Design document
Statusreleased (5.6)

Heterogeneous pools


  • The cpuid instruction is used to obtain a CPU’s manufacturer, family, model, stepping and features information.
  • The feature bitvector is 128 bits wide: 2 times 32 bits of base features plus 2 times 32 bits of extended features, which are referred to as base_ecx, base_edx, ext_ecx and ext_edx (after the registers used by cpuid to store the results).
  • The feature bits can be masked by Intel FlexMigration and AMD Extended Migration. This means that features can be made to appear as absent. Hence, a CPU can appear as a less-capable CPU.
    • AMD Extended Migration is able to mask both base and extended features.
    • Intel FlexMigration on Core 2 CPUs (Penryn) is able to mask only the base features (base_ecx and base_edx). The newer Nehalem and Westmere CPUs support extended-feature masking as well.
  • A process in dom0 (e.g. xapi) is able to call cpuid to obtain the (possibly modified) CPU info, or can obtain this information from Xen. Masking is done only by Xen at boot time, before any domains are loaded.
  • To apply a feature mask, a dom0 process may specify the mask in the Xen command line in the file /boot/extlinux.conf. After a reboot, the mask will be enforced.
  • It is not possible to obtain the original features from a dom0 process, if the features have been masked. Before applying the first mask, the process could remember/store the original feature vector, or obtain the information from Xen.
  • All CPU cores on a host can be assumed to be identical. Masking will be done simultaneously on all cores in a host.
  • Whether a CPU supports FlexMigration/Extended Migration can (only) be derived from the family/model/stepping information.
  • XS5.5 has an exception for the EST feature in base_ecx. This flag is ignored on pool join.

Overview of XenAPI Changes


Currently, the datamodel has Host_cpu objects for each CPU core in a host. As they are all identical, we are considering keeping just one CPU record in the Host object itself, and deprecating the Host_cpu class. For backwards compatibility, the Host_cpu objects will remain as they are in MNR, but may be removed in subsequent releases.

Hence, there will be a new field called Host.cpu_info, a read-only string-string map, containing the following fixed set of keys:

Key nameDescription
cpu_countThe number of CPU cores in the host.
familyThe family (number) of the CPU.
featuresThe current (possibly masked) feature vector, as given by cpuid. Format: "<base_ecx>-<base_edx>-<ext_ecx>-<ext_edx>", 4 groups of 8 hexadecimal digits, separated by dashes.
features_after_rebootThe feature vector to be used after rebooting the host. This field can be modified by calling Host.set_cpu_features. Same format as features.
flagsThe flags of the physical CPU (a decoded version of the features field).
maskableIndicating whether the CPU supports Intel FlexMigration or AMD Extended Migration. There are three possible values: "no" means that masking is not possible, "base" means that only base features can be masked, and "full" means that base as well as extended features can be masked.
modelThe model number of the CPU.
modelnameThe model name of the CPU.
physical_featuresThe original, unmasked features. Same format as features.
speedThe speed of the CPU.
steppingThe stepping of the CPU.
vendorThe manufacturer of the CPU.

Indicating whether the CPU supports Intel FlexMigration or AMD Extended Migration. There are three possible values: "no" means that masking is not possible, "base" means that only base features can be masked, and "full" means that base as well as extended features can be masked.

Note: When the features and features_after_reboot are different, XenCenter could display a warning saying that a reboot is needed to enforce the feature masking.

The Pool.other_config:cpuid_feature_mask key is recognised. If this key is present and if it contains a value in the same format as Host.cpu_info:features, the value is used to mask the feature vectors before comparisons during any pool join in the pool it is defined on. This can be used to white-list certain feature flags, i.e. to ignore them when adding a new host to a pool. The default it ffffff7f-ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff, which white-lists the EST feature for compatibility with XS 5.5 and earlier.


New messages:

  • Host.set_cpu_features
    • Parameters: Host reference host, new CPU feature vector features.
    • Roles: only Pool Operator and Pool Admin.
    • Sets the feature vector to be used after a reboot (Host.cpu_info:features_after_reboot), if features is valid.
  • Host.reset_cpu_features
    • Parameter: Host reference host.
    • Roles: only Pool Operator and Pool Admin.
    • Removes the feature mask, such that after a reboot all features of the CPU are enabled.



  • Xen keeps the physical (unmasked) CPU features in memory when starts, before applying any masks. Xen exposes the physical features, as well as the current (possibly masked) features, to dom0/xapi via the function xc_get_boot_cpufeatures in libxc.
  • A dom0 script /etc/xensource/libexec/xen-cmdline, which provides a future-proof way of modifying the Xen command-line key/value pairs. This script has the following options, where mask is one of cpuid_mask_ecx, cpuid_mask_edx, cpuid_mask_ext_ecx or cpuid_mask_ext_edx, and value is 0xhhhhhhhh (h is represents a hex digit).:
    • --list-cpuid-masks
    • --set-cpuid-masks mask=value mask=value
    • --delete-cpuid-masks mask mask
  • A restrict_cpu_masking key has been added to the host licensing restrictions map. This will be true when the Host.edition is free, and false if it is enterprise or platinum.


