
High-Availability (HA) tries to keep VMs running, even when there are hardware failures in the resource pool, when the admin is not present. Without HA the following may happen:

  • during the night someone spills a cup of coffee over an FC switch; then
  • VMs running on the affected hosts will lose access to their storage; then
  • business-critical services will go down; then
  • monitoring software will send a text message to an off-duty admin; then
  • the admin will travel to the office and fix the problem by restarting the VMs elsewhere.

With HA the following will happen:

  • during the night someone spills a cup of coffee over an FC switch; then
  • VMs running on the affected hosts will lose access to their storage; then
  • business-critical services will go down; then
  • the HA software will determine which hosts are affected and shut them down; then
  • the HA software will restart the VMs on unaffected hosts; then
  • services are restored; then on the next working day
  • the admin can arrange for the faulty switch to be replaced.

HA is designed to handle an emergency and allow the admin time to fix failures properly.


The following diagram shows an HA-enabled pool, before and after a network link between two hosts fails.

High-Availability in action

When HA is enabled, all hosts in the pool

  • exchange periodic heartbeat messages over the network
  • send heartbeats to a shared storage device.
  • attempt to acquire a “master lock” on the shared storage.

HA is designed to recover as much as possible of the pool after a single failure i.e. it removes single points of failure. When some subset of the pool suffers a failure then the remaining pool members

  • figure out whether they are in the largest fully-connected set (the “liveset”);
    • if they are not in the largest set then they “fence” themselves (i.e. force reboot via the hypervisor watchdog)
  • elect a master using the “master lock”
  • restart all lost VMs.

After HA has recovered a pool, it is important that the original failure is addressed because the remaining pool members may not be able to cope with any more failures.


HA must never violate the following safety rules:

  1. there must be at most one master at all times. This is because the master holds the VM and disk locks.
  2. there must be at most one instance of a particular VM at all times. This is because starting the same VM twice will result in severe filesystem corruption.

However to be useful HA must:

  • detect failures quickly;
  • minimise the number of false-positives in the failure detector; and
  • make the failure handling logic as robust as possible.

The implementation difficulty arises when trying to be both useful and safe at the same time.


We use the following terminology:

  • fencing: also known as I/O fencing, refers to the act of isolating a host from network and storage. Once a host has been fenced, any VMs running there cannot generate side-effects observable to a third party. This means it is safe to restart the running VMs on another node without violating the safety-rule and running the same VM simultaneously in two locations.
  • heartbeating: exchanging status updates with other hosts at regular pre-arranged intervals. Heartbeat messages reveal that hosts are alive and that I/O paths are working.
  • statefile: a shared disk (also known as a “quorum disk”) on the “Heartbeat” SR which is mapped as a block device into every host’s domain 0. The shared disk acts both as a channel for heartbeat messages and also as a building block of a Pool master lock, to prevent multiple hosts becoming masters in violation of the safety-rule (a dangerous situation also known as “split-brain”).
  • management network: the network over which the XenAPI XML/RPC requests flow and also used to send heartbeat messages.
  • liveset: a per-Host view containing a subset of the Hosts in the Pool which are considered by that Host to be alive i.e. responding to XenAPI commands and running the VMs marked as resident_on there. When a Host b leaves the liveset as seen by Host a it is safe for Host a to assume that Host b has been fenced and to take recovery actions (e.g. restarting VMs), without violating either of the safety-rules.
  • properly shared SR: an SR which has field shared=true; and which has a PBD connecting it to every enabled Host in the Pool; and where each of these PBDs has field currently_attached set to true. A VM whose disks are in a properly shared SR could be restarted on any enabled Host, memory and network permitting.
  • properly shared Network: a Network which has a PIF connecting it to every enabled Host in the Pool; and where each of these PIFs has field currently_attached set to true. A VM whose VIFs connect to properly shared Networks could be restarted on any enabled Host, memory and storage permitting.
  • agile: a VM is said to be agile if all disks are in properly shared SRs and all network interfaces connect to properly shared Networks.
  • unprotected: an unprotected VM has field ha_always_run set to false and will never be restarted automatically on failure or have reconfiguration actions blocked by the HA overcommit protection.
  • best-effort: a best-effort VM has fields ha_always_run set to true and ha_restart_priority set to best-effort. A best-effort VM will only be restarted if (i) the failure is directly observed; and (ii) capacity exists for an immediate restart. No more than one restart attempt will ever be made.
  • protected: a VM is said to be protected if it will be restarted by HA i.e. has field ha_always_run set to true and field ha_restart_priority not set to `best-effort.
  • survival rule 1: describes the situation where hosts survive because they are in the largest network partition with statefile access. This is the normal state of the xhad daemon.
  • survival rule 2: describes the situation where all hosts have lost access to the statefile but remain alive while they can all see each-other on the network. In this state any further failure will cause all nodes to self-fence. This state is intended to cope with the system-wide temporary loss of the storage service underlying the statefile.


