
  • libxenctrl

    Xen Control library for controlling the Xen hypervisor

Subsections of Libraries


Subsections of libxenctrl


xc_domain_node_setaffinity() controls the NUMA node affinity of a domain.

By default, Xen enables the auto_node_affinity feature flag, where setting the vCPU affinity also sets the NUMA node affinity for memory allocations to be aligned with the vCPU affinity of the domain.

Setting the NUMA node affinity using this call can be used, for example, when there might not be enough memory on the preferred NUMA node, but there are other NUMA nodes that have enough free memory to be used for the system memory of the domain.

In terms of future NUMA design, it might be even more favourable to have a strategy in xenguest where in such cases, the superpages of the preferred node are used first and a fallback to neighbouring NUMA nodes only happens to the extent necessary.

Likely, the future allocation strategy should be passed to xenguest using Xenstore like the other platform parameters for the VM.

Walk-through of xc_domain_node_setaffinity()

class `xc_domain_node_setaffinity()` {
    +xch: xc_interface #42;
    +domid: uint32_t
    +nodemap: xc_nodemap_t
    0(on success)
    -EINVAL(if a node in the nodemask is not online)
click `xc_domain_node_setaffinity()` href ""

`xc_domain_node_setaffinity()` --> `Xen hypercall: do_domctl()`
`xc_domain_node_setaffinity()` <-- `Xen hypercall: do_domctl()`
class `Xen hypercall: do_domctl()` {
    Calls domain_set_node_affinity#40;#41; and returns its return value
    Passes: domain (struct domain *, looked up using the domid)
    Passes: new_affinity (modemask, converted from xc_nodemap_t)
click `Xen hypercall: do_domctl()` href ""

`Xen hypercall: do_domctl()` --> `domain_set_node_affinity()`
`Xen hypercall: do_domctl()` <-- `domain_set_node_affinity()`
class `domain_set_node_affinity()` {
    domain: struct domain
    new_affinity: nodemask
    0(on success, the domain's node_affinity is updated)
    -EINVAL(if a node in the nodemask is not online)
click `domain_set_node_affinity()` href ""


This function implements the functionality of xc_domain_node_setaffinity to set the NUMA affinity of a domain as described above. If the new_affinity does not intersect the node_online_map, it returns -EINVAL, otherwise on success 0.

When the new_affinity is a specific set of NUMA nodes, it updates the NUMA node_affinity of the domain to these nodes and disables auto_node_affinity for this domain. It also notifies the Xen scheduler of the change.

This sets the preference the memory allocator to the new NUMA nodes, and in theory, it could also alter the behaviour of the scheduler. This of course depends on the scheduler and its configuration.

Notes on future design improvements

This call cannot influence the past: The xenopsd VM_create micro-ops calls Xenctrl.domain_create. It currently creates the domain’s data structures before numa_placement was done.

Improving Xenctrl.domain_create to pass a NUMA node for allocating the Hypervisor’s data structures (e.g. vCPU) of the domain would require changes to the Xen hypervisor and the xenopsd xenopsd VM_create micro-op.