Adding a Class to the API
This document describes how to add a new class to the data model that defines the Xen Server API. It complements two other documents that describe how to extend an existing class:
As a running example, we will use the addition of a class that is part of the design for the PVS Direct feature. PVS Direct introduces proxies that serve VMs with disk images. This class was added via commit CP-16939 to Xen API.
Example: PVS_server
In the world of Xen Server, each important concept like a virtual
machine, interface, or users is represented by a class in the data model.
A class defines methods and instance variables. At runtime, all class
instances are held in an in-memory database. For example, part of [PVS
Direct] is a class PVS_server
, representing a resource that provides
block-level data for virtual machines. The design document defines it to
have the following important properties:
(string set) addresses
(RO/constructor) IPv4 addresses of the server.(int) first_port
(RO/constructor) First UDP port accepted by the server.(int) last_port
(RO/constructor) Last UDP port accepted by the server.(PVS_farm ref) farm
(RO/constructor) Link to the farm that this server is included in. A PVS_server object must always have a valid farm reference; the PVS_server will be automatically GC’ed by xapi if the associated PVS_farm object is removed.(string) uuid (R0/runtime)
Unique identifier/object reference. Allocated by the server.
Methods (or Functions)
(PVS_server ref) introduce (string set addresses, int first_port, int last_port, PVS_farm ref farm)
Introduce a new PVS server into the farm. Allowed at any time, even when proxies are in use. The proxies will be updated automatically.(void) forget (PVS_server ref self)
Remove a PVS server from the farm. Allowed at any time, even when proxies are in use. The proxies will be updated automatically.
Implementation Overview
The implementation of a class is distributed over several files:
– central class definitionocaml/idl/
– definition of releasesocaml/xapi/
– declaration of CLI operationsocaml/xapi/
– implementation of CLI operationsocaml/xapi/
– getters and settersocaml/xapi/OMakefile
– refers
– refers
– implementation of methods, new file
Data Model
The data model ocaml/idl/
defines the class. To keep the
name space tidy, most helper functions are grouped into an internal
(* *)
let schema_minor_vsn = 103 (* line 21 -- increment this *)
let _pvs_farm = "PVS_farm" (* line 153 *)
module PVS_farm = struct (* line 8658 *)
let lifecycle = [Prototyped, rel_dundee_plus, ""]
let introduce = call
~doc:"Introduce new PVS farm"
~result:(Ref _pvs_farm, "the new PVS farm")
[ String,"name","name of the PVS farm"
let forget = call
~doc:"Remove a farm's meta data"
[ Ref _pvs_farm, "self", "this PVS farm"
let set_name = call
~doc:"Update the name of the PVS farm"
[ Ref _pvs_farm, "self", "this PVS farm"
; String, "value", "name to be used"
let add_cache_storage = call
~doc:"Add a cache SR for the proxies on the farm"
[ Ref _pvs_farm, "self", "this PVS farm"
; Ref _sr, "value", "SR to be used"
let remove_cache_storage = call
~doc:"Remove a cache SR for the proxies on the farm"
[ Ref _pvs_farm, "self", "this PVS farm"
; Ref _sr, "value", "SR to be removed"
let obj =
let null_str = Some (VString "") in
let null_set = Some (VSet []) in
create_obj (* <---- creates class *)
~name: _pvs_farm
~descr:"machines serving blocks of data for provisioning VMs"
[ uid _pvs_farm ~lifecycle
; field ~qualifier:StaticRO ~lifecycle
~ty:String "name" ~default_value:null_str
"Name of the PVS farm. Must match name configured in PVS"
; field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~lifecycle
~ty:(Set (Ref _sr)) "cache_storage" ~default_value:null_set
"The SR used by PVS proxy for the cache"
; field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~lifecycle
~ty:(Set (Ref _pvs_server)) "servers"
"The set of PVS servers in the farm"
; field ~qualifier:DynamicRO ~lifecycle
~ty:(Set (Ref _pvs_proxy)) "proxies"
"The set of proxies associated with the farm"
[ introduce
; forget
; set_name
; add_cache_storage
; remove_cache_storage
let pvs_farm = PVS_farm.obj
The class is defined by a call to create_obj
and it defines the
fields and messages (methods) belonging to the class. Each field has a
name, a type, and some meta information. Likewise, each message
(or method) is created by call
that describes its parameters.
