Design document

OCFS2 storage

OCFS2 is a (host-)clustered filesystem which runs on top of a shared raw block device. Hosts using OCFS2 form a cluster using a combination of network and storage heartbeats and host fencing to avoid split-brain.

The following diagram shows the proposed architecture with xapi:

Proposed architecture

Please note the following:

  • OCFS2 is configured to use global heartbeats rather than per-mount heartbeats because we quite often have many SRs and therefore many mountpoints
  • The OCFS2 global heartbeat should be collocated on the same SR as the XenServer HA SR so that we depend on fewer SRs (the storage is a single point of failure for OCFS2)
  • The OCFS2 global heartbeat should itself be a raw VDI within an LVHDSR.
  • Every host can be in at-most-one OCFS2 cluster i.e. the host cluster membership is a per-host thing rather than a per-SR thing. Therefore xapi will be modified to configure the cluster and manage the cluster node numbers.
  • Every SR will be a filesystem mount, managed by a SM plugin called “OCFS2”.
  • Xapi HA uses the xhad process which runs in userspace but in the realtime scheduling class so it has priority over all other userspace tasks. xhad sends heartbeats via the ha_statefile VDI and via UDP, and uses the Xen watchdog for host fencing.
  • OCFS2 HA uses the o2cb kernel driver which sends heartbeats via the o2cb_statefile and via TCP, fencing the host by panicing domain 0.

Managing O2CB

OCFS2 uses the O2CB “cluster stack” which is similar to our xhad. To configure O2CB we need to

  • assign each host an integer node number (from zero)
  • on pool/cluster join: update the configuration on every node to include the new node. In OCFS2 this can be done online.
  • on pool/cluster leave/eject: update the configuration on every node to exclude the old node. In OCFS2 this needs to be done offline.

In the current Xapi toolstack there is a single global implicit cluster called a “Pool” which is used for: resource locking; “clustered” storage repositories and fault handling (in HA). In the long term we will allow these types of clusters to be managed separately or all together, depending on the sophistication of the admin and the complexity of their environment. We will take a small step in that direction by keeping the OCFS2 O2CB cluster management code at “arms length” from the Xapi Pool.join code.

In xcp-idl we will define a new API category called “Cluster” (in addition to the categories for Xen domains , ballooning , stats , networking and storage ). These APIs will only be called by Xapi on localhost. In particular they will not be called across-hosts and therefore do not have to be backward compatible. These are “cluster plugin APIs”.

We will define the following APIs:

  • Plugin:Membership.create: add a host to a cluster. On exit the local host cluster software will know about the new host but it may need to be restarted before the change takes effect
    • in:hostname:string: the hostname of the management domain
    • in:uuid:string: a UUID identifying the host
    • in:id:int: the lowest available unique integer identifying the host where an integer will never be re-used unless it is guaranteed that all nodes have forgotten any previous state associated with it
    • in:address:string list: a list of addresses through which the host can be contacted
    • out:
  • Plugin:Membership.destroy: removes a named host from the cluster. On exit the local host software will know about the change but it may need to be restarted before it can take effect
    • in:uuid:string: the UUID of the host to remove
  • Plugin:Cluster.query: queries the state of the cluster
    • out:maintenance_required:bool: true if there is some outstanding configuration change which cannot take effect until the cluster is restarted.
    • out:hosts: a list of all known hosts together with a state including: whether they are known to be alive or dead; or whether they are currently “excluded” because the cluster software needs to be restarted
  • Plugin:Cluster.start: turn on the cluster software and let the local host join
  • Plugin:Cluster.stop: turn off the cluster software

Xapi will be modified to:

