XAPI's Internals

The articles provided under this sub-section intend to act as a developer resource for toolstack engineers.

Subsections of Internals

Generated Parts of Xapi


Many parts of xapi are auto-generated during the build process. This article aims to document some of these modules and how they relate to each other. The intention of this article is to serve as a developer resource and, as such, its contents are prone to change (or become inaccurate) as the codebase evolves. The ultimate source of truth remains the codebase itself.

Interface Description

All of XenAPI’s data model is described within the ocaml/idl subdirectory. The data model itself describes the classes that make up the API. The classes themselves comprise fields and messages (methods), relating functionality together.

API Types (aPI.ml)

The internal representation of each object is a record whose type is specified within the generated API module, as part of building xapi-types. For example, the task object’s structure is defined by the type task_t. Similarly, API includes the internal type representation used to represent fields. For example, a type such as (string -> vdi_operations) map, used by the data model, is defined as (string * vdi_operations) list within API (where vdi_operations itself is a polymorphic variant also defined by API).

Note that the all the type definitions within API are annotated with [@@deriving rpc]. This ensures that the final module, after preprocessing, also contains functions to marshal each type to/from Rpc.t values (which is important for Server - described later - which receives that format as input).

Database Actions (db_actions.ml)

The majority of XenAPI consists of methods used to read and modify the fields of objects in the database. These methods are automatically generated and their implementations are placed within the generated Db_actions module.

The Db_actions module consists of various, related, parts: type definitions for a subset of objects’ fields, marshallers for converting API types to/from strings, and database action handlers. Briefly, the role of each of these is described below:

  • Type definitions for XenAPI objects are redefined in Db_actions in order to exclude internal fields. If a field is marked as “internal only” within the data model, then it should only exist within internal representations (those defined by API, described above). For example, task_t (describing a task object) - as described by Db_actions - notably omits the field task_session (of type session ref) so as to not leak sensitive information to clients (in this case, the reference to the session that created the task object).

  • Fields of the database are internally stored as strings and must be marshalled to typed values for use in OCaml code using DB actions. To this end, submodules String_to_DM and DM_to_String are generated to include code for doing these conversions. These submodules consist of the inverse operations of the other. For example, for the data model type Observer ref set, the function ref_Observer_set exists in both String_to_DM (as string -> [`Observer] API.Ref.t list) and in DM_to_String (inversely, as [`Observer] API.Ref.t list -> string).

  • Handlers for actions that read/write fields of database objects are implemented by Db_actions. Each handler uses the relevant marshallers to marshal inputs and outputs. Note that Db_actions generates two variants of get_record for each class: a normal get_record which returns the public class representation as described by the types defined in Db_actions, and a get_record_internal, which returns the full class representation (including internal fields) as described by the API module.

Registering for Snapshots

The Db_actions module also generates modules that register callbacks for Xapi’s event mechanisms. These modules are named in the format Class_init and consist only of top-level code, evaluated for its effect.

As each event must provide a snapshot of the related object, the event mechanism must be able to read records from the database. To do this, Eventgen exposes an API that Db_actions uses to register callbacks (one for each type of object in the database).

For example, within Db_actions, there is a module VM_init, consisting of:

module VM_init = struct
  let _  =
    Hashtbl.add Eventgen.get_record_table "VM"
      (fun ~__context ~self -> (fun () -> API.rpc_of_vM_t (VM.get_record ~__context ~self:(Ref.of_string self))))

As snapshots are served to external clients, the functions use the public get_record functions - returning types defined by API - which omits internal fields.

Notice that the type of values being mapped to is __context:Context.t -> self:string -> unit -> Rpc.t.

The presence of unit in the type is to permit partial application (of __context and self) to create thunks. The type unit -> Rpc.t is lossy, it says nothing about the context or object reference being used to fetch the snapshot; these details are captured by the closure arising from partial application. This means that code can arbitrarily delay the fetching of a snapshot and then “force” it (on demand) later. In practice, these snapshots are not delayed for long, see Eventgen for more information.

Custom Actions (custom_actions.ml)

The API operations that require a custom implementation (i.e. are not automatically generated) are grouped together into a signature called CUSTOM_ACTIONS within custom_actions.ml.

open API

module type CUSTOM_ACTIONS = sig

  module Session : sig
    val login_with_password : __context:Context.t -> uname:string -> pwd:string -> version:string -> originator:string -> ref_session
    val logout : __context:Context.t -> unit
(* ... *)

The isolation of these methods into their own signature is important for ensuring implementations exist for them.

