Design document
Statusreleased (6.0.2)

Emergency Network Reset Design

This document describes design details for the PR-1032 requirements.

The design consists of four parts:

  1. A new XenAPI call Host.reset_networking, which removes all the PIFs, Bonds, VLANs and tunnels associated with the given host, and a call PIF.scan_bios to bring back the PIFs with device names as defined in the BIOS.
  2. A xe-reset-networking script that can be executed on a XenServer host, which prepares the reset and causes the host to reboot.
  3. An xsconsole page that essentially does the same as xe-reset-networking.
  4. A new item in the XAPI start-up sequence, which when triggered by xe-reset-networking, calls Host.reset_networking and re-creates the PIFs.

Command-Line Utility

The xe-reset-networking script takes the following parameters:

-m, --masterThe IP address of the master. Optional if the host is pool slave, ignored otherwise.
--deviceDevice name of management interface. Optional. If not specified, it is taken from the firstboot data.
--modeIP configuration mode for management interface. Optional. Either dhcp or static (default is dhcp).
--ipIP address for management interface. Required if --mode=static, ignored otherwise.
--netmaskNetmask for management interface. Required if --mode=static, ignored otherwise.
--gatewayGateway for management interface. Optional; ignored if --mode=dhcp.
--dnsDNS server for management interface. Optional; ignored if --mode=dhcp.

DNS server for management interface. Optional; ignored if --mode=dhcp.

The script takes the following steps after processing the given parameters:

  1. Inform the user that the host will be restarted, and that any running VMs should be shut down. Make the user confirm that they really want to reset the networking by typing ‘yes’.
  2. Read /etc/xensource/pool.conf to determine whether the host is a pool master or pool slave.
  3. If a pool slave, update the IP address in the pool.conf file to the one given in the -m parameter, if present.
  4. Shut down networking subsystem (service network stop).
  5. If no management device is specified, take it from /etc/firstboot.d/data/management.conf.
  6. If XAPI is running, stop it.
  7. Reconfigure the management interface and associated bridge by interface-reconfigure --force.
  8. Update MANAGEMENT_INTERFACE and clear CURRENT_INTERFACES in /etc/xensource-inventory.
  9. Create the file /tmp/network-reset to trigger XAPI to complete the network reset after the reboot. This file should contain the full configuration details of the management interface as key/value pairs (format: <key>=<value>\n), and looks similar to the firstboot data files. The file contains at least the keys DEVICE and MODE, and IP, NETMASK, GATEWAY, or DNS when appropriate.
  10. Reboot



A new hidden API call:

  • Host.reset_networking
    • Parameter: host reference host
    • Calling this function removes all the PIF, Bond, VLAN and tunnel objects associated with the given host from the master database. All Network and VIF objects are maintained, as these do not necessarily belong to a single host.

Start-up Sequence

After reboot, in the XAPI start-up sequence trigged by the presence of /tmp/network-reset:

  1. Read the desired management configuration from /tmp/network-reset.
  2. Call Host.reset_networking with a ref to the localhost.
  3. Call PIF.scan with a ref to the localhost to recreate the (physical) PIFs.
  4. Call PIF.reconfigure_ip to configure the management interface.
  5. Call Host.management_reconfigure.
  6. Delete /tmp/network-reset.


Add an “Emergency Network Reset” option under the “Network and Management Interface” menu. Selecting this option will show some explanation in the pane on the right-hand side. Pressing <Enter> will bring up a dialogue to select the interfaces to use as management interface after the reset. After choosing a device, the dialogue continues with configuration options like in the “Configure Management Interface” dialogue. After completing the dialogue, the same steps as listed for xe-reset-networking are executed.


  • On a pool slave, the management interface should be the same as on the master (the same device name, e.g. eth0).
  • Resetting the networking configuration on the master should be ideally be followed by resets of the pool slaves as well, in order to synchronise their configuration (especially bonds/VLANs/tunnels). Furthermore, in case the IP address of the master has changed, as a result of a network reset or Host.management_reconfigure, pool slaves may also use the network reset functionality to reconnect to the master on its new IP.