheduler.one_shot scheduler (Scheduler.Delta 5) "tapdisk_watchdog" inner)
        | None -> ()
      in inner ()

This is the watchdog that runs tap-ctl stats every 5 seconds watching mirror_failed for evidence of a failure in the mirroring code. If it detects one the only thing it does is to notify that the state of the mirroring has changed. This will be picked up by the thread in xapi that is monitoring the state of the mirror. It will then issue a MIRROR.stat call which will return the state of the mirror including the information that it has failed.

    on_fail := (fun () -> stop ~dbg ~id) :: !on_fail;
    (* Copy the snapshot to the remote *)
    let new_parent = Storage_task.with_subtask task "copy" (fun () ->
        copy' ~task ~dbg ~sr ~vdi:snapshot.vdi ~url ~dest ~dest_vdi:result.Mirror.copy_diffs_to) |> vdi_info in
    debug "Local VDI %s == remote VDI %s" snapshot.vdi new_parent.vdi;

This is where we copy the VDI returned by the snapshot invocation to the remote VDI called copy_diffs_to. We only copy deltas, but we rely on copy' to figure out which disk the deltas should be taken from, which it does via the content_id field.

    Remote.VDI.compose ~dbg ~sr:dest ~vdi1:result.Mirror.copy_diffs_to ~vdi2:result.Mirror.mirror_vdi.vdi;
    Remote.VDI.remove_from_sm_config ~dbg ~sr:dest ~vdi:result.Mirror.mirror_vdi.vdi ~key:"base_mirror";
    debug "Local VDI %s now mirrored to remote VDI: %s" local_vdi.vdi result.Mirror.mirror_vdi.vdi;

Once the copy has finished we invoke the compose SMAPIv2 call that composes the diffs from the mirror with the base image copied from the snapshot.

    debug "Destroying dummy VDI %s on remote" result.Mirror.dummy_vdi;
    Remote.VDI.destroy ~dbg ~sr:dest ~vdi:result.Mirror.dummy_vdi;
    debug "Destroying snapshot %s on src" snapshot.vdi;
    Local.VDI.destroy ~dbg ~sr ~vdi:snapshot.vdi;

    Some (Mirror_id id)

we can now destroy the dummy vdi on the remote (which will cause a leaf-coalesce in due course), and we destroy the local snapshot here (which will also cause a leaf-coalesce in due course, providing we don’t destroy it first). The return value from the function is the mirror_id that we can use to monitor the state or cancel the mirror.

  | Sr_not_attached(sr_uuid) ->
    error " Caught exception %s:%s. Performing cleanup." Api_errors.sr_not_attached sr_uuid;
    perform_cleanup_actions !on_fail;
    raise (Api_errors.Server_error(Api_errors.sr_not_attached,[sr_uuid]))
  | e ->
    error "Caught %s: performing cleanup actions" (Api_errors.to_string e);
    perform_cleanup_actions !on_fail;
    raise e

The exception handler just cleans up afterwards.

This is not the end of the story, since we need to detach the remote datapath being used for mirroring when we detach this end. The hook function is in

let post_detach_hook ~sr ~vdi ~dp =
  let open State.Send_state in
  let id = State.mirror_id_of (sr,vdi) in
  State.find_active_local_mirror id |>
  Opt.iter (fun r ->
      let remote_url = Http.Url.of_string r.url in
      let module Remote = Client(struct let rpc = rpc ~srcstr:"smapiv2" ~dststr:"dst_smapiv2" remote_url end) in
      let t = Thread.create (fun () ->
          debug "Calling receive_finalize";
            (fun () -> Remote.DATA.MIRROR.receive_finalize ~dbg:"Mirror-cleanup" ~id);
          debug "Finished calling receive_finalize";
          State.remove_local_mirror id;
          debug "Removed active local mirror: %s" id
        ) () in
      Opt.iter (fun id -> Scheduler.cancel scheduler id) r.watchdog;
      debug "Created thread %d to call receive finalize and dp destroy" ( t))

This removes the persistent state and calls receive_finalize on the destination. The body of that functions is:

let receive_finalize ~dbg ~id =
  let recv_state = State.find_active_receive_mirror id in
  let open State.Receive_state in Opt.iter (fun r -> Local.DP.destroy ~dbg ~dp:r.leaf_dp ~allow_leak:false) recv_state;
  State.remove_receive_mirror id

which removes the persistent state on the destination and destroys the datapath associated with the mirror.

Additionally, there is also a pre-deactivate hook. The rationale for this is that we want to detect any failures to write that occur right at the end of the SXM process. So if there is a mirror operation going on, before we deactivate we wait for tapdisk to flush its queue of outstanding requests, then we query whether there has been a mirror failure. The code is just above the detach hook in

let pre_deactivate_hook ~dbg ~dp ~sr ~vdi =
  let open State.Send_state in
  let id = State.mirror_id_of (sr,vdi) in
  let start = Mtime_clock.counter () in
  let get_delta () = Mtime_clock.count start |> Mtime.Span.to_s in
  State.find_active_local_mirror id |>
  Opt.iter (fun s ->
        (* We used to pause here and then check the nbd_mirror_failed key. Now, we poll
				   until the number of outstanding requests has gone to zero, then check the
				   status. This avoids confusing the backend (CA-128460) *)
        let open Tapctl in
        let ctx = create () in
        let rec wait () =
          if get_delta () > reqs_outstanding_timeout then raise Timeout;
          let st = stats ctx s.tapdev in
          if st.Stats.reqs_outstanding > 0
          then (Thread.delay 1.0; wait ())
          else st
        let st = wait () in
        debug "Got final stats after waiting %f seconds" (get_delta ());
        if st.Stats.nbd_mirror_failed = 1
        then begin
          error "tapdisk reports mirroring failed";
          s.failed <- true
      | Timeout ->
        error "Timeout out after %f seconds waiting for tapdisk to complete all outstanding requests" (get_delta ());
        s.failed <- true
      | e ->
        error "Caught exception while finally checking mirror state: %s"
          (Printexc.to_string e);
        s.failed <- true