A client allows you to access remote disks
A Client allows you to list the disks available on a server, connect to a specific disk and then issue read and write requests.
include Mirage_block.S
with type error =
[ Mirage_block.error | `Protocol_error of Nbd.Protocol.Error.t ]
and type write_error =
[ Mirage_block.write_error | `Protocol_error of Nbd.Protocol.Error.t ]
val pp_error : error Fmt.t
type nonrec write_error = [
| `Disconnected |
| `Is_read_only |
| `Protocol_error of Nbd.Protocol.Error.t |
val pp_write_error : write_error Fmt.t
val disconnect : t -> unit Lwt.t
val get_info : t -> Mirage_block.info Lwt.t
val write :
t ->
int64 ->
Cstruct.t list ->
( unit, write_error ) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
val list :
Nbd.Channel.channel ->
( string list, [ `Policy | `Unsupported ] ) Stdlib.result Lwt.t
list channel
returns a list of exports known by the server. `Error `Policy
means the server has this function disabled deliberately. `Error `Unsupported
means the server is old and does not support the query function.
val negotiate :
Nbd.Channel.channel ->
string ->
(t * size * Nbd.Protocol.PerExportFlag.t list) Lwt.t
negotiate channel export
takes an already-connected channel, performs the initial protocol negotiation and connects to the named export. Returns disk * remote disk size * flags