Design document
Revision history
v1Initial version
v2Addition of `networkd_db` update for Upgrade
v3More info on `networkd_db` and API Errors

Management Interface on VLAN

This document describes design details for the REQ-42: Support Use of VLAN on XAPI Management Interface.

XAPI and XCP-Networkd

Creating a VLAN

Creating a VLAN is already there, Lisiting the steps to create a VLAN which is used later in the document. Steps:

  1. Check the PIFs created on a Host for physical devices eth0, eth1. xe pif-list params=uuid physical=true host-uuid=UUID this will list pif-UUID
  2. Create a new network for the VLAN interface. xe network-create name-label=VLAN1 It returns a new network-UUID
  3. Create a VLAN PIF. xe vlan-create pif-uuid=pif-UUID network-uuid=network-UUID vlan=VLAN-ID It returns a new VLAN PIF new-pif-UUID
  4. Plug the VLAN PIF. xe pif-plug uuid=new-pif-UUID
  5. Configure IP on the VLAN PIF. xe pif-reconfigure-ip uuid=new-pif-UUID mode= IP= netmask= gateway= DNS= This will configure IP on the PIF, here mode is must and other parametrs are needed on selecting mode=static

Similarly, creating a vlan pif can be achieved by corresponding XenAPI calls.

Recognise VLAN config from management.conf

For a newly installed host, If host installer was asked to put the management interface on given VLAN. We will expect a new entry VLAN=ID under /etc/firstboot.d/data/management.conf.

Listing current contents of management.conf which will be used later in the document. LABEL=eth0 -> Represents Pyhsical device on which Management Interface must reside. MODE=dhcp||static -> Represents IP configuration mode for the Management Interface. There can be other parameters like IP, NETMASK, GATEWAY and DNS when we have static mode. VLAN=ID -> New entry for specifying VLAN TAG going to be configured on device LABEL. Management interface going to be configured on this VLAN ID with specified mode.

Firstboot script need to recognise VLAN config

Firstboot script /etc/firstboot.d/30-prepare-networking need to be updated for configuring management interface to be on provided VLAN ID.

Steps to be followed:

  1. PIF.scan performed in the script must have created the PIFs for the underlying pyhsical devices.
  2. Get the PIF UUID for physical device LABEL.
  3. Repeat the steps mentioned in Creating a VLAN, i.e. network-create, vlan-create and pif-plug. Now we have a new PIF for the VLAN.
  4. Perform pif-reconfigure-ip for the new VLAN PIF.
  5. Perform host-management-reconfigure using new VLAN PIF.

XCP-Networkd need to recognise VLAN config during startup

XCP-Networkd during first boot and boot after pool eject gets the initial network setup from the management.conf and xensource-inventory file to update the network.db for management interface info. XCP-Networkd must honour the new VLAN config.

Steps to be followed:

  1. During startup read_config step tries to read the /var/lib/xcp/networkd.db file which is not yet created just after host installation.
  2. Since networkd.db read throws Read_Error, it tries to read network.dbcache which is also not available hence it goes to read read_management_conf file.
  3. There can be two possible MODE static or dhcp taken from management.conf.
  4. bridge_name is taken as MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE from xensource-inventory, further bridge_config and interface_config are build based on MODE.
  5. Call Bridge.make_config() and Interface.make_config() are performed with respective bridge_config and interface_config.

Updating networkd_db program

networkd_db provides the management interface info to the host installer during upgrade. It reads /var/lib/xcp/networkd.db file to output the Management Interface information. Here we need to update the networkd_db to output the VLAN information when vlan bridge is a input.

Steps to be followed:

  1. Currently VLAN interface IP information is provided correctly on passing VLAN bridge as input. networkd_db -iface xapi0 this will list mode as dhcp or static, if mode=static then it will provide ipaddr and netmask too.
  2. We need to udpate this program to provide VLAN ID and parent bridge info on passing VLAN bridge as input. networkd_db -bridge xapi0 It should output the VLAN info like: interfaces= vlan=vlanID parent=xenbr0 using the parent bridge user can identify the physical interfaces. Here we will extract VLAN and parent bridge from bridge_config under networkd.db.

Additional VLAN parameter for Emergency Network Reset

Detail design is mentioned on For using xe-reset-networking utility to configure management interface on VLAN, We need to add one more parameter --vlan=vlanID to the utility. There are certain parameters need to be passed to this utility: –master, –device, –mode, –ip, –netmask, –gateway, –dns and new one –vlan.

VLAN parameter addition to xe-reset-networking

Steps to be followed:

  1. Check if VLANID is passed then let bridge=xapi0.
  2. Write the bridge=xapi0 into xensource-inventory file, This should work as Xapi check avialable bridges while creating networks.
  3. Write the VLAN=vlanID into management.conf and /tmp/network-reset.
  4. Modify check_network_reset under to perform steps Creating a VLAN and perform management_reconfigure on vlan pif. Step Creating a VLAN must have created the VLAN record in Xapi DB similar to firstboot script.
  5. If no VLANID is specified then retain the current one, This utility must take the management interface info from networkd_db program and handle the VLAN config.