The Actions submodule of Api_server_common can be ascribed this signature. The purpose of the Actions sub-module is to group custom implementations together whilst renaming them using module aliases. For example, the custom implementations of messages associate with the task class exist within xapi_task.ml - the module arising from this file is aliased, within Actions, to rename it and satisfy the CUSTOM_ACTIONS signature (e.g. module Task = Xapi_task).

The signature is not explicitly ascribed to Actions at its definition site, but is used by functors which are parameterised by modules satisfying CUSTOM_ACTIONS. The important modules of note are Actions itself (which comprise the concrete implementations of custom messages in Xapi) and the Forwarder sub-module (of Api_server_common) which uses the Message_forwarding.Forward functor to potentially override (via shadowing) the implementations of custom actions, in order to define policies around forwarding (e.g. whether the coordinator should handle a custom action by appealing to a subordinate host, usually via the Client module - described later).

Server (server.ml)

The Server modules contains the logic to handle incoming calls from Xapi’s HTTP server. At the top level, it contains a functor (parameterised by Local and Forward - both satisfying the CUSTOM_ACTIONS signature), that contains a large pattern match on the name of the supplied message (e.g. Host.get_record). Then, dependent on the semantics of the message itself, the body of each handler differs in slight ways when doing dispatch.

The top-level dispatch_call function

The top-level dispatch function, dispatch_call, has the following header:

let dispatch_call (http_req: Http.Request.t) (fd: Unix.file_descr) (call: Rpc.call) =

The incoming HTTP request (http_req) and - related - socket’s file descriptor (Unix.file_descr) are forwarded - within handler code - to Server_helpers.do_dispatch. The HTTP request is important because task and tracing-related metadata can be propagated using fields within the request header. The file descriptor can be used to determine the origin of the request (whether it’s local or not) but also can permit flexibility in upgrading protocols (as is done in other parts of Xapi, such as the /cli handler, where the connection starts off as HTTP but continues as something else).

The Anatomy of a Handler

A typical handler, within dispatch_call, looks like the following:

    | "task.get_name_label" | "task_get_name_label" ->
        begin match __params with
        | [session_id_rpc; self_rpc] ->
            (* has no side-effect; should be handled by DB action *)
            (* has no asynchronous mode *)
            let session_id = ref_session_of_rpc session_id_rpc in
            let self = ref_task_of_rpc self_rpc in
            Session_check.check ~intra_pool_only:false ~session_id ~action:"task.get_name_label";
            let arg_names_values = [("session_id", session_id_rpc); ("self", self_rpc)] in
            let key_names = [] in
            let rbac __context fn = Rbac.check session_id __call ~args:arg_names_values ~keys:key_names ~__context ~fn in
            let marshaller = (fun x -> rpc_of_string x) in
            let local_op = fun ~__context ->(rbac __context (fun()->(Db_actions.DB_Action.Task.get_name_label ~__context:(Context.check_for_foreign_database ~__context)  ~self))) in
            let supports_async = false in
            let generate_task_for = false in
            ApiLogRead.debug "task.get_name_label";
            let resp = Server_helpers.do_dispatch ~session_id  supports_async __call local_op marshaller fd http_req __label __sync_ty generate_task_for in
        | _ ->
            Server_helpers.parameter_count_mismatch_failure __call "1" (string_of_int ((List.length __params) - 1))

The start of each handler contains calls to unmarshal arguments from their Rpc.t representation to that defined by the API module. These functions are automatically generated during preprocessing of the aPI.ml file (API modules from xapi-types, described above). The conversion from the incoming XML-RPC (or JSON-RPC) to the Rpc.t encoding is handled by Api_server before it calls dispatch_call.

In the example above, the “local” operation (local_op) uses handlers generated within Db_actions (described above). This is typical of handlers for DB-related actions (the most common type of action): they have no forwarding logic (thus, no entry in the CUSTOM_ACTIONS signature) as they can only be carried out on the coordinator host (which maintains the database). If a subordinate host wishes to change the database, it must use a custom endpoint and protocol (not described here).