The PVS_farm
has additional getter and setter methods for accessing
its fields. These are not declared here as part of the messages
but are automatically generated.
To make sure the new class is actually used, it is important to enter it into two lists:
(* *)
let all_system = (* line 8917 *)
let expose_get_all_messages_for = [ (* line 9097 *)
When a field refers to another object that itself refers back to it,
these two need to be entered into the all_relations
list. For example,
refers to a _pvs_farm
value via "farm"
, which, in
turn, refers to the _pvs_server
value via its "servers"
let all_relations =
(* ... *)
(_sr, "introduced_by"), (_dr_task, "introduced_SRs");
(_pvs_server, "farm"), (_pvs_farm, "servers");
(_pvs_proxy, "farm"), (_pvs_farm, "proxies");
CLI Conventions
The CLI provides access to objects from the command line. The following conventions exist for naming fields:
A field in the data model uses an underscore (
) but a hyphen (-
) in the CLI: what iscache_storage
in the data model becomescache-storage
in the CLI.When a field contains a reference or multiple, like
, it becomesproxy-uuids
in the CLI because references are always referred to by their UUID.
CLI Getters and Setters
All fields can be read from the CLI and some fields can also be set via
the CLI. These getters and setters are mostly generated automatically
and need to be connected to the CLI through a function in
. Note that field names here use the
naming convention for the CLI:
(* ocaml/xapi/ *)
let pvs_farm_record rpc session_id pvs_farm =
let _ref = ref pvs_farm in
let empty_record =
ToGet (fun () -> Client.PVS_farm.get_record rpc session_id !_ref) in
let record = ref empty_record in
let x () = lzy_get record in
{ setref = (fun r -> _ref := r ; record := empty_record)
; setrefrec = (fun (a,b) -> _ref := a; record := Got b)
; record = x
; getref = (fun () -> !_ref)
; fields=
[ make_field ~name:"uuid"
~get:(fun () -> (x ()).API.pVS_farm_uuid) ()
; make_field ~name:"name"
~get:(fun () -> (x ()).API.pVS_farm_name)
~set:(fun name ->
Client.PVS_farm.set_name rpc session_id !_ref name) ()
; make_field ~name:"cache-storage"
~get:(fun () -> (x ()).API.pVS_farm_cache_storage
|> get_uuid_from_ref |> String.concat "; ")
~add_to_set:(fun sr_uuid ->
let sr = Client.SR.get_by_uuid rpc session_id sr_uuid in
Client.PVS_farm.add_cache_storage rpc session_id !_ref sr)
~remove_from_set:(fun sr_uuid ->
let sr = Client.SR.get_by_uuid rpc session_id sr_uuid in
Client.PVS_farm.remove_cache_storage rpc session_id !_ref sr)
; make_field ~name:"server-uuids"
~get:(fun () -> (x ()).API.pVS_farm_servers
|> get_uuid_from_ref |> String.concat "; ")
~get_set:(fun () -> (x ()).API.pVS_farm_servers
|> get_uuid_from_ref)
; make_field ~name:"proxy-uuids"
~get:(fun () -> (x ()).API.pVS_farm_proxies
|> get_uuid_from_ref |> String.concat "; ")
~get_set:(fun () -> (x ()).API.pVS_farm_proxies
|> get_uuid_from_ref)
CLI Interface to Methods
Methods accessible from the CLI are declared in
. Each declaration refers to the real
implementation of the method, like Cli_operations.PVS_far.introduce
(* *)
let rec cmdtable_data : (string*cmd_spec) list =
(* ... *)
help="Introduce new PVS farm";
implementation=No_fd Cli_operations.PVS_farm.introduce;
help="Forget a PVS farm";
implementation=No_fd Cli_operations.PVS_farm.forget;
CLI Implementation of Methods
Each CLI operation that is not a getter or setter has an implementation
which is implemented in terms of the real