We assume:

  • All I/O used for monitoring the health of hosts (i.e. both storage and network-based heartbeating) is along redundant paths, so that it survives a single hardware failure (e.g. a broken switch or an accidentally-unplugged cable). It is up to the admin to ensure their environment is setup correctly.
  • The hypervisor watchdog mechanism will be able to guarantee the isolation of nodes, once communication has been lost, within a pre-arranged time period. Therefore no active power fencing equipment is required.
  • VMs may only be marked as protected if they are fully agile i.e. able to run on any host, memory permitting. No additional constraints of any kind may be specified e.g. it is not possible to make “CPU reservations”.
  • Pools are assumed to be homogenous with respect to CPU type and presence of VT/SVM support (also known as “HVM”). If a Pool is created with non-homogenous hosts using the --force flag then the additional constraints will not be noticed by the VM failover planner resulting in runtime failures while trying to execute the failover plans.
  • No attempt will ever be made to shutdown or suspend “lower” priority VMs to guarantee the survival of “higher” priority VMs.
  • Once HA is enabled it is not possible to reconfigure the management network or the SR used for storage heartbeating.
  • VMs marked as protected are considered to have failed if they are offline i.e. the VM failure handling code is level-sensitive rather than edge-sensitive.
  • VMs marked as best-effort are considered to have failed only when the host where they are resident is declared offline i.e. the best-effort VM failure handling code is edge-sensitive rather than level-sensitive. A single restart attempt is attempted and if this fails no further start is attempted.
  • HA can only be enabled if all Pool hosts are online and actively responding to requests.
  • when HA is enabled the database is configured to write all updates to the “Heartbeat” SR, guaranteeing that VM configuration changes are not lost when a host fails.


The implementation is split across the following components:

  • xhad: the cluster membership daemon maintains a quorum of hosts through network and storage heartbeats
  • xapi: used to configure the HA policy i.e. which network and storage to use for heartbeating and which VMs to restart after a failure.
  • xen: the Xen watchdog is used to reliably fence the host when the host has been (partially or totally) isolated from the cluster

To avoid a “split-brain”, the cluster membership daemon must “fence” (i.e. isolate) nodes when they are not part of the cluster. In general there are 2 approaches:

  • cut the power of remote hosts which you can’t talk to on the network any more. This is the approach taken by most open-source clustering software since it is simpler. However it has the downside of requiring the customer buy more hardware and set it up correctly.
  • rely on the remote hosts using a watchdog to cut their own power (i.e. halt or reboot) after a timeout. This relies on the watchdog being reliable. Most other people don’t trust the Linux watchdog; after all the Linux kernel is highly threaded, performs a lot of (useful) functions and kernel bugs which result in deadlocks do happen. We use the Xen watchdog because we believe that the Xen hypervisor is simple enough to reliably fence the host (via triggering a reboot of domain 0 which then triggers a host reboot).


xhad is the cluster membership daemon: it exchanges heartbeats with the other nodes to determine which nodes are still in the cluster (the “live set”) and which nodes have definitely failed (through watchdog fencing). When a host has definitely failed, xapi will unlock all the disks and restart the VMs according to the HA policy.