  • add table Cluster which will have columns
    • name: string: this is the name of the Cluster plugin (TODO: use same terminology as SM?)
    • configuration: Map(String,String): this will contain any cluster-global information, overrides for default values etc.
    • enabled: Bool: this is true when the cluster “should” be running. It may require maintenance to synchronise changes across the hosts.
    • maintenance_required: Bool: this is true when the cluster needs to be placed into maintenance mode to resync its configuration
  • add method XenAPI:Cluster.enable which sets enabled=true and waits for all hosts to report Membership.enabled=true.
  • add method XenAPI:Cluster.disable which sets enabled=false and waits for all hosts to report Membership.enabled=false.
  • add table Membership which will have columns
    • id: int: automatically generated lowest available unique integer starting from 0
    • cluster: Ref(Cluster): the type of cluster. This will never be NULL.
    • host: Ref(host): the host which is a member of the cluster. This may be NULL.
    • left: Date: if not 1/1/1970 this means the time at which the host left the cluster.
    • maintenance_required: Bool: this is true when the Host believes the cluster needs to be placed into maintenance mode.
  • add field Host.memberships: Set(Ref(Membership))
  • extend enum vdi_type to include o2cb_statefile as well as ha_statefile
  • add method Pool.enable_o2cb with arguments
    • in: heartbeat_sr: Ref(SR): the SR to use for global heartbeats
    • in: configuration: Map(String,String): available for future configuration tweaks
    • Like Pool.enable_ha this will find or create the heartbeat VDI, create the Cluster entry and the Membership entries. All Memberships will have maintenance_required=true reflecting the fact that the desired cluster state is out-of-sync with the actual cluster state.
  • add method XenAPI:Membership.enable
    • in: self:Host: the host to modify
    • in: cluster:Cluster: the cluster.
  • add method XenAPI:Membership.disable
    • in: self:Host: the host to modify
    • in: cluster:Cluster: the cluster name.
  • add a cluster monitor thread which
    • watches the Host.memberships field and calls Plugin:Membership.create and Plugin:Membership.destroy to keep the local cluster software up-to-date when any host in the pool changes its configuration
    • calls Plugin:Cluster.query after an Plugin:Membership:create or Plugin:Membership.destroy to see whether the SR needs maintenance
    • when all hosts have a last start time later than a Membership record’s left date, deletes the Membership.
  • modify XenAPI:Pool.join to resync with the master’s Host.memberships list.
  • modify XenAPI:Pool.eject to
    • call Membership.disable in the cluster plugin to stop the o2cb service
    • call Membership.destroy in the cluster plugin to remove every other host from the local configuration
    • remove the Host metadata from the pool
    • set XenAPI:Membership.left to NOW()
  • modify XenAPI:Host.forget to
    • remove the Host metadata from the pool
    • set XenAPI:Membership.left to NOW()
    • set XenAPI:Cluster.maintenance_required to true

A Cluster plugin called “o2cb” will be added which

  • on Plugin:Membership.destroy
    • comment out the relevant node id in cluster.conf
    • set the ’needs a restart’ flag
  • on Plugin:Membership.create
    • if the provided node id is too high: return an error. This means the cluster needs to be rebooted to free node ids.
    • if the node id is not too high: rewrite the cluster.conf using the “online” tool.
  • on Plugin:Cluster.start: find the VDI with type=o2cb_statefile; add this to the “static-vdis” list; chkconfig the service on. We will use the global heartbeat mode of o2cb.
  • on Plugin:Cluster.stop: stop the service; chkconfig the service off; remove the “static-vdis” entry; leave the VDI itself alone
  • keeps track of the current ’live’ cluster.conf which allows it to
    • report the cluster service as ’needing a restart’ (which implies we need maintenance mode)

Summary of differences between this and xHA:

  • we allow for the possibility that hosts can join and leave, without necessarily taking the whole cluster down. In the case of o2cb we should be able to have join work live and only eject requires maintenance mode
  • rather than write explicit RPCs to update cluster configuration state we instead use an event watch and resync pattern, which is hopefully more robust to network glitches while a reconfiguration is in progress.

Managing xhad

We need to ensure o2cb and xhad do not try to conflict by fencing hosts at the same time. We shall:

  • use the default o2cb timeouts (hosts fence if no I/O in 60s): this needs to be short because disk I/O on otherwise working hosts can be blocked while another host is failing/ has failed.

  • make the xhad host fence timeouts much longer: 300s. It’s much more important that this is reliable than fast. We will make this change globally and not just when using OCFS2.

In the xhad config we will cap the HeartbeatInterval and StatefileInterval at 5s (the default otherwise would be 31s). This means that 60 heartbeat messages have to be lost before xhad concludes that the host has failed.

SM plugin

The SM plugin OCFS2 will be a file-based plugin.

TODO: which file format by default?

The SM plugin will first check whether the o2cb cluster is active and fail operations if it is not.

I/O paths

When either HA or OCFS O2CB “fences” the host it will look to the admin like a host crash and reboot. We need to (in priority order)

  1. help the admin prevent fences by monitoring their I/O paths and fixing issues before they lead to trouble
  2. when a fence/crash does happen, help the admin
    • tell the difference between an I/O error (admin to fix) and a software bug (which should be reported)
    • understand how to make their system more reliable

Monitoring I/O paths

If heartbeat I/O fails for more than 60s when running o2cb then the host will fence. This can happen either

  • for a good reason: for example the host software may have deadlocked or someone may have pulled out a network cable.

