A | |
add [Backtrace] |
Associate additional backtrace with an exception.
E | |
empty [Backtrace] |
An empty backtrace
G | |
get [Backtrace] |
Get a copy of the backtrace associated with
I | |
is_important [Backtrace] |
Declare that the backtrace is important for debugging and should be
permanently associated with the exception.
O | |
of_json [Backtrace.Interop] | of_json source_name json : unmarshals a json-format backtrace from
R | |
remove [Backtrace] |
Get a backtrace associated with
exn and remove it from the tables.
reraise [Backtrace] | reraise old new associates the backtrace of old with new
and throws new .
S | |
set_my_name [Backtrace] |
Every backtrace line will include a name for this process.
sexp_of_t [Backtrace] |
A backtrace from a particular thread.
T | |
t_of_sexp [Backtrace] | |
to_string_hum [Backtrace] |
Produce a human-readable printable/loggable version of the
W | |
with_backtraces [Backtrace] |
Allow backtraces to be recorded for this thread.