Since Xapi is a critical part of the system, the xhad also acts as a Xapi watchdog. It polls Xapi every few seconds and checks if Xapi can respond. If Xapi seems to have failed then xhad will restart it. If restarts continue to fail then xhad will consider the host to have failed and self-fence.

xhad is configured via a simple config file written on each host in /etc/xensource/xhad.conf. The file must be identical on each host in the cluster. To make changes to the file, HA must be disabled and then re-enabled afterwards. Note it may not be possible to re-enable HA depending on the configuration change (e.g. if a host has been added but that host has a broken network configuration then this will block HA enable).

The xhad.conf file is written in XML and contains

  • pool-wide configuration: this includes a list of all hosts which should be in the liveset and global timeout information
  • local host configuration: this identifies the local host and described which local network interface and block device to use for heartbeating.

The following is an example xhad.conf file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<xhad-config version="1.0">

  <!--pool-wide configuration-->

    <!--for each host, specify host UUID, and IP address-->



    <!--optional parameters [sec] -->

  <!--local host configuration-->
      <HeartbeatInterface> xapi1</HeartbeatInterface>


The fields have the following meaning:

  • GenerationUUID: a UUID generated each time HA is reconfigured. This allows xhad to tell an old host which failed; had been removed from the configuration; repaired and then restarted that the world has changed while it was away.
  • UDPport: the port number to use for network heartbeats. It’s important to allow this traffic through the firewall and to make sure the same port number is free on all hosts (beware of portmap services occasionally binding to it).
  • HostID: a UUID identifying a host in the pool. We would normally use xapi’s notion of a host uuid.
  • IPaddress: any IP address on the remote host. We would normally use xapi’s notion of a management network.
  • HeartbeatTimeout: if a heartbeat packet is not received for this many seconds, then xhad considers the heartbeat to have failed. This is the user-supplied “HA timeout” value, represented below as T. T must be bigger than 10; we would normally use 60s.
  • StateFileTimeout: if a storage update is not seen for a host for this many seconds, then xhad considers the storage heartbeat to have failed. We would normally use the same value as the HeartbeatTimeout T.
  • HeartbeatInterval: interval between heartbeat packets sent. We would normally use a value 2 <= t <= 6, derived from the user-supplied HA timeout via t = (T + 10) / 10
  • StateFileInterval: interval betwen storage updates (also known as “statefile updates”). This would normally be set to the same value as HeartbeatInterval.
  • HeartbeatWatchdogTimeout: If the host does not send a heartbeat for this amount of time then the host self-fences via the Xen watchdog. We normally set this to T.
  • StateFileWatchdogTimeout: If the host does not update the statefile for this amount of time then the host self-fences via the Xen watchdog. We normally set this to T+15.
  • BootJoinTimeout: When the host is booting and joining the liveset (i.e. the cluster), consider the join a failure if it takes longer than this amount of time. We would normally set this to T+60.
  • EnableJoinTimeout: When the host is enabling HA for the first time, consider the enable a failure if it takes longer than this amount of time. We would normally set this to T+60.
  • XapiHealthCheckInterval: Interval between “health checks” where we run a script to check whether Xapi is responding or not.
  • XapiHealthCheckTimeout: Number of seconds to wait before assuming that Xapi has deadlocked during a “health check”.
  • XapiRestartAttempts: Number of Xapi restarts to attempt before concluding Xapi has permanently failed.
  • XapiRestartTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for a Xapi restart to complete before concluding it has failed.
  • XapiLicenseCheckTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for a Xapi license check to complete before concluding that xhad should terminate.

In addition to the config file, Xhad exposes a simple control API which is exposed as scripts:

  • ha_set_pool_state (Init | Invalid): sets the global pool state to “Init” (before starting HA) or “Invalid” (causing all other daemons who can see the statefile to shutdown)
  • ha_start_daemon: if the pool state is “Init” then the daemon will attempt to contact other daemons and enable HA. If the pool state is “Active” then the host will attempt to join the existing liveset.
  • ha_query_liveset: returns the current state of the cluster.
  • ha_propose_master: returns whether the current node has been elected pool master.
  • ha_stop_daemon: shuts down the xhad on the local host. Note this will not disarm the Xen watchdog by itself.
  • ha_disarm_fencing: disables fencing on the local host.
  • ha_set_excluded: when a host is being shutdown cleanly, record the fact that the VMs have all been shutdown so that this host can be ignored in future cluster membership calculations.