  • for a bad reason: for example a network bond link failure may have been ignored and then the second link failed; or the heartbeat thread may have been starved of I/O bandwidth by other processes

Since the consequences of fencing are severe – all VMs on the host crash simultaneously – it is important to avoid the host fencing for bad reasons.

We should recommend that all users

  • use network bonding for their network heartbeat
  • use multipath for their storage heartbeat

Furthermore we need to help users monitor their I/O paths. It’s no good if they use a bonded network but fail to notice when one of the paths have failed.

The current XenServer HA implementation generates the following I/O-related alerts:

  • HA_HEARTBEAT_APPROACHING_TIMEOUT (priority 5 “informational”): when half the network heartbeat timeout has been reached.
  • HA_STATEFILE_APPROACHING_TIMEOUT (priority 5 “informational”): when half the storage heartbeat timeout has been reached.
  • HA_NETWORK_BONDING_ERROR (priority 3 “service degraded”): when one of the bond links have failed.
  • HA_STATEFILE_LOST (priority 2 “service loss imminent”): when the storage heartbeat has completely failed and only the network heartbeat is left.
  • MULTIPATH_PERIODIC_ALERT (priority 3 “service degrated”): when one of the multipath links have failed.

Unfortunately alerts are triggered on “edges” i.e. when state changes, and not on “levels” so it is difficult to see whether the link is currently broken.

We should define datasources suitable for use by xcp-rrdd to expose the current state (and the history) of the I/O paths as follows:

  • pif_<name>_paths_failed: the total number of paths which we know have failed.
  • pif_<name>_paths_total: the total number of paths which are configured.
  • sr_<name>_paths_failed: the total number of storage paths which we know have failed.
  • sr_<name>_paths_total: the total number of storage paths which are configured.

The pif datasources should be generated by xcp-networkd which already has a network bond monitoring thread. THe sr datasources should be generated by xcp-rrdd plugins since there is no storage daemon to generate them. We should create RRDs using the MAX consolidation function, otherwise information about failures will be lost by averaging.

XenCenter (and any diagnostic tools) should warn when the system is at risk of fencing in particular if any of the following are true:

  • pif_<name>_paths_failed is non-zero
  • sr_<name>_paths_failed is non-zero
  • pif_<name>_paths_total is less than 2
  • sr_<name>_paths_total is less than 2

XenCenter (and any diagnostic tools) should warn if any of the following have been true over the past 7 days:

  • pif_<name>_paths_failed is non-zero
  • sr_<name>_paths_failed is non-zero

Heartbeat “QoS”

The network and storage paths used by heartbeats must remain responsive otherwise the host will fence (i.e. the host and all VMs will crash).

Outstanding issue: how slow can multipathd get? How does it scale with the number of LUNs.

Post-crash diagnostics

When a host crashes the effect on the user is severe: all the VMs will also crash. In cases where the host crashed for a bad reason (such as a single failure after a configuration error) we must help the user understand how they can avoid the same situation happening again.

We must make sure the crash kernel runs reliably when xhad and o2cb fence the host.

Xcp-rrdd will be modified to store RRDs in an mmap(2)d file sin the dom0 filesystem (rather than in-memory). Xcp-rrdd will call msync(2) every 5s to ensure the historical records have hit the disk. We should use the same on-disk format as RRDtool (or as close to it as makes sense) because it has already been optimised to minimise the amount of I/O.

Xapi will be modified to run a crash-dump analyser program xen-crash-analyse.

xen-crash-analyse will:

  • parse the Xen and dom0 stacks and diagnose whether
    • the dom0 kernel was panic’ed by o2cb
    • the Xen watchdog was fired by xhad
    • anything else: this would indicate a bug that should be reported
  • in cases where the system was fenced by o2cb or xhad then the analyser
    • will read the archived RRDs and look for recent evidence of a path failure or of a bad configuration (i.e. one where the total number of paths is 1)
    • will parse the xhad.log and look for evidence of heartbeats “approaching timeout”

TODO: depending on what information we can determine from the analyser, we will want to record some of it in the Host_crash_dump database table.

XenCenter will be modified to explain why the host crashed and explain what the user should do to fix it, specifically:

  • if the host crashed for no obvious reason then consider this a software bug and recommend a bugtool/system-status-report is taken and uploaded somewhere
  • if the host crashed because of o2cb or xhad then either
    • if there is evidence of path failures in the RRDs: recommend the user increase the number of paths or investigate whether some of the equipment (NICs or switches or HBAs or SANs) is unreliable
    • if there is evidence of insufficient paths: recommend the user add more paths

Network configuration

The documentation should strongly recommend

  • the management network is bonded
  • the management network is dedicated i.e. used only for management traffic (including heartbeats)
  • the OCFS2 storage is multipathed

xcp-networkd will be modified to change the behaviour of the DHCP client. Currently the dhclient will wait for a response and eventually background itself. This is a big problem since DHCP can reset the hostname, and this can break o2cb. Therefore we must insist that PIF.reconfigure_ip becomes fully synchronous, supporting timeout and cancellation. Once the call returns – whether through success or failure – there must not be anything in the background which will change the system’s hostname.