VLAN parameter addition to xsconsole Emergency Network Reset

Under Emergency Network Reset option under the Network and Management Interface menu. Selecting this option will show some explanation in the pane on the right-hand side. Pressing will bring up a dialogue to select the interfaces to use as management interface after the reset. After choosing a device, the dialogue continues with configuration options like in the Configure Management Interface dialogue. There will be an additionall option for VLAN in the dialogue. After completing the dialogue, the same steps as listed for xe-reset-networking are executed.

Updating Pool Join/Eject operations

Pool Join while Pool having Management Interface on a VLAN

Currently pool-join fails if VLANs are present on the host joining a pool. We need to allow pool-join only if Pool and host joining a pool both has management interface on same VLAN.

Steps to be followed:

  1. Under pre_join_checks update function assert_only_physical_pifs to check Pool master management_interface is on same VLAN.
  2. Call Host.get_management_interface on Pool master and get the vlanID, match it with localhost management_interface VLAN ID. If it matches then allow pool-join.
  3. In case if there are multiple VLANs on host joining a pool, fail the pool-join gracefully.
  4. After the pool-join, Host xapi db will get sync from pool master xapi db, This will be fine to have management interface on VLAN.

Pool Eject while host ejected having Management Interface on a VLAN

Currently managament interface VLAN config on host is not been retained in xensource-inventory or management.conf file. We need to retain the vlanID under config files.

Steps to be followed:

  1. Under call Pool.eject we need to update write_first_boot_management_interface_configuration_file function.
  2. Check if management_interface is on VLAN then get the VLANID from the pif.
  3. Update the VLANID into the managament.conf file and the bridge into xensource-inventory file. In order to be retained by XCP-Networkd on startup after the host is ejected.

New API for Pool Management Reconfigure

Currently there is no Pool Level API to reconfigure management_interface for all of the Hosts in a Pool at once. API Pool.management_reconfigure will be needed in order to reconfigure manamegemnt_interface on all hosts in a Pool to the same Network either VLAN or Physical.

Current behaviour to change the Management Interface on Host

Currently call Host.management_reconfigure with VLAN pif-uuid can change the management_interface to specified VLAN. Listing the steps to understand the workflow of management_interface reconfigure. We will be using Host.management_reconfigure call inside the new API.

Steps performed during management_reconfigure:

  1. bring_pif_up get called for the pif.
  2. xensource-inventory get updated with the latest info of interface. 3 update-mh-info updates the management_mac into xenstore.
  3. Http server gets restarted, even though xapi listen on all IP addresses, This new interface as _the_ management interface is used by slaves to connect to pool master.
  4. on_dom0_networking_change refreshes console URIs for the new IP address.
  5. Xapi db is updated with new management interface info.

Management Reconfigure on Pool from Physical Network to VLAN Network or from VLAN Network to Other VLAN Network or from VLAN Network to Physical Network

Listing steps to be performed manually on each Host or Pool as a prerequisite to use the New API. We need to make sure that new network which is going to be a management interface has PIFs configured on each Host. In case of pyhsical network we will assume pifs are configured on each host, In case of vlan network we need to create vlan pifs on each Host. We would assume that VLAN is available on the switch/network.

Manual steps to be performed before calling new API:

  1. Create a vlan network on pool via network.create, In case of pyhsical NICs network must be present.
  2. Create a vlan pif on each host via VLAN.create using above network ref, physical PIF ref and vlanID, Not needed in case of pyhsical network. Or An Alternate call pool.create_VLAN providing device and above network will create vlan PIFs for all hosts in a pool.
  3. Perform PIF.reconfigure_ip for each new Network PIF on each Host.

If User wishes to change the management interface manually on each Host in a Pool, We should allow it, There will be a guideline for that:

User can individually change management interface on each host calling Host.management_reconfigure using pifs on physical devices or vlan pifs. This must be perfomed on slaves first and lastly on Master, As changing management_interface on master will disconnect slaves from master then further calls Host.management_reconfigure cannot be performed till master recover slaves via call pool.recover_slaves.

API Details

  • Pool.management_reconfigure
    • Parameter: network reference network.
    • Calling this function configures management_interface on each host of a pool.
    • For the network provided it will check pifs are present on each Host, In case of VLAN network it will check vlan pifs on provided network are present on each Host of Pool.
    • Check IP is configured on above pifs on each Host.
    • If PIFs are not present or IP is not configured on PIFs this call must fail gracefully, Asking user to configure them.
    • Call Host.management_reconfigure on each slave then lastly on master.
    • Call pool.recover_slaves on master inorder to recover slaves which might have lost the connection to master.

API errors

Possible API errors that may be raised by pool.management_reconfigure:

  • INTERFACE_HAS_NO_IP : the specified PIF (pif parameter) has no IP configuration. The new API checks for all PIFs on the new Network has IP configured. There might be a case when user has forgotten to configure IP on PIF on one or many of the Hosts in a Pool.


  • REQUIRED_PIF_NOT_PRESENT : the specified Network (network parameter) has no PIF present on the host in pool. There might be a case when user has forgotten to create vlan pif on one or many of the Hosts in a Pool.


  1. CP-14027
  2. CP-14028
  3. CP-14029
  4. CP-14030
  5. CP-14031
  6. CP-14032
  7. CP-14033