Xhad continuously monitors whether the host should remain alive, or if it should self-fence. There are two “survival rules” which will keep a host alive; if neither rule applies (or if xhad crashes or deadlocks) then the host will fence. The rules are:

  1. Xapi is running; the storage heartbeats are visible; this host is a member of the “best” partition (as seen through the storage heartbeats)
  2. Xapi is running; the storage is inaccessible; all hosts which should be running (i.e. not those “excluded” by being cleanly shutdown) are online and have also lost storage access (as seen through the network heartbeats).

where the “best” partition is the largest one if that is unique, or if there are multiple partitions of the same size then the one containing the lowest host uuid is considered best.

The first survival rule is the “normal” case. The second rule exists only to prevent the storage from becoming a single point of failure: all hosts can remain alive until the storage is repaired. Note that if a host has failed and has not yet been repaired, then the storage becomes a single point of failure for the degraded pool. HA removes single point of failures, but multiple failures can still cause problems. It is important to fix failures properly after HA has worked around them.


Xapi is responsible for

  • exposing an interface for setting HA policy
  • creating VDIs (disks) on shared storage for heartbeating and storing the pool database
  • arranging for these disks to be attached on host boot, before the “SRmaster” is online
  • configuring and managing the xhad heartbeating daemon

The HA policy APIs include

  • methods to determine whether a VM is agile i.e. can be restarted in principle on any host after a failure
  • planning for a user-specified number of host failures and enforcing access control
  • restarting failed protected VMs in policy order

The HA policy settings are stored in the Pool database which is written (synchronously) to a VDI in the same SR that’s being used for heartbeating. This ensures that the database can be recovered after a host fails and the VMs are recovered.

Xapi stores 2 settings in its local database:

  • ha_disable_failover_actions: this is set to false when we want nodes to be able to recover VMs – this is the normal case. It is set to true during the HA disable process to prevent a split-brain forming while HA is only partially enabled.
  • ha_armed: this is set to true to tell Xapi to start Xhad during host startup and wait to join the liveset.

Disks on shared storage

The regular disk APIs for creating, destroying, attaching, detaching (etc) disks need the SRmaster (usually but not always the Pool master) to be online to allow the disks to be locked. The SRmaster cannot be brought online until the host has joined the liveset. Therefore we have a cyclic dependency: joining the liveset needs the statefile disk to be attached but attaching a disk requires being a member of the liveset already.

The dependency is broken by adding an explicit “unlocked” attach storage API called VDI_ATTACH_FROM_CONFIG. Xapi uses the VDI_GENERATE_CONFIG API during the HA enable operation and stores away the result. When the system boots the VDI_ATTACH_FROM_CONFIG is able to attach the disk without the SRmaster.

The role of Host.enabled

The Host.enabled flag is used to mean, “this host is ready to start VMs and should be included in failure planning”. The VM restart planner assumes for simplicity that all protected VMs can be started anywhere; therefore all involved networks and storage must be properly shared. If a host with an unplugged PBD were to become enabled then the corresponding SR would cease to be properly shared, all the VMs would cease to be agile and the VM restart logic would fail.

To ensure the VM restart logic always works, great care is taken to make sure that Hosts may only become enabled when their networks and storage are properly configured. This is achieved by:

  • when the master boots and initialises its database it sets all Hosts to dead and disabled and then signals the HA background thread (signal_database_state_valid) to wake up from sleep and start processing liveset information (and potentially setting hosts to live)
  • when a slave calls Pool.hello (i.e. after the slave has rebooted), the master sets it to disabled, allowing it a grace period to plug in its storage;
  • when a host (master or slave) successfully plugs in its networking and storage it calls consider_enabling_host which checks that the preconditions are met and then sets the host to enabled; and
  • when a slave notices its database connection to the master restart (i.e. after the master xapi has just restarted) it calls consider_enabling_host}

The steady-state

When HA is enabled and all hosts are running normally then each calls ha_query_liveset every 10s.