The Host.cpu_info field is refreshed:

  • The values for the keys cpu_count, vendor, speed, modelname, flags, stepping, model, and family are obtained from /etc/xensource/boot_time_cpus (and ultimately from /proc/cpuinfo).
  • The values of the features and physical_features are obtained from Xen and the features_after_reboot key is made equal to the features field.
  • The value of the maskable key is determined by the CPU details.
    • for Intel Core2 (Penryn) CPUs: family = 6 and (model = 1dh or (model = 17h and stepping >= 4)) (maskable = "base")
    • for Intel Nehalem/Westmere CPUs: family = 6 and ((model = 1ah and stepping > 2) or model = 1eh or model = 25h or model = 2ch or model = 2eh or model = 2fh) (maskable = "full")
    • for AMD CPUs: family >= 10h (maskable = "full")

Setting (Masking) and Resetting the CPU Features

  • The Host.set_cpu_features call:
    • checks whether the license of the host is Enterprise or Platinum; throws FEATURE_RESTRICTED if not.
    • expects a string of 32 hexadecimal digits, optionally containing spaces; throws INVALID_FEATURE_STRING if malformed.
    • checks whether the given feature vector can be formed by masking the physical feature vector; throws INVALID_FEATURE_STRING if not. Note that on Intel Core 2 CPUs, it is only possible to the mask the base features!
    • checks whether the CPU supports FlexMigration/Extended Migration; throws CPU_FEATURE_MASKING_NOT_SUPPORTED if not.
    • sets the value of features_after_reboot to the given feature vector.
    • adds the new feature mask to the Xen command-line via the xen-cmdline script. The mask is represented by one or more of the following key/value pairs (where h represents a hex digit):
      • cpuid_mask_ecx=0xhhhhhhhh
      • cpuid_mask_edx=0xhhhhhhhh
      • cpuid_mask_ext_ecx=0xhhhhhhhh
      • cpuid_mask_ext_edx=0xhhhhhhhh
  • The Host.reset_cpu_features call:
    • copies physical_features to features_after_reboot.
    • removes the feature mask from the Xen command-line via the xen-cmdline script (if any).

Pool Join and Eject

  • Pool.join fails when the vendor and feature keys do not match, and disregards any other key in Host.cpu_info.
    • However, as XS5.5 disregards the EST flag, there is a new way to disregard/ignore feature flags on pool join, by setting a mask in Pool.other_config:cpuid_feature_mask. The value of this field should have the same format as Host.cpu_info:features. When comparing the CPUID features of the pool and the joining host for equality, this mask is applied before the comparison. The default is ffffff7f-ffffffff-ffffffff-ffffffff, which defines the EST feature, bit 7 of the base ecx flags, as “don’t care”.
  • Pool.eject clears the database (as usual), and additionally removes the feature mask from /boot/extlinux.conf (if any).


New commands:

  • host-cpu-info
    • Parameters: uuid (optional, uses localhost if absent).
    • Lists Host.cpu_info associated with the host.
  • host-get-cpu-features
    • Parameters: uuid (optional, uses localhost if absent).
    • Returns the value of Host.cpu_info:features] associated with the host.
  • host-set-cpu-features
    • Parameters: features (string of 32 hexadecimal digits, optionally containing spaces or dashes), uuid (optional, uses localhost if absent).
    • Calls Host.set_cpu_features.
  • host-reset-cpu-features
    • Parameters: uuid (optional, uses localhost if absent).
    • Calls Host.reset_cpu_features.

The following commands will be deprecated: host-cpu-list, host-cpu-param-get, host-cpu-param-list.


If the user is able to set any mask they like, they may end up disabling CPU features that are required by dom0 (and probably other guest OSes), resulting in a kernel panic when the machine restarts. Hence, using the set function is potentially dangerous.

It is apparently not easy to find out exactly which flags are safe to mask and which aren’t, so we cannot prevent an API/CLI user from making mistakes in this way. However, using XenCenter would always be safe, as XC always copies features masks from real hosts.

If a machine ends up in such a bad state, there is a way to get out of it. At the boot prompt (before Xen starts), you can type “menu.c32”, select a boot option and alter the Xen command-line to remove the feature masks, after which the machine will again boot normally (note: in our set-up, there is first a PXE boot prompt; the second prompt is the one we mean here).

The API/CLI documentation should stress the potential danger of using this functionality, and explain how to get out of trouble again.