TODO: figure out whether we need to request “maintenance mode” for hostname changes.

Maintenance mode

The purpose of “maintenance mode” is to take a host out of service and leave it in a state where it’s safe to fiddle with it without affecting services in VMs.

XenCenter currently does the following:

  • Host.disable: prevents new VMs starting here
  • makes a list of all the VMs running on the host
  • Host.evacuate: move the running VMs somewhere else

The problems with maintenance mode are:

  • it’s not safe to fiddle with the host network configuration with storage still attached. For NFS this risks deadlocking the SR. For OCFS2 this risks fencing the host.
  • it’s not safe to fiddle with the storage or network configuration if HA is running because the host will be fenced. It’s not safe to disable fencing unless we guarantee to reboot the host on exit from maintenance mode.

We should also

  • PBD.unplug: all storage. This allows the network to be safely reconfigured. If the network is configured when NFS storage is plugged then the SR can permanently deadlock; if the network is configured when OCFS2 storage is plugged then the host can crash.

TODO: should we add a Host.prepare_for_maintenance (better name TBD) to take care of all this without XenCenter having to script it. This would also help CLI and powershell users do the right thing.

TODO: should we insist that the host is rebooted to leave maintenance mode? This would make maintenance mode more reliable and allow us to integrate maintenance mode with xHA (where maintenance mode is a “staged reboot”)

TODO: should we leave all clusters as part of maintenance mode? We probably need to do this to avoid fencing.

Walk-through: adding OCFS2 storage

Assume you have an existing Pool of 2 hosts. First the client will set up the O2CB cluster, choosing where to put the global heartbeat volume. The client should check that the I/O paths have all been setup correctly with bonding and multipath and prompt the user to fix any obvious problems.

The client enables O2CB and then creates an SR

Internally within Pool.enable_o2cb Xapi will set up the cluster metadata on every host in the pool:

Xapi creates the cluster configuration and each host updates its metadata

At this point all hosts have in-sync cluster.conf files but all cluster services are disabled. We also have requires_mainenance=true on all Membership entries and the global Cluster has enabled=false. The client will now try to enable the cluster with Cluster.enable:

Xapi enables the cluster software on all hosts

Now all hosts are in the cluster and the SR can be created using the standard SM APIs.

Walk-through: remove a host

Assume you have an existing Pool of 2 hosts with o2cb clustering enabled and at least one ocfs2 filesystem mounted. If the host is online then XenAPI:Pool.eject will:

Xapi ejects a host from the pool

Note that:

  • All hosts will have modified their o2cb cluster.conf to comment out the former host
  • The Membership table still remembers the node number of the ejected host– this cannot be re-used until the SR is taken down for maintenance.
  • All hosts can see the difference between their current cluster.conf and the one they would use if they restarted the cluster service, so all hosts report that the cluster must be taken offline i.e. requires_maintence=true.

Summary of the impact on the admin

OCFS2 is fundamentally a different type of storage to all existing storage types supported by xapi. OCFS2 relies upon O2CB, which provides Host-level High Availability. All HA implementations (including O2CB and xhad) impose restrictions on the server admin to prevent unnecessary host “fencing” (i.e. crashing). Once we have OCFS2 as a feature, we will have to live with these restrictions which previously only applied when HA was explicitly enabled. To reduce complexity we will not try to enforce restrictions only when OCFS2 is being used or is likely to be used.

Impact even if not using OCFS2

  • “Maintenance mode” now includes detaching all storage.
  • Host network reconfiguration can only be done in maintenance mode
  • XenServer HA enable takes longer
  • XenServer HA failure detection takes longer
  • Network configuration with DHCP must be fully synchronous i.e. it wil block until the DHCP server responds. On a timeout, the change will not be made.

Impact when using OCFS2

  • Sometimes a host will not be able to join the pool without taking the pool into maintenance mode
  • Every VM will have to be XSM’ed (is that a verb?) to the new OCFS2 storage. This means that VMs with more than 2 snapshots will have their snapshots deleted; it means you need to provision another storage target, temporarily doubling your storage needs; and it will take a long time.
  • There will now be 2 different reasons why a host has fenced which the admin needs to understand.