Slaves check to see if the host they believe is the master is alive and has the master lock. If another node has become master then the slave will rewrite its pool.conf and restart. If no node is the master then the slave will call on_master_failure, proposing itself and, if it is rejected, checking the liveset to see which node acquired the lock.

The master monitors the liveset and updates the Host_metrics.live flag of every host to reflect the liveset value. For every host which is not in the liveset (i.e. has fenced) it enumerates all resident VMs and marks them as Halted. For each protected VM which is not running, the master computes a VM restart plan and attempts to execute it. If the plan fails then a best-effort VM.start call is attempted. Finally an alert is generated if the VM could not be restarted.

Note that XenAPI heartbeats are still sent when HA is enabled, even though they are not used to drive the values of the Host_metrics.live field. Note further that, when a host is being shutdown, the host is immediately marked as dead and its host reference is added to a list used to prevent the Host_metrics.live being accidentally reset back to live again by the asynchronous liveset query. The Host reference is removed from the list when the host restarts and calls Pool.hello.

Planning and overcommit

The VM failover planning code is sub-divided into two pieces, stored in separate files:

  • binpack.ml: contains two algorithms for packing items of different sizes (i.e. VMs) into bins of different sizes (i.e. Hosts); and
  • xapi_ha_vm_failover.ml: interfaces between the Pool database and the binpacker; also performs counterfactual reasoning for overcommit protection.

The input to the binpacking algorithms are configuration values which represent an abstract view of the Pool:

type ('a, 'b) configuration = {
  hosts:        ('a * int64) list; (** a list of live hosts and free memory *)
  vms:          ('b * int64) list; (** a list of VMs and their memory requirements *)
  placement:    ('b * 'a) list;    (** current VM locations *)
  total_hosts:  int;               (** total number of hosts in the pool 'n' *)
  num_failures: int;               (** number of failures to tolerate 'r' *)

Note that:

  • the memory required by the VMs listed in placement has already been substracted from the free memory of the hosts; it doesn’t need to be subtracted again.
  • the free memory of each host has already had per-host miscellaneous overheads subtracted from it, including that used by unprotected VMs, which do not appear in the VM list.
  • the total number of hosts in the pool (total_hosts) is a constant for any particular invocation of HA.
  • the number of failures to tolerate (num_failures) is the user-settable value from the XenAPI Pool.ha_host_failures_to_tolerate.

There are two algorithms which satisfy the interface:

  plan_always_possible: ('a, 'b) configuration -> bool;
  get_specific_plan: ('a, 'b) configuration -> 'b list -> ('b * 'a) list

The function get_specific_plan takes a configuration and a list of VMs( the host where they are resident on have failed). It returns a VM restart plan represented as a VM to Host association list. This is the function called by the background HA VM restart thread on the master.

The function plan_always_possible returns true if every sequence of Host failures of length num_failures (irrespective of whether all hosts failed at once, or in multiple separate episodes) would result in calls to get_specific_plan which would allow all protected VMs to be restarted. This function is heavily used by the overcommit protection logic as well as code in XenCenter which aims to maximise failover capacity using the counterfactual reasoning APIs:


There are two binpacking algorithms: the more detailed but expensive algorithmm is used for smaller/less complicated pool configurations while the less detailed, cheaper algorithm is used for the rest. The choice between algorithms is based only on total_hosts (n) and num_failures (r). Note that the choice of algorithm will only change if the number of Pool hosts is varied (requiring HA to be disabled and then enabled) or if the user requests a new num_failures target to plan for.

The expensive algorithm uses an exchaustive search with a “biggest-fit-decreasing” strategy that takes the biggest VMs first and allocates them to the biggest remaining Host. The implementation keeps the VMs and Hosts as sorted lists throughout. There are a number of transformations to the input configuration which are guaranteed to preserve the existence of a VM to host allocation (even if the actual allocation is different). These transformations which are safe are:

  • VMs may be removed from the list
  • VMs may have their memory requirements reduced
  • Hosts may be added
  • Hosts may have additional memory added.

