Certificates and PEM Files

Xapi uses certificates for secure communication within a pool and with external clients. These certificates are using the PEM file format and reside in the Dom0 file system. This documents explains the purpose of these files.

 Design Documents


Below are paths used by Xapi for certificates; additional certficates may be installed but they are not fundamental for Xapi’s operation.


Fundamental Certificates

Certificates that identify a host. These certificates are comprised of both a private and a public key. The public key may be distributed to other hosts.


This certificate identifies a host for extra-pool clients.

This is the certificate used by the API HTTPS server that clients like XenCenter or CVAD connect to. On installation of XenServer it is auto generated but can be updated by a user using the API. This is the most important certificate for a user to establish an HTTPS connection to a pool or host to be used as an API.

  • /etc/xensource/xapi-ssl.pem
  • contains private and public key for this host
  • Host.get_server_certificate API call
  • referenced by /etc/stunnel/xapi.conf
  • xe host-server-certificate-install XE command to replace the certificate.
  • See below for xapi-stunnel-ca-bundle for additional certificates that can be added to a pool in support of a user-supplied host certificate.
  • xe reset-server-certificate creates a new self-signed certificate.


This certificate identifies a host inside a pool. It is auto generated and used for all intra-pool HTTPS connections. It needs to be distributed inside a pool to establish trust. The distribution of the public part of the certificate is performed by the API and must not be done manually.

  • /etc/xensource/xapi-pool-tls.pem
  • contains private and public key for this host
  • referenced by /etc/stunnel/xapi.conf
  • This certificate can be re-generated using the API or XE
  • Host.refresh_server_certificate
  • xe host-refresh-server-certificate

Certificate Bundles

Certifiacte bundles are used by stunnel. They are a collection of public keys from hosts and certificates provided by a user. Knowing a host’s public key facilitates stunnel connecting to the host.

Bundles by themselves are a technicality as they organise a set of certificates in a single file but don’t add new certificates.

xapi-pool-ca-bundle.pem and certs-pool/*.pem

Collection of public keys from xapi-pool-tls.pem across the pool. The public keys are collected in the certs-pool directory: each is named after the UUID of its host and the bundle is constructed from them.

  • bundle of public keys from hosts’ xapi-pool-tls.pem
  • constructed from PEM files in certs-pool/
  • /opt/xensource/bin/update-ca-bundle.sh generates the bundle from PEM files

xapi-stunnel-ca-bundle.pem and certs/*.pem

User-supplied certificates; they are not essential for the operation of a pool from Xapi’s perspective. They make stunnel aware of certificates used by clients when using HTTPS for API calls.

  • in a plain pool installation, these are empty; PEMs supplied by a user are stored here and bundled into the xapi-stunnerl-ca-bundle.pem.
  • bundle of public keys supploed by a user
  • constructed from PEM files in certs/
  • /opt/xensource/bin/update-ca-bundle.sh generates the bundle from PEM files
  • Updated by a user using xe pool-install-ca-certificate
  • Pool.install_ca_certificate
  • Pool.uninstall_ca_certificate
  • xe pool-certificate-sync explicitly distribute these certificates in the pool.
  • User-provided certificates can be used to let xapi connect to WLB.