To see more about how the CUSTOM_ACTIONS signature is used in practice, you can look at the “local” and “forward” operations for a message with custom handling. For example, in Pool_patch.apply:

(* ... *)
let local_op = fun ~__context ->(rbac __context (fun()->(Custom.Pool_patch.apply ~__context:(Context.check_for_foreign_database ~__context)  ~self ~host))) in
(* ...  *)
let forward_op = fun ~local_fn ~__context -> (rbac __context (fun()-> (Forward.Pool_patch.apply ~__context:(Context.check_for_foreign_database ~__context)  ~self ~host) )) in
(* ...  *)

As mentioned above, the Custom and Forward modules are both inputs to Server’s Make functor. The difference lies in how they are instantiated: Api_server ensures that Custom is referring to local implementations (such as that arising from modules defined by files named xapi_*.ml) and Forward is referring to the module derived by Message_forwarding (but shadowed with implementations that may apply different handling to the call).

RBAC Checking and Auditing

In order to implement RBAC (Role Based Access Control) checking for individual messages, each handler contains logic that wraps an action (as a callback) within code that calls into the Rbac module (specifically, the Rbac.check function).

In the typical case, Rbac.check compares the name of a call against the list of RBAC permissions granted to the role associated with the originator’s session/context. There is more involved logic for key-related RBAC checks (explained later).

For an accessible listing of each (static) RBAC permission, Xapi auto-generates a CSV file containing this information in a tabular format (within rbac_static.csv). The information in that file is consistent with the auto-generated Rbac_static module described in this document.

Along with providing authorisation checking, the Rbac.check function also appends to an audit log which contains a (sanitised) list of actions (alongside their RBAC check outcome).

RBAC Checking of Keys

In auto-generated handlers for add_to and remove_from messages (e.g. pool.add_to_other_config), the RBAC check may cite a list of key descriptors. For example:

(* pool.add_to_other_config ...  *)
let arg_names_values = [("session_id", session_id_rpc); ("self", self_rpc); ("key", key_rpc); ("value", value_rpc)] in
let key_names = ["folder"; "XenCenter.CustomFields.*"; "EMPTY_FOLDERS"] in
let rbac __context fn = Rbac.check session_id __call ~args:arg_names_values ~keys:key_names ~__context ~fn in
(* ... *)

These keys are specified within the data model as being tied to specific roles, in order to apply role-based exclusions to specific keys. The usual situation is that the setter for such a (string -> string) map field (e.g. pool.set_other_config) requires a more privileged role than the roles specified for individual keys.

The mechanism that enforces this check is somewhat brittle at present: the Rbac.check function is provided the list of key descriptors and the (association) list of (unmarshalled) arguments. If the key descriptor list is non-empty, it will consult the argument listing for the cited key (i.e. the key name mapped to by “key” in the argument listing) and then attempt to match that against a descriptor. If there is a match, it will check the current session against the list of RBAC permissions. The key-related RBAC permissions are encoded in the format action/key:key (all lowercase) - for example, pool.add_to_other_config/key:xencenter.customfields.*.

Alternative Wire Names

In order to support languages that have keywords that collide with message names within Xapi, an alternative wire format is also cased upon within dispatch_call.

| "task.get_name_label" | "task_get_name_label" ->
(* ... *)

For example, Python uses the keyword from to handle imports and, so, an API call (using xmlrpc.client) - rendered as event.from - is a syntactic error. To get around this, the API permits an underscore to be substituted in place of the period (.) that separates the class name from the message name (e.g. event_from).

This apparent duplication of cases does not amount to a concrete duplication of matching code within the compiled module (due to how OCaml special cases the compilation of pattern matching over constant strings). However, in future, we could avoid casing on both of them by normalising the name of the incoming call (i.e. transform event.from to event_from prior to matching).

Client (client.ml)

The Client module serves as the main module of the xapi-client library. The primary consumer of this library is Xapi itself, for use when a host may call into another host (or itself).

For example, when defining a message forwarding policy, the implementation of a handler may use the Client module to invoke a function on another host. For instance, the message forwarding of Pool_patch.apply (from xapi/message_forwarding.ml):

let apply ~__context ~self ~host =
  info "Pool_patch.apply: pool patch = '%s'; host = '%s'"
    (pool_patch_uuid ~__context self)
    (host_uuid ~__context host) ;
  let local_fn = Local.Pool_patch.apply ~self ~host in
  do_op_on ~local_fn ~__context ~host (fun session_id rpc ->
    Client.Pool_patch.apply ~rpc ~session_id ~self ~host

The do_op_on machinery provides the rpc transport (Rpc.call -> Rpc.response) to the callback which passes it to Client’s implementation (which just performs the relevant marshalling). The RPC transport itself is XML-RPC over HTTP (as implemented by the internal http-lib library - ocaml/libs/http-lib).