The cheaper algorithm is used for larger Pools where the state space to search is too large. It uses the same “biggest-fit-decreasing” strategy with the following simplifying approximations:

  • every VM that fails is as big as the biggest
  • the number of VMs which fail due to a single Host failure is always the maximum possible (even if these are all very small VMs)
  • the largest and most capable Hosts fail

An informal argument that these approximations are safe is as follows: if the maximum number of VMs fail, each of which is size of the largest and we can find a restart plan using only the smaller hosts then any real failure:

  • can never result in the failure of more VMs;
  • can never result in the failure of bigger VMs; and
  • can never result in less host capacity remaining.

Therefore we can take this almost-certainly-worse-than-worst-case failure plan and:

  • replace the remaining hosts in the worst case plan with the real remaining hosts, which will be the same size or larger; and
  • replace the failed VMs in the worst case plan with the real failed VMs, which will be fewer or the same in number and smaller or the same in size.

Note that this strategy will perform best when each host has the same number of VMs on it and when all VMs are approximately the same size. If one very big VM exists and a lot of smaller VMs then it will probably fail to find a plan. It is more tolerant of differing amounts of free host memory.

Overcommit protection

Overcommit protection blocks operations which would prevent the Pool being able to restart protected VMs after host failure. The Pool may become unable to restart protected VMs in two general ways: (i) by running out of resource i.e. host memory; and (ii) by altering host configuration in such a way that VMs cannot be started (or the planner thinks that VMs cannot be started).

API calls which would change the amount of host memory currently in use (VM.start, VM.resume, VM.migrate etc) have been modified to call the planning functions supplying special “configuration change” parameters. Configuration change values represent the proposed operation and have type

type configuration_change = {
  (** existing VMs which are leaving *)
  old_vms_leaving: (API.ref_host * (API.ref_VM * API.vM_t)) list;
  (** existing VMs which are arriving *)
  old_vms_arriving: (API.ref_host * (API.ref_VM * API.vM_t)) list;  
  (** hosts to pretend to disable *)
  hosts_to_disable: API.ref_host list;
  (** new number of failures to consider *)
  num_failures: int option;
  (** new VMs to restart *)  
  new_vms_to_protect: API.ref_VM list;

A VM migration will be represented by saying the VM is “leaving” one host and “arriving” at another. A VM start or resume will be represented by saying the VM is “arriving” on a host.

Note that no attempt is made to integrate the overcommit protection with the general VM.start host chooser as this would be quite expensive.

Note that the overcommit protection calls are written as asserts called within the message forwarder in the master, holding the main forwarding lock.

API calls which would change the system configuration in such a way as to prevent the HA restart planner being able to guarantee to restart protected VMs are also blocked. These calls include:

  • VBD.create: where the disk is not in a properly shared SR
  • VBD.insert: where the CDROM is local to a host
  • VIF.create: where the network is not properly shared
  • PIF.unplug: when the network would cease to be properly shared
  • PBD.unplug: when the storage would cease to be properly shared
  • Host.enable: when some network or storage would cease to be properly shared (e.g. if this host had a broken storage configuration)


The Xen hypervisor has per-domain watchdog counters which, when enabled, decrement as time passes and can be reset from a hypercall from the domain. If the domain fails to make the hypercall and the timer reaches zero then the domain is immediately shutdown with reason reboot. We configure Xen to reboot the host when domain 0 enters this state.

High-level operations

Enabling HA

Before HA can be enabled the admin must take care to configure the environment properly. In particular:

  • NIC bonds should be available for network heartbeats;
  • multipath should be configured for the storage heartbeats;
  • all hosts should be online and fully-booted.

The XenAPI client can request a specific shared SR to be used for storage heartbeats, otherwise Xapi will use the Pool’s default SR. Xapi will use VDI_GENERATE_CONFIG to ensure the disk will be attached automatically on system boot before the liveset has been joined.

Note that extra effort is made to re-use any existing heartbeat VDIS so that

  • if HA is disabled with some hosts offline, when they are rebooted they stand a higher chance of seeing a well-formed statefile with an explicit invalid state. If the VDIs were destroyed on HA disable then hosts which boot up later would fail to attach the disk and it would be harder to distinguish between a temporary storage failure and a permanent HA disable.
  • the heartbeat SR can be created on expensive low-latency high-reliability storage and made as small as possible (to minimise infrastructure cost), safe in the knowledge that if HA enables successfully once, it won’t run out of space and fail to enable in the future.