(* *)
module PVS_farm = struct
let introduce printer rpc session_id params =
let name = List.assoc "name" params in
let ref = Client.PVS_farm.introduce ~rpc ~session_id ~name in
let uuid = Client.PVS_farm.get_uuid rpc session_id ref in
printer (Cli_printer.PList [uuid])
let forget printer rpc session_id params =
let uuid = List.assoc "uuid" params in
let ref = Client.PVS_farm.get_by_uuid ~rpc ~session_id ~uuid in
Client.PVS_farm.forget rpc session_id ref
Fields that should show up in the CLI interface by default are declared
in the gen_cmds
(* *)
let gen_cmds rpc session_id =
let mk = make_param_funs in
[ (*...*)
; Client.Pool.(mk get_all get_all_records_where
get_by_uuid pool_record "pool" []
;"default-SR"] rpc session_id)
; Client.PVS_farm.(mk get_all get_all_records_where
get_by_uuid pvs_farm_record "pvs-farm" []
["uuid";"name";"cache-storage";"server-uuids"] rpc session_id)
Error messages
Error messages used by an implementation are introduced in two files:
(* ocaml/xapi-consts/ *)
let pvs_farm_contains_running_proxies = "PVS_FARM_CONTAINS_RUNNING_PROXIES"
let pvs_farm_contains_servers = "PVS_FARM_CONTAINS_SERVERS"
let pvs_farm_sr_already_added = "PVS_FARM_SR_ALREADY_ADDED"
let pvs_farm_sr_is_in_use = "PVS_FARM_SR_IS_IN_USE"
let sr_not_in_pvs_farm = "SR_NOT_IN_PVS_FARM"
let pvs_farm_cant_set_name = "PVS_FARM_CANT_SET_NAME"
(* ocaml/idl/ *)
(* PVS errors *)
error Api_errors.pvs_farm_contains_running_proxies ["proxies"]
~doc:"The PVS farm contains running proxies and cannot be forgotten." ();
error Api_errors.pvs_farm_contains_servers ["servers"]
~doc:"The PVS farm contains servers and cannot be forgotten."
error Api_errors.pvs_farm_sr_already_added ["farm"; "SR"]
~doc:"Trying to add a cache SR that is already associated with the farm"
error Api_errors.sr_not_in_pvs_farm ["farm"; "SR"]
~doc:"The SR is not associated with the farm."
error Api_errors.pvs_farm_sr_is_in_use ["farm"; "SR"]
~doc:"The SR is in use by the farm and cannot be removed."
error Api_errors.pvs_farm_cant_set_name ["farm"]
~doc:"The name of the farm can't be set while proxies are active."
Method Implementation
The implementation of methods lives in a module in ocaml/xapi
(* ocaml/xapi/ *)
module PVS_farm = Xapi_pvs_farm
The file below is typically a new file and needs to be added to
(* ocaml/xapi/ *)
module D = Debug.Make(struct let name = "xapi_pvs_farm" end)
module E = Api_errors
let api_error msg xs = raise (E.Server_error (msg, xs))
let introduce ~__context ~name =
let pvs_farm = Ref.make () in
let uuid = Uuid.to_string (Uuid.make_uuid ()) in
Db.PVS_farm.create ~__context
~ref:pvs_farm ~uuid ~name ~cache_storage:[];
(* ... *)
Messages received on a slave host may or may not be executed there. In the simple case, each methods executes locally:
(* ocaml/xapi/ *)
module PVS_farm = struct
let introduce ~__context ~name =
info "PVS_farm.introduce %s" name;
Local.PVS_farm.introduce ~__context ~name
let forget ~__context ~self =
info "PVS_farm.forget";
Local.PVS_farm.forget ~__context ~self
let set_name ~__context ~self ~value =
info "PVS_farm.set_name %s" value;
Local.PVS_farm.set_name ~__context ~self ~value
let add_cache_storage ~__context ~self ~value =
info "PVS_farm.add_cache_storage";
Local.PVS_farm.add_cache_storage ~__context ~self ~value
let remove_cache_storage ~__context ~self ~value =
info "PVS_farm.remove_cache_storage";
Local.PVS_farm.remove_cache_storage ~__context ~self ~value