Client Internals

Internally, the Client module contains a few functors. The top-level functor, ClientF is parameterised by a signature describing an arbitrary monad. The intention is to permit users to instantiate clients defined in terms of an RPC transport that may be asynchronous (for example, within the context of a program using Lwt or Async for its networking).

There is also a sub-functor AsyncF (within ClientF) that is parameterised by a module that provides a qualifier string to be prepended to calls’ method names. A few messages in Xapi can be qualified with async qualifiers (in particular, Async and InternalAsync). The AsyncF functor provides handling of those calls and is used to define the sub-modules (within ClientF) Async and InternalAsync. (the former prepending Async and the latter further prepending Internal). Code at the top-level of Server’s dispatch_call function is used to parse (and remove) this async qualifier from the provided message name.

module ClientF = functor(X : IO) ->struct
  (* ... *)
  module AsyncF = functor(AQ: AsyncQualifier) ->struct
    (* handling of messages with asynchronous modes *)
    module Session = struct
      let create_from_db_file ~rpc ~session_id ~filename =
        let session_id = rpc_of_ref_session session_id in
        let filename = rpc_of_string filename in
        rpc_wrapper rpc (Printf.sprintf "%sAsync.session.create_from_db_file" AQ.async_qualifier) [ session_id; filename ] >>= fun x -> return (ref_task_of_rpc  x)
        (* ... *)
    (* ...  *)
  (* handling of messages with synchronous modes; similar to above, but without prefixing of "Async" *)

  module Async = AsyncF(struct let async_qualifier = "" end)
  module InternalAsync = AsyncF(struct let async_qualifier = "Internal" end)
(* instantiate Client with the identity monad *)
module Client = ClientF(Id)

The usual Client module used by users of xapi-client is the Client sub-module, defined in terms of the identity monad (which simply applies the given continuation as its sequencing logic and performs no wrapping):

module Id = struct
  type 'a t = 'a
  let bind x f = f x 
  let return x = x

module Client = ClientF(Id)

This results in synchronous semantics, whereby any code within Xapi that uses it would block as it waits for a response via the RPC transport. This is not an issue in practice, as each call is given its own thread during the dispatch logic.

Note that the RPC transport itself is defined in terms of the provided monad. In the identity case, it’s a simple alias, and so the type of rpc is rendered Rpc.call -> Rpc.response. However, if you were to provide a monad defined, for example, in terms of Lwt.t (i.e. type 'a t = 'a Lwt.t), the expected type of the transport would reflect that: Rpc.call -> Rpc.response Lwt.t.


The data model assigns specific roles to messages and fields. In order to permit RBAC (Role Based Access Control) checking for the related actions, Xapi must be able to determine the required role(s) for a given action. To this end, Rbac_static is generated to contain entries that encode this information.

The format of the entries in Rbac_static is rather peculiar. For example, for the action Pool_patch.apply, we find permission_pool_patch_apply defined at the top-level:

let permission_pool_patch_apply = 
  { (* 311/2196 *)
  role_uuid = "d4385002-b920-5412-4c57-b010f451fa81";
  role_name_label = "pool_patch.apply";
  role_name_description = permission_description;
  role_subroles = []; (* permission cannot have any subroles *)
  role_is_internal = true;

This record is of type role_t (as defined by Db_actions). This record is later incorporated into role-specific lists of permissions (for each statically known role).

The reason that Rbac_static defines permissions in a format defined by Db_actions is because, to avoid flooding the database with thousands of entries, Rbac_static acts as its own database. In Xapi_role, functions are defined that mirror the functionality of functions within Db_actions (e.g. get_by_uuid).

The get_by_uuid function (within Xapi_role) illustrates the bypassing of the database clearly:

let get_by_uuid ~__context ~uuid =
  match find_role_by_uuid uuid with
  | Some static_record ->
      ref_of_role ~role:static_record
  | None ->
      (* pass-through to Db *)
      Db.Role.get_by_uuid ~__context ~uuid

If a role can be found (by UUID) statically (within Rbac_static), then that is used. Otherwise, the database is queried. Using the database as a fallback is important because there is still a dynamic component to the RBAC checking in Xapi: users can define their own roles that incorporate other roles as sub-roles - it’s just that the statically-known roles won’t be stored in the database. Precluding static roles from the database helps to avoid making the database larger and prevents users from deleting static roles from the database.