The Xapi-to-Xapi communication looks as follows:

Configuring HA around the Pool

The Xapi Pool master calls Host.ha_join_liveset on all hosts in the pool simultaneously. Each host runs the ha_start_daemon script which starts Xhad. Each Xhad starts exchanging heartbeats over the network and storage defined in the xhad.conf.

Joining a liveset

Starting up a host

The Xhad instances exchange heartbeats and decide which hosts are in the “liveset” and which have been fenced.

After joining the liveset, each host clears the “excluded” flag which would have been set if the host had been shutdown cleanly before – this is only needed when a host is shutdown cleanly and then restarted.

Xapi periodically queries the state of xhad via the ha_query_liveset command. The state will be Starting until the liveset is fully formed at which point the state will be Online.

When the ha_start_daemon script returns then Xapi will decide whether to stand for master election or not. Initially when HA is being enabled and there is a master already, this node will be expected to stand unopposed. Later when HA notices that the master host has been fenced, all remaining hosts will stand for election and one of them will be chosen.

Shutting down a host

Shutting down a host

When a host is to be shutdown cleanly, it can be safely “excluded” from the pool such that a future failure of the storage heartbeat will not cause all pool hosts to self-fence (see survival rule 2 above). When a host is “excluded” all other hosts know that the host does not consider itself a master and has no resources locked i.e. no VMs are running on it. An excluded host will never allow itself to form part of a “split brain”.

Once a host has given up its master role and shutdown any VMs, it is safe to disable fencing with ha_disarm_fencing and stop xhad with ha_stop_daemon. Once the daemon has been stopped the “excluded” bit can be set in the statefile via ha_set_excluded and the host safely rebooted.

Restarting a host

When a host restarts after a failure Xapi notices that ha_armed is set in the local database. Xapi

  • runs the attach-static-vdis script to attach the statefile and database VDIs. This can fail if the storage is inaccessible; Xapi will retry until it succeeds.
  • runs the ha_start_daemon to join the liveset, or determine that HA has been cleanly disabled (via setting the state to Invalid).

In the special case where Xhad fails to access the statefile and the host used to be a slave then Xapi will try to contact the previous master and find out

  • who the new master is;
  • whether HA is enabled on the Pool or not.

If Xapi can confirm that HA was disabled then it will disarm itself and join the new master. Otherwise it will keep waiting for the statefile to recover.

In the special case where the statefile has been destroyed and cannot be recovered, there is an emergency HA disable API the admin can use to assert that HA really has been disabled, and it’s not simply a connectivity problem. Obviously this API should only be used if the admin is totally sure that HA has been disabled.

Disabling HA

There are 2 methods of disabling HA: one for the “normal” case when the statefile is available; and the other for the “emergency” case when the statefile has failed and can’t be recovered.

Disabling HA cleanly

Disabling HA cleanly

HA can be shutdown cleanly when the statefile is working i.e. when hosts are alive because of survival rule 1. First the master Xapi tells the local Xhad to mark the pool state as “invalid” using ha_set_pool_state. Every xhad instance will notice this state change the next time it performs a storage heartbeat. The Xhad instances will shutdown and Xapi will notice that HA has been disabled the next time it attempts to query the liveset.

If a host loses access to the statefile (or if none of the hosts have access to the statefile) then HA can be disabled uncleanly.

Disabling HA uncleanly

The Xapi master first calls Host.ha_disable_failover_actions on each host which sets ha_disable_failover_decisions in the lcoal database. This prevents the node rebooting, gaining statefile access, acquiring the master lock and restarting VMs when other hosts have disabled their fencing (i.e. a “split brain”).

Disabling HA uncleanly

Once the master is sure that no host will suddenly start recovering VMs it is safe to call Host.ha_disarm_fencing which runs the script ha_disarm_fencing and then shuts down the Xhad with ha_stop_daemon.

Add a host to the pool

We assume that adding a host to the pool is an operation the admin will perform manually, so it is acceptable to disable HA for the duration and to re-enable it afterwards. If a failure happens during this operation then the admin will take care of it by hand.